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Everything posted by TCK

  1. I'm pretty sure goat is married, anyone care to confirm/deny?
  2. Nope, you're not the only one.
  3. It's clear that the best rap doesn't come from the US, UK or Australia, it comes from New Zealand. Come on westside.
  4. Go figure
  5. Wait, I thought topping oneself was a bad thing?
  6. Out of interest, what subber are you using? I've been using Kuro-Hana since around 12, and they seem to be pretty good, but what do I know? True that. This whole Yotsuba thing has gone on for a little too long. And I can't stand Misa!
  7. Stairway to Ice Cap Zone = genius. I demand lyrics now!
  8. Apparently shit is going to go down either in episode 25 or 26. I'm up to 24. And I don't even like anime either.
  9. Jean Michel Jarre is a fraud.
  10. Cool, so now Sega can ruin TWO franchises.
  11. Only thing I can think of off hand is to update the iPod firmware via iTunes (or downgrade to a previous firmware via iPodWizard), and start from scratch. Ultimately though you're probably better off posting in the Rockbox forums or IRC.
  12. I've installed manually twice before. If I remember, you've got to dump the original firmware before doing anything else, ie. apple_os.bin. As for the command to do that, unsurprisingly I don't know off the top of my head
  13. The Rockbox manual. If I remember correctly though you've got an 80GB iPod, which sadly is currently unsupported.
  14. Sadly, the first thing that came to mind was "GREAT ESCAPE!" Sucks pretty bad nonetheless.
  15. Videora iPod Converter is your friend.
  16. Oh, snap!10 characters
  17. iTV (sorry, Apple TV) doesn't interest me in the slightest. I've already got a media centre setup in this house with a lot more to offer than a set top box. The iPhone is quite interesting, but I've just got a new phone and can't justify getting another one.
  18. While I think the idea of an RPG system is too ambitious and complicated for a VG remixing site I do like the incentives to participate in the community. It's definitely something to look forward to.
  19. A shame to see you quit Shariq, but a decision I can't blame you for taking, especially given the past few days. You've been a good mod and awesome judge too. Hopefully you'll stick around in some form.
  20. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=203120&postcount=193http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=203121&postcount=194 I saw the middle finger photo before it was deleted. Wasn't too great.
  21. From one war zone to another.Good that you're safe.
  22. Cause Unmod.
  23. Since the migration to vBulletin links are no longer highlighted. It's in the first word in the first post.
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