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Everything posted by KakTheInfected

  1. Are you really going to sit there and say it looks like he is walking in that screenshot? Don't get me wrong, you could be right, but don't act like it's a confirmed fact because you want it to be, especially when Wario is obviously not "walking" in that picture.
  2. Look at the picture of Wario firing at Mario. He's clearly running.
  3. Either you're joking or looking into things way too deeply.
  4. I wonder if you can charge the Super Scope while running. That would be a little...meh.
  5. Updates on Final Smash and Mario's version of it.
  6. Jeez, someone sure is eager to run a batch.
  7. Some sad news to report on Strikers...if your opponent throws a hissy fit and disconnects because he's starting to lose, you don't get credited with a win. You get to keep your points from the game, but not the 10 points you gain from a victory. Nintendo has to wise up and realize there are douchebags out there who can't play these games properly. If this is going to turn into another "I'm losing so I'll just disconnect" game it's not going to live very long...
  8. I doubt Nintendo has even figured out how to patch actual games on the Wii yet, so I'll say no...but I'm an ass so who knows.
  9. Saturday, so don't expect an update.
  10. Updated with Pit info...omg!!! I actually don't care about Pit. I liked the game but meh to the character himself...
  11. Strikers friend code: 012985 487111 Yay, my first GAME friend code...I would cherish this if I didn't hate the fucking things so bad. If anyone adds me, note that I'm in the US so there is a little lag to deal with (it's really not that bad, but just warning).
  12. Yes...frieeeeeends. After a good few hours of playing I can definetly say it's an awesome game. The online has worked flawlessly so far except one thing...and it's pretty obvious what that is.
  13. Master Chief confirmed.
  14. That's pretty awesome. I wonder how you get it off other than transferring it to another person.
  15. So, I acquired Mario Strikers today and it works fine on my Wii...as does the online play. I'm quite happy with this, but am totally shitty at the game...
  16. Really? That's a huge fuck up on EA's part...
  17. Um...don't only certain games do that? I don't think it has anything to do with the firmware really.
  18. Site updated with Mario and Link profiles. It'll certainly be interesting to see what they throw up there every weekday.
  19. I wouldn't say it's unlikely any of these characters *could* be in. I mean, hell...Snake is in. Even though Kojima wanted him, he's still probably the most unlikely third party character anyone would have expected tos how up.
  20. Yup. Luckily for me I wasn't expecting too much. Unfortunately, 99% of the people waiting for a big blowout are going to go nuts and blame Nintendo because they got themselves hyped up.
  21. So, how long has the site been down? Hopefully they're putting it up now.
  22. If it wasn't for the shitty ass turning, Red Steel would have been an awesome game. I somehow doubt the sequel is going to feature the same control issues...
  23. Out of curiousity...has it ever been said that we are really getting new info or is this just a site redesign?
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