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Everything posted by Blake

  1. I am going to, by request of CS, write some code for the site, so that there is only one download link for every song, but this link randomly selects one of the existing mirrors. This way one mirror won't be flooded with downloads, hopefully. damn that would be some skillz.
  2. Wow. This is really good. Sorry for the newbish response, but that's all I have to say.
  3. Glad to know you're alright. Oh, and Yes it does
  5. Just postin to show that I'm alive. Claado I'm sure you already know this, but the way you're running the project is just fine. I can't wait till this thing is released. It's gonna be badass. We need to start formulating pimpage methods.
  6. I'll get on it after sk00l.
  7. Compyfox did you want us to dry out our songs so there's no verb at all? Or did you want us to keep in the reverb?
  8. I see your point. People can still choose to go the "hodgepodge" route even if there are matching album arts offered, right? I just think that we'll get comments on professionalism if we don't at least offer some matching stuff, and there are probably more people out there who would prefer the coordinated look. No biggie. i STRONGLY disagree with the "hodgepodge" route for the project's artwork. as professional as this production is sounding, it should have consistent graphic reprentation that reflects the theme of the project, as well as the level of quality. to accept a mish-mash of art with one piece looking photo-realistic, another done with pastels, and another with a completely different font-style, to me would denote the project consisting of country, classical, and techno. yes, it's easy to just take the submissions you get and combine them, but if there's any art direction to be given for this is that there should be ONE SINGLE THEME for all the art, just as there is one single theme for the music, and that is the Chrono Trigger movie. i do very much like the work that eon blue has done, but i think the overall theme could be tightened up a bit between the few of them. this site produces some amazingly professional work, and the art chosen to represent it should not be taken lightly. ... especially now that we have a single audio technician handling production. That will make all of the tracks on the album feel a bit more consistent with each other. I personally think it would be good to reflect that consistency in the album art. However, that's only one guy's opinion. I agree with the consistency thing.
  9. Yeah, it's sort of opposite in kalecgos lol Since we're heavily outnumbered by horde. And leveling in Stranglethorn Valley at 30's makes me want to kill myself. For each bloodscalp troll I kill, I get ganked twice.
  10. Badass hunter raid on UBRS: http://files.filefront.com/Hunterpower_2/;4040679;;/fileinfo.html Truly awesome Take a look. By the way, the only real grind to level 60 is somewhere in the 30's. I did 3 instances 4 times each, but I also got a buttload of loot from those instances so it didn't feel much like a grind to me.
  11. I am going to have to drop out of this one too unfortunately. I haven't really been able to make anything jaw-dropping, and the fact that school is just around the corner has dawned on me. Sorry Shael. Actually, this should be good news to you because you can have get somebody to actually do the Ryu theme justice.
  12. There is TONS of horde/alliance interaction in a PVP server. Almost to the point it annoys me It can get hard to level in some zones but I've sworn revenge on those damned horde. Being a part of raids is very fun, and when I reach 50+ I'm going to run my own damn raid and make those hordes' lives miserable after they've made me waste a few hours of my time camping my corpse when I was just trying to kill a few more monsters in that zone. If anybody on Kalecgos wants to raid, gimme a pst my name is Blizihizake. I swear man. Whenever I run through the barrens and see all the pvp enabled low levels running like hell from me, I just wave at them and dance at them. But nooo, the ?? hordes that come to our land just gotta zerg and camp. Oh well. It adds a different aspect to the game, and gives me a sort of incentive to get to a higher level.
  13. Eh, I'm not the greatest electronic guy around, but I intend to put whatever I know into this gladly. I'd like to work on the Ryu's stage themesong if that's cool with you Shael.
  14. This is really really good. I really digged the string intro and everything keeps progressing from there. It never got boring, with parts always coming out at you and the awesome and active percussion. Overall, very very epic. I've noticed ReMixers with good samples may sometimes just have a little whole note here and a little horn riff there with nothing goin on in the background, but this arrangement was very well thought out as every part was obviously given individual attention. Krispy you are teh awesome.
  15. Rellik, I'm really diggin your wip so far. That brass is very oomphy and the percussion right on in the soft section. This is good stuffz.
  16. This is some pretty sweet stuff. Kept my attention the whole time. That brass is just sexy.
  17. Word UP PLAYAZ. Just postin in the thread to see how things are doin.
  18. Wow, this project is pretty much ownage. Each of the tracks sound spot on production wise. I don't really know what to say, but it just pwns. So many good things goin on here. Every song perfectly fits the DOOM atmosphere. Probably best project since RotC IMO. I know I didn't really write anything to substantiate my opinion, but it's probably because I'd rather just listen to this project. You've outdone yourself guys, and GJ myth for running the project. Actually, thanks.
  19. This is pretty sweet. A good contribution to an awesome project as always from DB. I don't really have any complaints, as it perfectly fits the DOOM atmosphere. I am starting to wish I hopped aboard :[ Awesome job. Oh, and join my guild THE ROFFLE WAFFLES on WoW.
  20. I've been done with mine for quite some time. Just doin lil EQing and mixing things here and there right now.
  21. Claado, can I submit my finished song? Btw, the orchestration on To Far Away Times just makes me more tingly and emotional now. Good job on the orchestration.
  22. Keeping the thread going. i'm still makin progress on my WIP. In the rare case that anybody would want to hear it (someone part of the project) IM me. I still have about have a minute to cover.
  23. Why don't you just do it in a different key?
  24. Dayum Rellik, your skills are off the chain now.
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