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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Is it a remix of a chrono trigger song? Cuz I think I've heard that same song off Kazaa before, and it kicks total ass. THe one with the trumpet and the harmon mute right? *goes to download*
  2. Anybody read that story with Ji Won i think it's called like 'A story of true love' about a girl named Mina and a guy named Ji Won? Well I first read this story at a site that had a Zanarkand midi playing loop in the background and it fit so good...this is like an enhanced version and it reminds me of that story...Now I wanna cry again...Seriously...
  3. Then you watch, listen, and invite yourself to an AIM chatroom called VG Frequency
  4. Got school tomorrow...can't stay up that late. =(
  5. INFINITE BALLSZSZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. The one in the WIP version was the same as this one, as I recall. =\ Well I didn't notice anythang diffrnt.
  7. HOLY SHIT THANKS LARRY!! *cries* My first pimpage on VG Frequency I'm so happy
  8. Wow I agree kinda. Just like fighting Gato over and over again lol this is sorta like background music when you keep fighting him over and over. Brilliant.
  9. *throws away his ff5 medley.* Seriously, is this recorded?? If not, WHERE DO YOU FIND THAT TRUMPET SAMPLE!!
  10. I'm listenin for a lil...I gotta go soon. The sound quality is really good!
  11. Everyone was hatin' on her I was only hatin' cuz I didnt know who it was, but then someone told me who it was and I shut up o_o
  12. *duct tapes Bigshot's mouth* YOU HEARD NOTHING!
  13. A fun show tonight, tune in!! Yeah everyone in hurr, and if you're not you are missin out. Still got an hour and a half peeps!
  14. Radio show goin on now, IM me or Larry to get in tha chat.
  15. This is very good! I love the 600 AD song, and this dude just takes it up a notch. Nothing bad to say about this one...Just that I love how he adds plenty of emotion into this song.
  16. Leave in the unedited version too!
  17. OMG PAIGE STFU!! If she sees this. Jk. I mean...yeah
  18. When LionTamer gets his internet back... I HOPE HE SEES THIS...YOU RULE MAN!! YEAH!!!!! SWEET!!!!! God dang that was fun (well to ME at least.) You are a good radiohost person thinger... Hey I didn't know you can request submissions!!! Gimme more info on that
  19. If you do a BEER spotlight show, I'd love to give an interview. I'll put together a BEER related bumper for you. WHAT ABOUT WINNZREZ OMG !!11 Quiet you. Co-runner of BEER Mix > BEER Winner. My evil plans have been foiled.
  20. OH hell yes I finally got RealPlayerOne and all that ish This is sweet EDIT: LOL THIS GUY IS FUNNY....And him saying about not wanting to put up with this crap...It is keepin me busy pretty good. HE IS SO WRONG this is so awesome
  21. If you do a BEER spotlight show, I'd love to give an interview. I'll put together a BEER related bumper for you. WHAT ABOUT WINNZREZ OMG !!11
  22. Wow...the cellphone is just awesome...Note that some others may have arranged that cell phone part differently, and not make it sound as cool...but you sorta staccato'd it, and made it sound so...so...its...*_* Sorry I just had to post
  23. It doesn't work (if you're talking to me). All it does is play the different pitched sample again depending on what note you put it. Eh...What am I doing wrong
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