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Everything posted by !Nekko!

  1. Pretty much copy and pasted from the Wii thread in Comm. It appears my Wii does not want to turn on. The power button light is red, so theres some power getting to my Wii, but when I hit the power button, nothing happens except a tiny, quiet clicking sound when I hold the power button down. The last thing I ever did was update the Wii and played Super Metroid and I turned off the system using the power button since I took out the batteries from the Wiimote for the Wavebird. My RE4 disk is in there too . I didn't mod it, but it is a launch Wii, which probably is what the problem stems from. So anyway. Does anyone know anything I can try or any sites to help me out? Nintendo had a page relating to power issues, but it didn't give me much help. Thanks.
  2. Bit of a quandary here. It appears my Wii does not want to turn on. The power button light is red, so theres some power getting to my Wii, but when I hit the power button, nothing happens. I hear a tiny, quiet clicking sound. The last thing I ever did was play Super Metroid and I turned off the system like normal. And my RE4 disk is in there too . I didn't mod it, but it is a launch Wii, which probably is what the problem stems from. So anyway. Does anyone know anything I can try or any sites to help me out? Nintendo had a page relating to power issues, but it didn't give me much help. Thanks.
  3. I like SMB 2 and neither SMB 1 nor SMB 3. Try that on for size.
  4. !Nekko!


    In case you never got around to finding the link: http://www.di.fm/edmguide/edmguide.html Awesome website that touch on a lot of genre's of electronic music and give you a bunch of examples to listen from. Personally, I'm getting into the jazzier side of DnB/Jungle music - Ishkur's guide > Jungle > the Jazzstep, atmospheric and liquid funk.
  5. Voodoo dolls creep the shit out of me.
  6. AC smash will involve resetti, I think we can all agree on that.
  7. School network. I was pulling off 1.3 meg upload I got a X1950XT also and it ran awesome. Short demo though.
  8. Check pirate bay for the torrent. Theres about 40 seeds and about 10000 leachers. http://thepiratebay.org/tor/3778797/BioShock_PC_Demo Edit: I'm up to about 60 kb/s down and about 200 kb/s, so it's not completely hopeless.
  9. I got mine going, but it's downloading at about 7 kb/s. What's everyone else's rates?
  10. I think I discovered OCR either late 2002 or early 2003 after finding a song on Kazaa back in the day with OCREMIX in the title. I went on a trip to New Orleans March of 2003 and had burned probably a dozen remix CDs organized by game for the trip. I joined about a month after that. I probably lurked for a good year or two before making any significant posts. I think it was Laos comedy contest (or whatever it was called) that I started posting more.
  11. Entertaining video concerning THE KNEE
  12. I think we should play with him. "Dude - Awesome music! Can you make a remix from Super Mario 3, but make it seem like it's porno music? That would be so hilarious!"
  13. I will call upon Armageddon if they touch Captain Falcon.
  14. Yeah. I would wreck that.
  15. If you can get a hold of it, Chiller is an awesome (not because it's good) unauthorized light gun game, but you can use your controller, too. I mean, the last level is a torture chamber where you torture different people in different horrific ways. How awesome is that?!
  16. Am I the only one who thinks these things are going to be hard as hell to see/find?
  17. So wasn't the internet channel supposed to be disabled after a certain point? I just plugged my Wii in after working for the summer and it's still there. Or is it the "full" version that I have to buy.
  18. I have absolutely no clue what's going on in your sig, but I think I like it.
  19. This... is fascinating.
  20. They're having 4 Futurama movies. The first of which I think is coming out in late November. They're turning the movies into episodes later for Comedy Central.
  21. Actually, that artist got approached by Matt Groening to do work for him.
  22. Come on Captain Falcon. SHOW ME YOURSELF AND YOUR MOVES!
  23. Ninjas with bananas lol
  24. Where the hell is my main man, Falcon?!
  25. My birthday is on tax day.
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