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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. I'm glad to see you back on track Mr Ansari. I know how a new job where you have certain responsibilities can affect your hobbies. Keep those eyes rolling.
  2. Level 63 NE Priest on Andhorhal. Maybe I will join with a new char in the server where suzu and others play, IF I come back to WoW. Account has been suspended for a couple of months now XD.
  3. he said you might Imagine it to be forced, as in, before listening to the song, yo remember the three songs he mentioned and they don't quite sound like they would fit together. I did imagine the three songs and they did sounded they would be forced together, but after listening to the mix I thought they sounded good, as sakurai himself stated. He is not saying that they sound forced, just that some people would think they would sound forced together.
  4. I'm extremely biased towards anything kid icarus, so although the instruments sounded a bit thin, I loved this. (I still prefer Nixdorux' version of the main theme, but this one fits more for the battle environment)
  5. If that's who I think he is, (I'm pretty sure I know) I'm happy that at least this track from my unrealized secret project will get on the site . I have hopes for two more tracks getting up as well, I'm crossing my fingers...
  6. My Destiny seems to be to never get a YES from Larry. He hates the boomtissery with a passion. Damn you and your judgeftry!!!1! EDIT: this is a judgehate thread amirite?
  7. fun stuff. I liked this item, looks fun, but only if the smoke gets very thick.
  8. ah bumps, how I missed thee. I will be entering this btw. I'm not just remixing right away because now I feel I can take this in a more relaxed way =) I hope to see more entrants though.
  9. yeah, of course, I understood it perfectly. I'm thinking of trying to do it using the rv7000, since it has a "reverse" mode which I can take advantage of to create the "scratch". I've yet to try it but I think it could work, it all depends on how "dry" I can get the output signal to be, so it sounds more like the sound being reversed and fast-fowarded rather than a reversed reeverb being manipulated. We'll see.
  10. hah! I knew it, they will be fleshing out the story to make it more KH-esque. Awesomeness. I can't wait to see how things will end up being. This game is breaking, and will continue to break all my expectations.
  11. Frankly i don't remember how I did it, I know it involved lots of lfo cv modulation and a few samplers. I will see if i can submit a more polished version, as I made that one almost by accident XD (sometimes I just sit and experiment, and when I get wicked results that I like I save them) EDIT: Malcos, the scratching sounds cool. Is that combi an insert, or a scratching sound generator? because mine isn't something that you can insert and converts the sound into scratching, although, I might have an idea of how that could be accomplished... gonna try it when I get home.
  12. oh wow, playlisted by good ol' Ferry, that's big. I'm very happy for Jordan, there's only one way to go from here, and it's up! onward to victory, mighty trance lords!
  13. Well that's nice, new characters announcements. I hope Sakurai doesn't goes as far as to announce all new characters though. But for those who whine every day about lame updates, this one was for you.
  14. I was waiting for this price cut to gather some money for a xbox360, but seeing that one of my main reasons to get one(GoW) will come to the PC, and that this means that most good games will eventually come to pc, my interest in an xbox360 has dissipated a little. Rock band with its awesome peripherals and download content promises might change my mind, unless it eventually comes to the wii, which is first in my next-gen shopping list.
  15. Larry is gold. Or at least his pubefro is.
  16. I told you befor ebut, happy bday miss! Well last time my take on the source tune was met with failure, so let's hope I have better luck this time. I played this game a lot too, so maybe that helps XD. Good luck everyone! EDIT: I also like that I have two weeks for this, so there's no excuse for people to try this out!
  17. coincidentally, I've made a few patches that emulate some of the vanguard's presets, and a few days ago I also made a scratching patch, which was pretty fun to mess around with.
  18. looks good. If you need a spanish translator, estoy a sus órdenes, spanish is my first language
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