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Uberwulf X

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Everything posted by Uberwulf X

  1. Mr. X, Streets of Rage 2. Welcome to my SPOILER ALERT. Beating Shiva is hard enough... he breaks through any of your combos of +3 hits, and likes to back-slam you all over the place. It's a pathway straight to hell on Mania difficulty. But Mr. X? Not only does he move around all the time, not only does he have a seemingly infinity number of drones to help him fight you (emphasis on "seemingly..." he does run out after you beat about a million of them), but he also has a machine gun that he likes to shoot. All the time. The normal strategy against him is that if you have Skate, you can just skate (run) past the stream of bullets if you time it right, and get by him. But if you're late at all, then he'll turn around and crack your skull with the butt of his gun. More baddies keep coming, so they can break your combo, team up, and it's hell from there. Anyone else? Stand still and do the special attack- it doesn't take energy unless you hit someone, and it makes you invincible as the bullets pass. You know, unless he catches you in that .05 seconds while your char comes out of his move. Or if you're out of energy- can't do the attack. Or if he gets bored and decides to run at you, swing his gun at your head, then stand over you and laugh, just to spite you. SoR3? Time limit, bomb? Oh hell no. I hope you burn long and hard, Mr. X.
  2. There are 1200 cents in an octave. For future reference, this is not a FL term... "cents" are tuning measurements. Every 100 cents is a full new note, a half step up from the previous. 1200 cents= an octave.
  3. I put this song on a CD with other OC faves, and let people listen to it. Someone actually told me that her nightmares have this music playing in the background. If that's not telling of the direction, the emotional leading, I don't know what is.
  4. I'll start off by saying that this went ways I wouldn't have thought to take it. Of course, helps to have a team behind you. I heard this mix through the flash movie. While I love the movie, I'm not sure I'd be too hyper about the music alone. It just... seems like it's missing something, whereas I can listen to FF6's "The Atomizer" without a visual and never needing one.
  5. http://home.clara.net/fworld/sinfonia.htm I use the Sinfonia pack for rendering my composed music. A few tweaks for your custom needs, and it's near-perfect. It's a big load, so watch your comp usage and volume levels. For an example of something VERY roughly done with this pack, I point you to two things I created, then only recently rendered. Edit: I'm using the free version. I expect that you'd have much greater options and quality with the full. http://home.millsaps.edu/~spearls/music/EchoOfHearts_B.mp3 Echo of Hearts. I wanted to try out the brass. It's a quartet: Two trumpets, a trombone, a tuba. I don't think I added too much on top, other than a general reverb. Unpolished. http://home.millsaps.edu/~spearls/music/AperioMvt1.mp3 Aperio. I was comissioned to do this by a good friend. It's not polished, but you can hear what'll happen if it gets too loud. Added concert hall reverb and live equalizer controls.
  6. This is chaos. A chaos sandwhich, accompanied by the gooey mayo that is the sax and the mustardness of Daffy Duck. This is a battle, epic from beginning to end. There is NOTHING calm here, because there is no time for rest when trying to stop a madman. And evil doesn't die off, it simply allows the player to walk away from the system until restarting its reign of terror. This never ends. This is a symphony, and yet a brick wall of sound... like a angry group of people coming at you all at once. They're not even a mob, because they have no united cause. Their motivation is their own, unconnected and random as the pair of socks they put on. This is everything, yet nothing. This is on my playlist, and so shall it remain. Good job.
  7. I'm loving the jazzy feel, that's no doubt. That sax is really playin' it up. Also, the fact that I can easily hear Lava Reef is a good nod back to the gameplay (for those to con't remember right away, Lava Reef 2 leads directly down to Hidden Palace). On my playlist, for sure.
  8. Ah, yes... very good to see a FL board up. There's some things like gating I would like to do, but just can't figure out (the gate plugin I had froze FL, so.. scrap that idea). Ooh, and yeah.. I figured out that FL's instruments aren't good unless you REALLY.. and I mean r-e-a-l-l-y tweak them. And still play them with another less-bad instrument (I particularly like the "Dark" voice only because it's unique and the Orion Strings, but even these need help sometimes). Maybe next, a ModPlug Tracker thread could be started.. ha.
  9. One word. ThisisoneepicpieceofmusicidaresayIenjoyeditallandwouldsimplyloopthisoverandoverandlikesuggestedIcouldputthistothebackgroundoftabletop- RPGsandMugenifyouveeverheardofit. Longest. Word. Ever.
  10. Yeah... it's alright, but kinda raw. The first time I heard it, I admit- I listened to it often. It does have that darker sort of feel, but I like it. It's just something.. it just may be the the samples and their cuts that take points away for me. After a while, the novelty wore off.
  11. I agree, the vocal "oohm" dropping a 4th+ under tonic pitch and messing up the speed of the whole thing (for those not "in the know," when the key of the vocal sample goes down and slows up).. does kind of rub me in the wrong way, but there's only so much chopping you can do to a sample before you make it sound horrible. I think his cutting away percussion at that time was a wise choice. It takes away that pulse you're tugging on, and lessens the slowdown with the sample. Listen to me, lookin' all L33+. \/\/00+!!!!1
  12. I want to think that the timpani samples are muddy due to the "concert hall" reverb. But I actually like that sample here... it just seems to fit. The strings are beautiful, from the violins to the bass (and being a bassist, I'm a fiend for 'em). I agree, that 5- second pause at the end is irksome, especially when you're sitting there looking at the counter with so much silence passing. Extra points for doing this -ism in a week. 8.5/10 is "What you get".
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