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Everything posted by !Nekko!

  1. I'm a ripoff of my parents.
  2. Quit griping about who took what from where and think of the possibilities! I could see this goo bomb being a fun game of keep away. I remember an item in Gauntlet Legends where you became IT and it was just a game of tag with the other players. I don't think it actually did anything, but it was pretty entertaining being announced who was it. I'm a pretty reckless and suicidal player when I play smash, so I could see myself having a LOT of fun with this.
  3. I wonder if they will have the character's follow each other's movements with their heads (kinda like Mario looking back). Just an aesthetic detail, but I would think it would add a little more life to the fighters.
  4. Well, Up is jump, but you can still do up+button attacks without too much problem. I don't see why being able to crouch/crouch walk would be different. I guess you'll have to get used to quickly hitting down+B instead of holding it down.
  5. Check back at my post on the last page (p. 255). Composers can be independent of their game companies, so don't get your hopes up. The prospect of composing music for their game's character's level is definitely a tasty thought, though.
  6. Not exactly the info dump I was expecting but still kind of cool. This will only be truly cool if they actually update it almost daily. The musician list was kind of neat. I know a lot of people are going to be speculating whose going to be in the game based on that list, even though most of those game composers are probably just free-lance now, like Nobuo Uematsu. Now to wait until tomorrow!
  7. No prob. When do you people think Nintendo they release N64 Smash on virtual console if they do. Simultaneously, near release, or just completely independent? I would say at least a week ahead of Brawl being released to create some hype. I would think simultaneously might take some thunder away from brawl (though doubtful), but because theres probably a bigger markup on N64 smash, it might be more profitable for them.
  8. Heres the article for those who can't access it. Then it lists the release date of a bunch of unrelated games.
  9. Nooooo, they're going to announce a delay. Duh, Atmuh said so.
  10. I don't remember finishing Brood War, but I spotted this video on youtube. Did they leave this part of the plot hanging?
  11. http://media.pc.ign.com/media/850/850126/imgs_1.html Screens posted.
  12. Time to reinstall StarCraft!
  13. Didn't they start taking him out of Mario Party games as a playable character?
  14. Shit, at this point, ANYTHING new will make me happy.
  15. http://www.smashbros.com/ 6 more days until something! These countdown sites seem to be the flavor of the week. Blizzard and Fallout are two big ones I know off the top of my head.
  16. 2. You don't need 1 and they fix everything wrong with the first one.
  17. I've also heard some games get really confused when dealing with two cores (at least in XP). A lot of people I know who had a AMD X2 processor have to disable one core before playing BattleField 2. Something to check out. I still recommend a Core 2 Duo because it's an outstanding processor and you'll probably get your money out of it for a long time yet.
  18. http://www23.tomshardware.com/cpu.html?modelx=33&model1=432&model2=431&chart=167 Tom's Hardware is awesome. Just try out different bench marks and check the difference. From what I'm seeing, there seems to be about a 10% increase in performance in almost all areas between the E6600 and the E6700. On newegg.com, the E6600 costs $226 and the E6700 is going for $320. That's almost a 50% increase in price for only ~10% increase in performance which probably wouldn't be discernible anyway. So unless you find a really good deal on the E6700 on ebay, go with the E6600.
  19. With an added quality boost to boot if I remember right.
  20. After I start up my laptop, it will connect to the router (show the wireless symbol in the taskbar), but periodically I won't have an internet connection. If I turn my firewall off, my internet will work. Same thing happens, though, when my firewall is off already. I start my firewall, and I can connect to the internet. The router is a Dlink WBR-1310 Wireless G Router. http://www.dlink.com/products/?pid=474 and using Windows XP on a HP Pavillion ze4900 and fairly sure all drivers and such are up to date.
  21. Are WoW ads showing up for anyone else too? I thought that was somewhat amusing.
  22. Oh sweet Jesus. This might be interesting.
  23. Supposedly fake, though definitely not improbable. http://www.gamerevolution.com/manifesto/view.php?id=264
  24. Falcon Punch! Fear the knee!
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