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Everything posted by Warmech

  1. We could play Devil's Advocate and argue why these games shouldn't be on the list.
  2. Picked up a copy of Hotel Dusk yesterday. Didn't think I'd be able to find it anymore, but on a random trip to EB there it was. I was also wondering, is there anything else coming out soon worth pre-ordering? I slapped down some on Dawn of Mana, but the guys there didn't have a release date for World yet.
  3. Spiderman 4: Kingpin comes in with some classic cronies like Tombstone, Rhino, Shocker, and maybe one or two others Spiderman 5: Carnage saga out
  4. Phoenix Wright 3 baby!
  5. I'll throw $20 on the Zelda games. Never did get the chance to play them.
  6. I'd be the 'Feeling on Your Booty' remix.
  7. That's cuz we're pimps.
  8. No actually it rocked. Hard.
  9. Warmech


    Saw the midnight showing last night too. Was pretty baller-ish. Made me want to see the original.
  10. Really? *spoiler* I've read that it's four you only have to save and I did get three done and it still failed the mission for me.
  11. Five patients in ten minutes? Sign me up!
  12. So anyone know about this Izuna: Legend of the Unemployed Ninja?
  13. Well, my quest to totally beat EBA is over. No, I didn't get all 'S' ranks for everyone (only for Spin and J), but I did get the highest ranking possible. That's what I was striving for anyway. On to MMZX!
  14. Lea, yeah all you have to do to get Kahn is beat all four level's stages. Sorry for the confusion. I swear, it's actually easier to get 'S' ranks on the more difficult ones like 'Jumpin' Jack Flash' or 'ABC' or 'Survivor' simply because there are so many markers to hit you can get about 20 or so 100 hits and still score an 'S'.
  15. In my quest to totally beat EBA, I've gotten 'S' ranks on all of J's stages, and have about five more to get on Chieftain's. After that, I'll get Spin's and save the Divas for last. And getting Commander Kahn to replace the lead diva is worth it. Quite hilarious.
  16. You know, when I beat that game I think it was because I cheated the system. Apparently, there's an ultimate transformation you can get for Yuri that makes the guy pretty easy, but I never got it. I went into the battle with Yuri, Alice, and the little kid with the slingshot (Halley?) and within two-four turns he had wiped out my two teammates. Luckily, my Yuri was a pretty big tank, so I literally just pounded on the boss with combos and healed when I had to and beat it with just one character. The fight also literally took me over an hour to win that way.
  17. Wow...nice. I'd like to think I was close to that, but I can't say for sure. The damn Lightning/Photon Ray attack was just too much. Guess more leveling is in order.
  18. Exactly. I presume the boss killed you too, so you get the fun of doing EVERYTHING over again?
  19. Ah, awesome, thanks!
  20. The final boss. Can't save for a really long time before you fight him and he kills me. Just made me turn the game off for awhile. And I don't want to get into MMZX yet because I haven't played MMZ 2-4. I've beaten the first one but that's it so unless the story doesn't affect this game I don't want to jump into it yet.
  21. Just beat Justice for All. A damn enjoyable game indeed. Guess I need to find Hotel Dusk since FFIII is still pissing me off and I don't want to get into MegaMan ZX yet.
  22. Like I said, I got up to "Hero's Hero" and still wasn't there yet. Once I beat Justice for All I'll probably start playing again though.
  23. I think people don't like the music in PW2 because the music in the first one was just so catchy and whimsical. The second game has a more serious musical direction in the courtroom instead of the lightheartedness of the first game.
  24. Nah but like that dude said before, it starts growing on you.
  25. I'm working on Case 3 in JFA right now and I must say, the twist at the end of Case 2 blew my mind at how cool it was.
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