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Everything posted by KakTheInfected

  1. I honestly don't care all that much about graphics. I've played Portrait of Ruin much longer than I have Oblivion. I'm not going to pretend that sweet graphics are pretty damn awesome though. Got my PC ready to go for Crysis, now it's just a matter of waiting for it to come out.
  2. Oh wow, I didn't notice that. Still, it would be nice if we could have pointer control. Kind of a no brainer in an FE game.
  3. http://www.famitsu.com/game/coming/2007/01/18/104,1169117304,65810,0,0.html New Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn pictures. I hope the battles look better in this one...the 3D so far hasn't come close to touching the 2D sprites of the SNES/GBA.
  4. In Wario Ware, is there a way to keep playing the same mini-game over and over? I know you can access whatever game you want in the Temple of Form but it seems to kick you out after 3 plays...
  5. Oh my gooseness, Wario Ware is so good.
  6. Anyone who thinks Majora's Mask is overrated has no abillity to judge the quality of games. More Zelda games should be like Majora.
  7. I liked those stages. They gave the game another type of difficulty other than "HOLY SHIT I HAVE TO TAP FAST!" I wish they'd hurry up and announce the inevitable Ouendan/EBA sequel.
  8. Waiting until Monday sucks.
  9. A little late to the party but I just beat the main story in Elebits. Was anyone else annoyed that some of the later levels just turned into "Grab homing power-up and click as fast as you can"? That aside, the first 10 level or so and all of the boss battles were great. Really shows what the Wiimote is capable of.
  10. Near where you land after traveling up Zora's River for the first time.
  11. I always get my ass beat in racing games though. I'm just somewhat good in FPS and the accurate aiming in Hunters (and Samus homing missiles <3) ruled. That and I played way too much of it.
  12. A sad face and Elite Beat Agents should never be used in the same sentence.
  13. I'm pretty sure 49 was 3, not 4.
  14. I started TD yesterday too. Getting awfully bored already on the second case though.
  15. I wonder what the chances are of Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon ending up on the VC.
  16. I don't see how it would be big news at all, other than the fact that tons of people would buy it. The DS already has an Age of Empires and Mechassault game, along with planned games from Rare. That said, I couldn't give two shits about Halo for DS unless it had a good online mode and played as accurately as Hunters. Never was a big fan of Halo, even on PC.
  17. Yup. The Ocarina should have been there, even if it was just for summoning Epona and changing day to night and vice-versa.
  18. I've never left my Wii completely off and it never seems to get remotely warm even on standby.
  19. Personally, I didn't find the Cave of Ordeals all that difficult (aside from the rooms where you can get frozen). The ball and chain pretty much wrecks any bit of difficulty most of the rooms had, there's no bosses and if you get lucky with that purple chu jelly, you can find free life refills every few levels. That said, it's probably the most difficult thing in 3D Zelda, aside from getting that goddamn heart piece in the Goron section of Majora's Mask's moon.
  20. TP has some decent replay value, if you like the combat anyway. I wish there was at least a 1v1 online feature for horseback fighting though, that would be some fun shit.
  21. 1. I really couldn't care less about TP connecting to the other games. In fact, I'm hoping that the next Zelda game actually takes place in more modern or futuristic times. After all, Nintendo did say TP would be the last game we see in Zelda form as we know it. 2. I never heard those claims, but in most Zelda games it's implied that Link "becomes a man" over the course of his quests. That's likely what you heard. 3. Yes, the game should be longer. The last two dungeons are half-assed and the bosses were designed to produce a cinematic feel, but not a challenging (and therefore more lengthy) one.
  22. This is a PS3 thread newbs. I'm thinking of picking up a used PSP for my birfday though. MGS:PO is pretty tempting, but I don't want to spend full price for a PSP.
  23. I'm sure it's real convenient to play all of those games on a small screen when you could, you know...not.
  24. My Compaq Presario could play PSX games in 1999.
  25. Quick question: Will the fortunate teller show locations where you've already collected a heart piece? I've combed over the same area about 50 times and I already got a heart piece there, but she keeps telling me that one is there.
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