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Everything posted by m68030

  1. Omg wtf. no. no no no no no. samples straight from the cd, random acid loops? no. NO
  2. Grok. Whyfor must people have blub notes? Makes me sad. Anyway, this is a not badly arranged little airwolf track. I especially dig the ending section with the more glissy parts, and the vintage SID sound is pretty cool, but the fact that up until that ending section (and the blub note that made me frown like one of those goofy sad clowns) not alot really happens in this track. Definatly has some potential, but right now there just isn't enough development from the original theme. NO
  3. http://www.descent2.com/dorsola/modcoll_m.htm Original Unreal soundtrack in S3M here. Why has no one dug this up yet? Took me like 30 seconds. Basically this is a fruity version of the original. *drives a nice nali into it* ha, i made a pun! NO
  4. I think enough has been said. All I can ask is: Development? NO
  5. Refreshing to hear someone at least have a clue what they're doing. *sigh* Anyway, nice programming on the synths, nice control of broken drum beats, etc etc. On the topic of the potential wrong note at 2:49 - 2:50, you're hearing some residual reverb I think. To me, it sounds fine. Might stray from the standard fair of the key, it's definatly not offtone, especially given some of the wandering nature of some of the other melody. Well, I think the Evil Dead clips near the end are a little pointless, and it definatly gets old by that point... kinda struggly to keep something worth listening to. The problem with all this highly articulated stuff is that it's pretty quick to run out of steam. There are only so many rythmic variations you can throw into a drum beat before it gets old, and without a very highly thematic lead, there's just not alot of developement to keep me listening. HOWEVER~! This is still scores better than most of the stuff I've been listening to in my last little judging run, so I'll give this one at least a non-thumbs down. YES
  6. So basically this is a not very complex arrangement of the original with some higher quality samples? I'm a little torn over this one. The flange effect seems totally out of place, however it DOES sound good, I'm just curious as to if I think this really is OCR material. First off, it's far too short. I guess the real question is what is this remix trying to accomplish? I don't feel this really offers anything new on the theme. NO
  7. Well we obviously have to link to the DWI or whatever DDR program they used for this, however given the genre, i think that'd be neat. Also, I think in possible expansions of OCR links to pc ddr files would be cool. I know there are other ones out there. YES
  8. Wrong notes? I will lay down my juding position before I OK a mix with wrong notes like that. NO
  9. The similarity in this mix to some instruments used by FFMusicDJ makes me question if these are not presets that are starting to border on cliche. Granted this is acceptable for this genre of music, i really feel like this is a substandard dance mix. There is not enough movement in the development of the track to facilitate dance music. For a track like this to be less than 3 minutes long AND seem tedious is not a good thing. Most dance tracks push 5-6 minutes easily and have periods of development that keep them interesting. This mix cannot seem to decide what it wants to do, changing character every 30-50 seconds, going through so many faces that it quickly becomes tiresome. NO
  10. I can't belive I've never plucked down a few words on this one. Ever since I first heard it on the judges forum I was in love with the bizzare little piano trills and ever so crappy piano samples. just felt dirty, and I loved it. The drum work has a nice feel, and the whole thing just feels like it's pushing you toward something unpleasant. Very cool.
  11. Explain to me again why this person is allowed to let us select a remix from a pot when we've denied people this before in the past? Also, do we really want to list a remixer with the same name as a popular mainstream band?
  12. Wrong notes break this before I can hear anything else. NO
  13. Well damn. I was really looking forward to this after reading the description, but then right off the bat i hear the guitar and it just sounds lame. Wow. that's really disappointing. I wish the sample quality was so bad. It would be really cool with good instrumentation. NO
  14. Well I'm horribly bored with this after the first minute, but at least it's changed to something else. That flute sound is rubbing me the wrong way but I can overlook that if it changes enough. It's just so.. repeditive. I just find this horribly boring. NO
  15. There is no place on OCR for remixes with such low quality instrumentation regardless of how nice the arrangement may be. There is also no place for amazing instrumentation with poor arrangements. NO
  16. Neat ideas done poorly. Few things make me sadder. NO
  17. After reading at all the sampling that was hinted at by the other judges I just don't feel comfortable requesting a higher quality version of this. Just too repeditive. NO
  18. I can't hear the music. much mastering needs to be done. NO
  19. The first minute so far sounds like it's coming from next door. that's kind of annoying. and then it ends. NO
  20. I kinda liked the crackling, and all the synths sound really neat, along with fun drum work, but lord that melody pisses me off. This is like one of those hungry man meal's everyone is ranting about over on XE. it's a huge meal! but.. its got like 246% of your sodium for the day. this is way too salty. NO
  21. accidentally duplicated this in a post. don't feel the need to rant on it. YES
  22. I considered this to have fallen through as far back as Christmas, but I forgot Steve had asked me about it. So this is uber old. From the ID3V2: The title is a response to the Wingless' excellent "There Was a Hole Here" remix. In the game there is a place that says "There was a hole here", later when you return the message is replaced in blood by "But now it's gone" or words close to that effect. Steve does a neat job with the theme here, though given the context in the game I do hate hearing it treated so rash. Reminds me of Tool's Sober a little, but too noisy. Still a neat mix, despite my personal reservations about doing anything with this song. YES
  23. that drum loop... is that Clint Mansel? Sounds very reminiscent of some of the stuff on the Pi soundtrack, even down to the slow phase. It's retriggered effectivly enough to not be a blantent sampfag offense, but still kinda nags at me. otherwise it's cool. YES
  24. This really does remind me of an ink blot. It could really be something very cool, but it's too hard to tell because the edges are all fuzzy. With some cleaning up and attention to mastering and stuff this could easily rock pretty damn hard, but right now it's just fuzzyruffles of a datastream. WHARS THE BASS?! NO
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