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Everything posted by Nekofrog

  1. Eh... not many good tracks left. If any that are reserved without WIPs become available, let me know :T
  2. http://www.shacknews.com/onearticle.x/51893 Well, fuck you EA. My GF and I were really looking forward to this, as neither of us have a PS3 (roffle, why buy that?) or a 360 (maybe some day). But no multiplayer? You can fuck right off there, EA.
  3. Sonic 2 had the best soundtrack of all the Sonic games, and after that it went pretty much completely downhill. Yeah, I don't like S3+K much.
  4. Cool. I haven't worked on it one bit since my WIP, namely because I sold my guitar to buy back my old customized 7 string which won't arrive for another 9 days. But when I have it I'll hit it hard.
  5. My headphones got them all and with great clarity. Man, that last one was a bitch on my ears though. Make it stop.
  6. Random brawls worked for me all this morning, with no problems. I must have played 10 rounds, all with Ike. And I won 9/10 of them. And this is the third time I've ever played. Ike is a noobtank.
  7. How much did you usually make? I did 4 total. Two eBay, one craigslist, one to a friend for the cheapo price because I'm nice. The first Wii I sold was in November on eBay, and it netted $430+$30 shipping. The next on eBay was $350+$30 shipping. Craigslist was $350+$30 (and she was EXTREMELY happy to have it, no complaints at all, plus when I met her she was hoooot). Money grubbing? Hardly. We provide a service that people require. Some people actually find it WORTHWHILE to spend that extra $50 or $100 so that THEY don't have to stand in line at 2 in the morning to get the Wii. Some consider their time as money, and this money well spent. I stood out in the snow for 10 hours total for all my Wii's I think, and it was time well goddamn spent.
  8. I regularly bought and scalped Wiis on ebay over the Christmas period, it allowed me to shovel myself out of some college debt. Anyhow, while doing this, I would occasionally take one Wii and sell it from just barely above retail price to people I know online who wanted them. We're talking like $251 + shipping and shit. Because I'm such a fucking nice guy. I guess what I'm saying is, eBay. Or craigslist.
  9. Dunno where they came from.. but you realize that upscaling a PS2 game on an HDTV is going to make it look much WORSE than on a PS2 on a SDTV, right?
  10. See what I mean?
  11. SH5 looks like garbage. Trash. From both a graphical perspective and just a general suckiness perspective. Have you seen some of the screenshots? They looks HORRIBLE. SH3 looks almost better visually.
  12. Will my Xenogears resub stand a better chance if I send you giftbaskets full of fruit?
  13. Yeah, seriously. Fuck competitive play.
  14. Black metal also tends to gravitate heavily to the "bad production" side of things. Intentional bad production, actually. Goes with the minimalistic thing.
  15. I think I mentioned Mercenary on the first page, but didn't put up any videos. Here's their new single. http://youtube.com/watch?v=XPfviwq7P0M And of course, Firesoul. http://youtube.com/watch?v=bqL9Sgk2zLk 7 stringed goodness.
  16. But that's my problem. They went from being a band that almost singlehandedly innovated an entire genre (melodic death metal -- there were VERY few bands doing what they did back then in the early 90s) to a band that is bland, formulaic, and completely generic. Watered-down numetal for the kiddies. How do you go from badassery to that?
  17. I lied. I'm not in bed yet. It has growling vocals, but you can come to bear it through the overpoweringly AWESOME guitar melodies. I'm posting cover versions a guy did, they don't have vocals, and they sound almost the damn same as the originals. In Flames. OLD In Flames, none of this numetal shit they do anymore. "Resin" "Gyroscope" "Embody the Invisible" "Jotun" "Dialogue With the Stars" "Zombie Inc"
  18. Stormrider - http://youtube.com/watch?v=HYZzncX-mIQ Desert Rain - http://youtube.com/watch?v=VSlhaiXqDCI Dante's Inferno - http://youtube.com/watch?v=FsVdau231RQ , part 2 http://youtube.com/watch?v=DqKKZMhTLAw I'd post more but I have to get to bed. Fucking daylight savings time.
  19. Bahamut, you mentioned my favorite band, Iced Earth. Jon Shaffer's guitar playing is what inspired my rhythm playing. He plays guitar with the mindset of a drummer, and it's freaking awesome. Percussive guitar.
  20. Hey Arek, has Ash set this up yet, or do I have to do it?
  21. I'm getting it tonight at midnight. But I'm not a Smashfag, so you guys will have to play it with my girlfriend who IS a Smashfag.
  22. Edit: Removed stuff after reading the thread. Will send directly.
  23. Rerecorded it entirely, eliminated the clipping issues that I could tell. Wrote a completely new intro, wrote an actual ending instead of just the abrupt stop. http://media.putfile.com/Xenogears---Mechanical-God If no one can find anything hugely wrong technically or melodically, I am going to resub this tomorrow. Comments? Thanks.
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