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Everything posted by Faustt

  1. I think I might head down to gamestop and see if they have a used copy of the first game. Not sure if I'm up for playing through 7 games... lol. I'll definitely play through Infection though.. If I can't handle all 4 games in the first series ( or can't find them ) I'll probably just read the wiki =P. Since .hack // SIGN is a prequel, is there anything I should watch/play/read before playing Infection? I'd really like to get some more backstory on the main characters of SIGN if possible.
  2. I watched most of the .hack // SIGN anime in highschool when cartoon network was airing them. Something reminded me of it recently and I finally got around to watching it from start to finish. I'm not really into anime that much, but I found it pretty interesting as a gamer and an MMO player. Tsukasa is a bit emo, which gets annoying at times but as a whole it was pretty good. I do feel a little short changed and confused by how it ended. I know it all takes place in The World, but I would have liked to know a little bit more about who the characters were outside the game. They did drop little hints, but you never got too big of a glimpse who was sitting behind the terminal. After a few google searches I found out there was a LOT more in the series. I knew there were a few games, but I didn't know about the other anime (roots) until tonight. Has anyone played the games? Are they any good? The premise of playing a game inside of a game sounds kinda interesting... Theres something like 4 games chronologically between the next anime series. Even if I could find all of them and shell out the cash, I'm not sure I'm up for 4 RPGs in a row. Am I missing anything skipping out on those?
  3. Sleep has always been weird for me. Most nights it'll take me at least an hour of lying in bed to actually fall asleep. So rather than lying in bed for an hour or more I'll just stay awake until I'm dead tired. I work swing right now, so it isn't too bad. Going to sleep around 4-5, waking up at around noon mostly. Earlier this year, when I was unemployed, I was on a strange 36 hour cycle. Say I wake up on Monday at noon. I'd stay up all Monday and Tuesday, then crash on Wednesday around 12-1am. I was never really tired during those few weeks. I actually got a lot of projects done with all the "extra" time (I always get a lot more done late at night rather in the day for some reason). But it started to get worse for awhile. I would stay up between 48-72 hours at a time. Things got.... interesting. lol. A lot of hearing things that weren't there, spotty vision. Things would kinda "trail off" if I was focusing on something then turned my head. I'm guessing it was depression related. After I started working again, things went back to "normal" for me. Don't get me wrong, I like being a night person. I do wish sleep would come easier to me sometimes. I really envy people who can fall asleep 10-15 minutes after they crawl into bed.
  4. So Zricon likes Monk. Interesting bit of information... heh. At the heart of it I feel that since Star Trek is told mostly from a Federation standpoint it's going to default to Federation = Good, Opposing Views = Bad. Kind of like the old saying about whoever wins the war gets to write the history books from their perspective. In the last few years I've finally gotten around to watching every movie and TV series (minus DS9. I just can't get into the characters). yes, there are some continuity problems between the series/movies, and they do an okay job of explaining them. You really do have to sort of fuzz your brain a bit and think that every movie/series/book is it's own interpretation of the source material. When you think about it, the Trek universe has been going on for 40+ years now with who knows how many different writers. Like I said before, if you just look at things on a smaller scale, it's a pretty good scifi series. When I go see the new movie, I'm going in thinking it's going to be a good Scifi/Action movie. Rather than expecting everything is going to adhere to established plot points. Cause I have a feeling they are going to throw a lot of that out the window.
  5. I was going to say, big deal, Comcast put in a cap awhile ago. But after looking at the article and seeing that the cap starts at *5* GB and a maximum of *40*... wow... This is one of those rare times I'm glad I have Comcast.
  6. Never actually played the first Resident Evil game. I still love this line though. Here's a lockpick. It might be handy if you, the master of unlocking, take it with you"
  7. How difficult would you say Trauma Center on the Wii is vs the original DS version? I'm all for a challenge, the DS version was just right, but did get stuck quite a few tijmes. I'm guessing second blood would be a nightmare. lol Never really got into the Mega Man series. Back in the day I did play the hell out of MM3 then later X. I think playing MM9 would make me feel old, lol. I fell out of console gaming around the PS/N64 era and my skills with a controller have gone to shit. I have a feeling Wiimotes would be flying after a few hours of dying in MM9. =D Plenty of things for me to check out here. Thanks guys.
  8. I can understand fixing major things, like Mark Hamill shouting "Carrie!" (which I think was fixed in the rerelease). Color correcting and changing the score seems a little overboard and more of a personal preference thing. I also agree that adding the duel song to the Obi Wan / Vader fight is just plain wrong. It was scored for an epic showdown, not 2 old guys fighting at a snails pace.
  9. I'll give Zack and Wiki a rental. Seems a little... bubble-gummy, but hell, I'll give it a try. Totally forgot about Mario Kart. Double Dash was a bit of a let down. Though I think my expectations were set a little high from the masterpiece that is Mario Kart 64. =) Yes Okami! I missed out on the PS2 version and was excited to see a WIi port in the works. I guess it came out while I wasn't paying attention. Thanks for the suggestions.
  10. Wii early adopter here. Bought it back in January of 07 and it's basically been collecting dust since I finished Zelda. Brawl came out and I had a lot of fun with that, but now my Wii is sitting here going unused yet again. Can anyone recommend some titles that may not have got a lot of mainstream love? Games I have and/or completed already: Zelda: TP Metroid Prime 3 Super Mario Galaxy - best game for the Wii so far IMO. Can't remember the last game where I actually felt compelled to get 100%. Resident Evil 4 Wii Games I tend to like: Platformers, RPGs, quirky offbeat games, puzzle games. Some strategy games... I heard Paper Mario was a let down. The new Tales game also got some mixed reviews.... de Blob has been getting a lot of hype, anyone tried it?
  11. This is awesome and yet so horrible at the same time. It would be great to sneak this into a Christmas party. I wonder how long it would take people to realize it's actually Christmas music.
  12. I haven't played the actual game, but this 2D game seems pretty solid for a beta. User created levels would be a kinda cool thing to see.
  13. Holy crap, other people from Oregon! I don't get down the Eugene all that often, but when it comes to Portland it would be cool to check out. Hope it goes/went well for you.
  14. Bumping an old thread, didn't want to make a new one. Has anyone picked this up yet? It was released yesterday for Wii/PS2. 360s version should be out tomorrow with the PS3s in December. It looks good (they always do), but I don't want to invest in another Secret Rings failure. So has anyone got their hands on a copy yet?
  15. damn it. just noticed I did a typo in the thread title. Secret of Cooking Mana anyone? heh The control scheme was pretty damn good for a flash game. The bowl mixing was hit or miss for me though.
  16. Hopefully this wont freak people out. I saw it over on Infendo and found it somewhat entertaining. Though it could use a posting over here. Just a little warning. As with a lot of PETA stuff it is somewhat "graphic" in a cartoony sense. http://www.peta.org/cooking-mama/index.asp?c=pcmgb08
  17. I love Risk. It's impossible to get people together to play it though for me. It's just too long of a game for most people. I haven't been able to find a good PC version of Risk. There is an older one "Risk II" that's alright. But I the dice always seems to randomly pick someone that they will favor and 9/10 times they win. The only reason I even play this version is the real time risk mode, which is just amazing. Basically everyone takes their turn at the same time, which really puts an extra spin on things. Especially areas that are hotly contested where 3 or more people are trying to grab the same land.
  18. I knew someone was going to say that, hehe. I would, but the set I have now is a behind the head style (which I hate, but my PX100s are dead). I actually found some applications which *should* have reversed the channels, but didn't do anything. I think I'm going to see if I can swap the pins on the front panel headphone jack on the motherboard.
  19. Really stupid question. My sound on my computer has the left and right audio channels reversed. Does anyone know of a way inside windows xp, or a small application that can switch it? I'm using generic onboard sound (Realtek). Their software doesn't have any kind of option to change it. I've googled, but most of the answers I find are "swap your speakers around" which does me no good when using headphones (99% of the time). At first it was a simple annoyance, but now trying to play any game that doesn't have that option built in is frustrating. Anyone have any ideas?
  20. I know that was a major gripe with Oblivion (I think morrowind did that too). I remember killing rats was kind of annoying early on, but the same rats were still a bitch a few levels up, kind of strange. There was a mod to fix that for Oblivion, somthing will probably come out for Fallout 3. Reading this thread makes me want to try this out. I can't remember the last "new" game I bought... lol
  21. I couldn't agree more. I bought and returned a lot of headphones before I ended up with these. They're lightweight, compact, come with a very sturdy case, and aren't that annoying behind the head style. Plus they are pretty cheap if you buy them online. Sadly, my pair recently met an unfortunate end involving a dog. I'm stuck using my stereo bluetooth headset right now. The Bluetooth Audio Profile is awful, the compression makes most music sound like utter crap. I miss my Sennheisers =\
  22. thanks snappleman. I figured it was just something you need to learn after years of hearing different setups. but it never hurts to ask right? I'll have to re-read that post a few times and try to get a feel for what it all means in practice. lol.
  23. I've been playing electric guitar for about 2 years now. I upgraded from a *very* shitty guitar about a year ago, to a somewhat decent guitar. I've gotten to the point where I can sight read a lot of tabs/chords now. But I feel I've reached the point where I need to start understanding the instrument more, rather than just going through the motions and trying to imitate others. I picked up a used Pod XT with all the expansion modules loaded up and realized I know nothing at all about amps, effects, cabs... basically 90% of the options on there. I know it's way to much to respond to in a post, so can anyone point me to a site that just breaks down all this stuff? Like what sound can you expect from mixing X amp with Y cab setup with Z effects? I've been playing around with a bunch of different settings and have got some cool sounds, but I have no idea at all WHY they sound good together. If that makes sense? I'm guessing a lot of this stuff just comes naturally after playing for years and you just pick it up as you go. But I'm just over whelmed by all the options on this little kidney bean shaped thing. lol. Any help at all would be amazing, because I'm just confused as hell at this point. Thanks!
  24. I like how it's "classic" G4TechTV when the station is at most 6 years old... I used to watch that network all the time back when it was still branded as ZDTV then TechTV. Ever since this G4 BS it's gone steadily downhill. I would say bring back some classic ScreenSavers, but since it was a live show it wouldn't really be entertaining hearing about "current" tech stuff from 99-03.
  25. Holy crap! This is just plain awesome. I don't really like many of the original tracks, but the mashups are just amazing... Keep up the good work!
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