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The Orichalcon

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Everything posted by The Orichalcon

  1. I didn't know Richard did the Croc: Legend of the Gobbo's music, sad that he passed away.
  2. I agree with the exposure problem of having the competitions in a sub-forum. My original idea was to have Competitions listed as its own forum like Community and Off-Topic are at the moment. I can request that djp makes a topic highlight for the forum on the front page. But it's extra work and if it was to happen, it wouldn't be for a long time. This kind of thread will most likely be deleted in the future. I don't have mod powers, so I can't delete threads in this forum. But other mods will certainly start to take notice if all the competition admin start advertising their various comps in Community. Unfortunately you're stuck between a rock and a hard place with competitions. Having its own forum means less exposure, but better organisation. Having the threads in Community means better exposure, but horrendous organisation as threads are quickly pushed to page 2 (Remember having post after post of "bump" in a row?) The best idea seems to be to just have the forum exposed on the front page. So that's the route I'll be taking in trying to please everyone.
  3. "At least we got rid of all them damn ni-" *Credits* That episode was just as great.
  4. Mixer: The Orichalcon ReMix Title: Crushing Headache Original: Map06 - In The Dark This is my main track for Delta-Q-Delta, our official Doom 2 ReMixing project album. I started working on this back in late 2005 when we kicked off the project, and I've added bits and pieces and tried several things every now and then between then and now. It's reached a point where I've finally decided I'm happy. I ran it by DJ Redlight and Liontamer to get some feedback and touched it up on their suggestions. The track is a remix of Map06 (The Crusher) track titled "In The Dark" from Doom 2. Consisted of 5+ minutes of the same general bassline with some co-melodies occasionally jumping in and flirting with the original theme. The idea behind this remix was to kick it up and make it more dark, and much more interesting. I focused mostly on the beats and industrial/cinematic sound effects for a while before I worked on the rest of the piece. Eventually I solidified the bassline, added the theremin's and co-melody to the end, as well as the OSCx3 dotting away with the bassline to boost it a tad. Added the synthpads to give it the powerful sound I was after, but left them as clear and true to their default sound as I could, since I wanted them to carry the piece, not steal the focus. All the hits, beats, pads and bass notes come together in their respective sections to create a dark industrial/cinematic sound, with an early build-up, a quieter middle section, and finally a doubled ending bringing in the co-melody and theremins to complete the mix. The sound effects were added to the middle straight from the game to give the same feel of not knowing where the next demon is going to suddenly leap out from.
  5. Mixername: Evilhorde ReMix Title: Running From Evilhorde Source: Map 01 - Running From Evil http://www.doulifee.com/prc/TheOrichalcon/Doom_2_Running_From_EvilHorde_OC_ReMix.mp3 http://www.doulifee.com/prc/TheOrichalcon/map01.mid Submitting for Evilhorde with his nod of approval. ------------------ Just to clear a bias issue first: This remix is from the Delta-Q-Delta project that is to be released. The only reason I chose this mix to be one of the ones pre-submitted is because I pre-judged it as worthy of OCR. I ran it past djp and Larry, both thought it was all right if not a bit repetative, and though it best to panel it. So to summarise: This is a YES from me, as I wouldn't have added it to the panel if it was a NO. I'll give my vote on it anyway. The guitar playing is great as usual. The beats aren't as good as they might've been, but they do their job in holding the rock-style piece together. The mix is very loud, but also very clear, with even the shredding guitar later on maintaining a solid sound. One thing I might've liked to have heard was a change in key more often like the source had, which would've reduced the repetativeness. The lead from the source is played almost verbatim in the middle, but Evilhorde's added some personal touches throughout enough to save it from being just a cover. The fact that it's played live and not just sequenced adds to the credibility too. YES from me of course, or I wouldn't have added it to the panel.
  6. Good episode. I was thinking "Niggers" for that puzzle at the beginning too. I couldn't think what else it could possibly be.
  7. Most competition are getting the same amount of views/posts and entries as they were in Gen Disc. Some are getting even more. If your oompetition entrants are low, then advertise your competitions to people. Ask them to join. Some competitions just won't generate many entries no matter where they are. The Vocal competition is a good example of this namely because there are far fewer people who can sing in this community.
  8. You can submit anything as your source as long as it's completely original and made by you. But as others have said, you'll get a better turn out if it's a simplistic/easily remixable kind of piece. The MIDI isn't necessary, but it makes it a lot easier to remix.
  9. *angry face* Results are up. Sorry it took so long, I forgot about the competition. Winner needs to get his piece to me by THIS Friday so I can start ORC101 over the weekend.
  10. Vote, people. It's only two songs. I've only two votes so far.
  11. Voting time: User Formerly Known As Xela - Let Those Nightmares Go Description: I was greatly inspired by the solo work of Janne Warman (the keyboardist from Children of Bodom). The instruments present in my remix are: keyboards (both lead synth and pads); electric guitars; bass guitar and drums. In remixing Rexy's song, I wanted to go for a balance of her original source material and my own original material. Clearly, my song is in a very different style to Rexy's original. I have put a lot of thought into how far I could take Rexy's source material and how far I could go creatively before straying too far away from the source. I don't want to say too much, so I'll let you all judge my remix for yourselves. Also, if you've never heard Warmen before, I suggest you listen to a couple of tracks on http://www.myspace.com/warmenband, firstly because their musical talent is incredible and secondly so you can get some idea as to where I'm coming from on this remix. analoq - soggy britain Description:i'm without a midi interface, so i could only record physical instruments: guitar, bass, 80s electric piano, moog synth, and cheapass maracas + bongos. this is not normally how i make music, but was willing to give it a go to welcome back ORC. my contribution is light, leisurely and with a 6/8 feel. enjoy. You have until Friday midnight to vote. It's only two tracks so just give me a first and second with a short write-up of your reasoning.
  12. I'd like to welcome to djpretzel to the project. Still yet to hear anything from Quinn Fox or Sixto.
  13. Couple of days left, get cracking on your entries or miss out.
  14. There is no chance in hell of this passing with the fake guitar sounding THAT bad. I think we should make a new rule where if you use fake guitar as the main instrument and you can tell, it's auto-reject. Beats are basic, background sounds are basic. Arrangement was ok, but still on the basic side. Fairly simple NO
  15. Sample quality doesn't matter when the arrangement is this good. YES
  16. Blande percussion straight away. I have no problem with the way you've programmed the percussion (except that it sounds a bit robotic perhaps) but you need to make the sounds less dull/flat. Beef them up, give them flashy effects, make them interesting. The bass-synth stuff sounds robotic in a not very good way. The mix could be much smoother with the flow. The melody is good from 1:30-ish and on. But you could easily thicken that area up to go with the crunchy bass-beats you have plunking in the background. Things move up to a better level towards the end of the mix, it starts sounding like Bjorn Lynne circa Worms 2 when those soft spoken vocals kick in. I'd recommend working on the soundscape for the mix, you have the right idea as you go in, but you need to make sure the whole mix maintains the same level of sound. That is, the intro has to sound as professional as the last minute or so. Get your instruments more fluent, and your beats more interesting and maybe you'll have a nice dark groove mix here. NO
  17. Ok, quick vote since I already pointed out my main issue with Larry. My bass and treble levels are even right through, and you definitely have the balance tipped in favour of the treble. It's most obvious with each ear-splitting cymbal crash through the mix (and there are lots of them.) I'd recommend dulling the EQ on the cymbals mainly, the rest can probably stay as it is, I'd need to hear it. But the bass definitely needs a small boost just to make it a tad punchier. I Think the problem is mostly context beyond those cymbals. If the bass was up more, the treble levels would make sense in comparison. Nothing else to say. Great arrangement, good sounds and mixing. Just fix that and it can get in line for the front page. YES
  18. Sounds great to me. The piano is fine in my ears. There isn't enough of it in the piece to bother asking someone else to do it for him. I'd imagine Abadoss would rather get this piece through on his own than have to tack someone elses name on as a collab for what would be a max of 30 seconds of piano. The remix was rather short. There wasn't a lot to work with, but the artist managed to pull off a very focused and solid arrangement. So that's fine. Nice work. YES
  19. - The Original Remixing Competition 100 - Welcome to ORC100. A little note before we start I couldn't remember what ORC we were up to, so rather than fart around with random lower numbers, we're starting from ORC100, because the century is kewl and stuff. Results - Text Results First place goes to Xela with 8 points. Second place goes to analoq with 7 points. Source Material This weeks song is by Rexy. I think she won the last ORC or something. It's called "A New Beginning" which is fitting because ORC is starting over, get it? Here's her write up: Rexy - A New Beginning: MP3 - MIDI Entries User Formerly Known As Xela - Let Those Nightmares Go Description: I was greatly inspired by the solo work of Janne Warman (the keyboardist from Children of Bodom). The instruments present in my remix are: keyboards (both lead synth and pads); electric guitars; bass guitar and drums. In remixing Rexy's song, I wanted to go for a balance of her original source material and my own original material. Clearly, my song is in a very different style to Rexy's original. I have put a lot of thought into how far I could take Rexy's source material and how far I could go creatively before straying too far away from the source. I don't want to say too much, so I'll let you all judge my remix for yourselves. Also, if you've never heard Warmen before, I suggest you listen to a couple of tracks on http://www.myspace.com/warmenband, firstly because their musical talent is incredible and secondly so you can get some idea as to where I'm coming from on this remix. analoq - soggy britain Description:i'm without a midi interface, so i could only record physical instruments: guitar, bass, 80s electric piano, moog synth, and cheapass maracas + bongos. this is not normally how i make music, but was willing to give it a go to welcome back ORC. my contribution is light, leisurely and with a 6/8 feel. enjoy. The Quick Rules Rundown 1. Anyone can enter regardless of your remixing ability. 2. Filesize is limited to 8 meg. 3. You may only enter one piece. 4. When you've finished your entry, please PM the link to me (The Orichalcon) before the deadline. Please do not post the mix in the thread. 5. Along with your submission, you're encouraged to do a short write-up or description of your entry. 6. You may submit your piece as a MIDI, MP3 or OGG file. 7. During the voting period, voters are encouraged to give a short review the pieces they vote in the top 3. For information on voting and the competition rules, please visit this link For information on when mixing and voting times start and end please visit this link (OMG, obsolete. Ignore this for now.) The New Rules Better Explained As you can see, the layout of the post is a little different. Much like TOMC, ORC will now use the first post of the thread as the main means of transaction. All the pieces will be linked here, along with the results. New rules are as follows: 1. You must now PM your piece to me, no exceptions. Please do not post the link in this thread at all. If you can't find a host, either email the piece to me as an attachment, or send it over IRC/MSN. 2. Along with your submission, you're encouraged to do a writeup. This is to help the listener better understand your piece, which can help you with votes in the end. 3. Much like TOMC, I'll be linking offsite to the results, along with which I'll paste all the votes that I've received. Voters are strongly encouraged to write a short review of why they voted the pieces in first, second and third place. I'll omit the names of the voters for privacy sake before posting them up.
  20. What a refreshingly human mix. The vocals aren't perfect, which in itself makes them perfect. If there's any fault, it's that the mix built itself up too much around 3:09, I would've kept it simple and chill right to the end. Let noone say we don't let uniquely creative mixes pass. YES
  21. I don't hear any of the production issues that people are rabbiting on about. But maybe that's due to my awesome new sound-system. The mix is dysfunctional. It's halfway between sounding cool and sounding randomly noobish. Some of the instruments fluctuate between sounding smooth, enjoyable and then they make a jump right into "wow, that's really fake-sounding" land. Maybe other people can be more forgiving about that. I can't think of a good reason to pass this mix, nor can I really think of a good reason to reject it. There's not really a lot you can do to make it "better" so to speak. So I guess it's a style thing. YES
  22. Evidently some people here have never listened to Slayer since they're bitching about the production. When it comes to hard rock, you don't need perfect production to absolutely rock the tits off your listening audience. This is just amazing stuff. Arrangement checks out with me. Go forth and rock the ears of the OCR public, my lord. YES
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