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Everything posted by !Nekko!

  1. Quoted for emphasis. It's hard to explain - it's a little more chaotic than before, but you can be even more strategic. They balanced a ton of stuff out and there is so much more character. It's way more fun to play on all levels.
  2. I'm thinking of getting a digital camera. I don't know a whole bunch about them besides what resolutions they shoot at. I'm just looking for something that has a good resolution, good quality pictures, and a fairly large view screen. I would prefer to spend under $200. It'll just be a basic general purpose digital camera that I don't expect too much out of, but if it's an amazing camera for it's price, then I'm not opposed to spending a little more.
  3. Is there a live feed/live press release info about this?
  4. We should probably remember the internet video threads if we get too carried away.
  5. hahahaha Same person http://youtube.com/watch?v=Z8IiJk4Imds
  6. I'm getting there, too. My friend just bought a 360 and I'd pick one if I liked more games/liked enough games to make it worth while. I love Live and the fact you have access to a ton of demos and videos. Nintendo seems so set on trying to be unique that imitation is completely out of the question, even though it would definitely help them out. Another though. Are taunt animations out since the + pad controls all the verbal taunts? Looks like you can customize, so I'm hoping animated taunts are still in (maybe even more than one per character).
  7. Did valve actually end up releasing the beta? It was winding down to the wee hours and the TF2 beta still wasn't out.
  8. blind does have some pretty tits tracks. Welcome to OCR
  9. Linkspast already hit the point for me. Besides, there's already a general FF7 thread. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=11942&page=4
  10. Sup. You should go this-a-way. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=10835 And here while you're at it. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=12
  11. That's what I thought, as well. The game is made. Play it.
  12. On a different note... why does this thread exists? The game is like... 15 years old.
  13. In the PSU discussion. If there are more than one 12V rails, combine the amps for the total. The amperage rating on video cards is the recommended rating for the system, not just for the card, so splitting amperage between two rails for you system will do the trick. And so far with Vista, to make it run perfectly, you need something like 4 GB of RAM, a huge video card, plus a whole mishmash of other things.
  14. Still wouldn't make me buy a PS3
  15. My network here lets me pull off 300 - 1000 kB/s uploads, so I'm hoping my school doesn't take a shit on me for uploading so much.
  16. I still plan on firebombing Nintendo if they don't bring back Captain.
  17. Torrenting - will get around to seeding the MP3s once I get those downloaded and then working on the wavs. Also... Fuckin' bLiNd and FFmusic DJ! Talk about making me remember why I love trance and hardcore so much.
  18. My emotion because of this thread right now: ...rofl
  19. I second the motion for using music on my SD card. I also wonder how many choices there are per level, because there are scrolling arrows in those screenshots. One of those screenshots had scroll arrows up and down, so at least 6! Hopefully I get my Wii fixed in time for this game :3
  20. I haven't read through the thread, nor will I risk reading the after this, but would someone PM me whether it would be a good idea to play Metroid Prime 2 before playing MP3? This game sounds awesome, and once I get my Wii repaired, I might consider picking it up.
  21. Unplugging it and replugging it hasn't done anything. I left it unplug for the good part of a day and replugged it back it and it still doesn't work. I got a repair order and Nintendo is sending me a Pre-Paid shipping label in the next day or two, so I'll find out what happens after that. They better send me back Resident Evil 4, too, the fuckers. I've also heard they've sent in a free game back with systems, but I'm not getting my hopes up.
  22. PC - Chavez Laptop - Suarez *shrug*
  23. Eject button does the clicking thing like the power button and nothing comes out. The system was off for a few days before I noticed it wasn't working. I just hit the power button and realized the system wouldn't turn on. I'm at my parents for the weekend, so I can't try the third thing out. Do you mean holding the power button while plugging the power supply back in or just press the power and then plug in the power supply?
  24. I digg it. I just wonder how the transitions work. It looks like you can fall off the sides while in the elevator, but not if a full, flat stage shows up.
  25. No dice. Left it unplugged all night and still no response. Well this sucks.
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