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Everything posted by m68030

  1. Final Fantasy VI 'Deserted Industry' Harsh and grinding, mechanical and stiff, this mix has a very dark and sinister sound to it. The heavily distorted sounds really add to the evil industrial atmosphere. Some parts a little too chirpy for me to enjoy with my headphones, since it kinda feels like a metal Shai-Hulud sinking deeper and deeper into my brain, but hey, it's done well. So there.
  2. Sonic CD (JP) 'Stardust Beat' Loud and bombastic, this peppy mix has a nice harsh synth lead covering the primary melody over a poppy drum line and some almost distorted piano sounding stabs. Not my favorite style, but definitely has some punch and is overall a pretty fun mix.
  3. Some very nice stuff going on in here.. very nice sounding instruments. But what is that drumloop doing? Don't get me wrong, i'm a sucker for breakbeats over well arranged stuff, but it just feels horribly out of place. I belive it's probably because it's too loud for the rest of the mix, also it sounds very familiar to loops I've heard in the past, and that makes me a little leary. a very sad and upset NO I'd love to hear this with a little bit more respect given to the instruments used, and not being tied into the overused breakbeat style drum breaks, because those tribal sounding leads and drums are just gorgeous.
  4. music of my groin at least had some harmony and a guitar arrangement of the theme. This isn't much more than some nice soundfonts on a straight cover of the original theme and someone talking in slight time with the theme... NO
  5. Flresh, hm? heh. FLESH JUICE! Ok.. seriously. This is nice. I like the guitarwork, a nice unison of guitars covering that lead. Yeah, this is a little boring though since there isn't any real developement in the track. The drum work is pretty much standard. *sigh* So torn. So we've got a wonderful guitar arrangement of castlevania music, something we've basically got next to nothing of in the archives. However, it's like the same thing for 3 minutes. I think it's very well done, and people will enjoy this. The middle section breaks it up enough, in addition to the guitar solo to warrent being worth getting posted. YES
  6. Uh.. Ok i'm definatly going to need to hear the original on this.. I'm not sure if this really counts as OCR material.. someone give us a link? I can mirror a file if needed.
  7. I recently heard this being played on Nectarine Demoscene radio www.scenemusic.net I had almost forgotten about it. It's an old remix, but it's a nice light take on the theme. Neat.
  8. Well, not every remix can be a soaring arrangement with an amazing thematic interpretation of the original 4 bar ditty from the game. We've had several tracks on OCR of short repeditive themes that have been reworked, or at least mostly non-reinterpreted, into a richer and thicker sound. For example the Weapon Get music from Megaman, any Pac-Man remix, and probably a handful of others. On the flipside though we have seen some very neat arrangments of short tracks, such as Gux's "It's Boss Time!", which is basically the exact same thing as this track as far as arrangement goes. I still enjoy having some upbeat background music when I'm doing other stuff.. sometimes I remix isn't really meant to be front and formost.
  9. I spoke with DJP regarding this. He thinks it would be faster for us to just post to the judges board than send to him directly since he gets so much to begin with.
  10. The file has been encoded to a smaller size. Original file name persists. Redownload if you want, there are some minor changes in the ID3s.
  11. *sighs* Going into listening to the mp3 with no prior knowledge of it, I really enjoyed it and would say YES right out. but then came: SixtyeightO3O: what's wrong with the drumloop? Cool Disco Dan: it's a basic reason drumloop Oh. So now what do I do? It's a nice loop.. but it's a prepackaged mass produced thing? So much blood for such a tiny little hole. Do we look down on the presets in Fruity Loops because they are presets, or because they are overused and don't sound that good? I'm very torn. The way I hear it, it sounds good, it's a nice arrangement, and it has some nice stuff going on in it. Presets and included loops are there because they sound good usually.. so until it jumps out at me as "Oh come on... not again" I'm gonna say this one can go. On the subject of it being 'too simple', I'll use the same argument as I did on the other remix of this theme. It's simple, but it doesn't sound empty. Far simpler, emptier things have been posted in the past, and I'm glad to hear some simple stuff that doesn't bore me to tears getting produced. YES
  12. *sigh* This keeps coming up with my remixes recently. Is 700 extra kilobytes really too much to ask? Less than the contents of a single density Amiga floppy. Yes... I probably can encode this to a smaller file, but it really makes me sad to have to do it. The guidelines do say SHOULD be under 6 megs. Have mercy on me? (:
  13. I am highly upset to see an arrangement this good get posted sounding so bad. Honestly the lack of stereo really kills it for me...
  14. CotMM here with my newest offering to the world, the theme of Maridia (Rocky Underwater) from Super Metroid, entitled "Drowned In Exile" and dedicated to Melanie Harding. Been working on this one for over a month now, I'm finally happy enough with it to give it to ya'll for shredding. Incidentally, I'd really like for the dedication to show up in the write up (:
  15. mmmm.. right off the bat I dont really like the stabs. they are pretty dry sounding. I like that drum break at 30 though, got a nice weight to it. the lead i can deal with. This is a nice little tune. I'm a little fuzzy on the qualty of the instruments used, but it does have a nice solid feel to it. I think my only real complaint is that stab being kinda icky. As for the 80s complaint... well, hey it happens. YES
  16. Another one I'm torn over... I like the drum samples, but they are a bit too loud. The arrangement isn't much different from just being a direct translation, but I really like the original theme. So what do I do? Do I vote yes because I like the original theme and this .. oh wait.. a second drum line just came in. Wow, where did that come from? That just felt goofy. NO, but thanks, I did enjoy parts of it.
  17. I'm pretty torn on this one. I agree with DiscoDan that it's... just boring. The instruments use are kinda weird.. i dunno that it's a bad thing, but i just feel uncomfortable listening to this. I checked out the original GYM after DD brought it up, and this is an interesting direct translation of the music into other instruments, but I just don't feel that it's up to that OCR level. The piano break was a very nice change, but it's just all over the place.. If this were abotu 4 times longer with some serious development between sections then I'd probably really like it, but right now it just feels like a one night stand with the music from the game. I kinda feel bad saying NO to this, because it sounds like alot of work went into it, but I just don't think it's up to par with what I expect from OCR.
  18. Nice remix, but the actual mp3 is terrible. being in mono seriously kills it. it sounds like it was recorded from speakers with a microphone. I dont think this should be posted in it's current state. Also, the fade out ending is pretty weak. so let me say this is a VERY STRONG NO. If were were just talking about the arrangement, sure, but not like this.
  19. I just spoke with Potshot in the chatroom.. I'm digging this one.. I like a well balanced minimal mix.. I think this has a nice soft sound to it.. It's hard to pull off a nice minimal track that doesn't sound empty. I think this does that. YES
  20. I adored the original game and it's music. Both the PC and Amiga versions were breathtakingly awesome. I recently rediscovered the old PC-CDROM version in my attic... so I threw together an old Pentium 75 box to play it on. (: Ahh the magic of retroware titles. This mix is so great, it makes me smile to listen to it. The original definatly captures that 'Dune' feel.. sort of exotic/tribal but with a modern hint or two. The remix is all that and a bit more.
  21. You know, I don't know why I've never posted on this one.. cause it's really one of my favorites. Totally gorgeous. The emotional feeling in the music is really stirring. It would be a grave injustice to us all if we were never treated to Haz at the keyboard again. Perfectly beautiful.
  22. I had a lot of fun writing this one. I knew right off the bat that DJP wouldn't like it, but that's ok because I had faith in the judging board of OCR to let this little chunk of electric misery shine through. (: I find it very interesting that Shael's mix went up that the same time. His drum samples came from a POS Casio keyboard, and the lead synth in this remix was actually an old Casio PCM keyboard run through a Zoom 607 bass pedal and an Marshal guitar amp. It gave it a very unique shimmery sound to the high frequencies. This was also the first remix I tried actually playing anything live on, which is why it isn't quite as sharp as some of my other material. The original concept behind this track was to be an industrial ballad of sorts in the style of the NIN track Star*uckers Inc. complete with lyrics. Well, as you can hear that got cut down to just a few words twisted in the start of the track and the tagline hissing from under the melody here and there. The Monkey Machine is going to try and take a break from industrial distortionfest brainraping for a while and attempt to focus on atmosphere, like my last Chrono Trigger track. Sometimes I have to relax too, (:.
  23. OK pollard, let's see what you've got. I really like this original theme, so I hope you can impress me. So far I'm really digging this arrangement. soft and contemplative, like you're lost and wandering in the forrest. The original FF6 Piano Arrangement of this track is probably one of my favorites on the cd. mp does a nice job reinterpreting it here, there's alot of nice emotion conveyed in the dynamics, even if there's not much interpretation of the melody. I'm a little hesitant to vote yes, but I will. so, YES
  24. Heh, I started a remix of this song once. I should finish it now that I've heard this.. The intro is a little hard to listen to, but I mean, that's EXACTLY what the game is like. I think people who have played and enjoyed the game might get a kick out of this remix, but I dont personally like it that much. It's a little too frantic/messy feeling. MOLOADING...... YES
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