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Everything posted by TenchuX

  1. I'm beyond pumped about this. What a fitting release for #2000. I seriously have some water in my eyes. I love this game's music so much. VG music has been a part of my life... hell, since Tetris on the original Game Boy. So happy to see OCR come this far, and an AMAZING song for such an epic milestone. Here's to 3000 - 4000 - 5000 - forever!
  2. Love it. Little stuff like the panning bongos really add to the mix.
  3. I believe you can actually hear some of the songs he personally worked on, on his site. http://www.biggiantcircles.com There's a player on the right. Samara's Montage is awesome. I've been hooked on this soundtrack since playing through the game a week ago. It's epic orchestra meets sci-fi music of the 80's done right.
  4. A most sincerest Happy Birthday from me. I've always loved video game music and was first shown there was a place to obtain it online back in 2001. Without being exposed to this site or vgmusic (I actually listened to midi's first) I wouldn't even be involved with music for what has now been 6 1/2 years. Yep, this forum account was made a mere month after I started music... and it was a few people I met through this site that helped me a great deal when I knew nothing. Always a fan (especially of numerous musicians on this site), thanks to DJ Pretzel for not only making the site but sticking with with it, and to the community who is most responsible for OCRemix being where it is today.
  5. Pest + Demented Shaman is really really crazy, especially after the Shaman gets a shield breaker. I love the TMNT references with Rampage though. It's basically a model of Super Shredder riding on a Rhino aka Rocksteady.
  6. I also have this game (for the list). How about that Panda huh? I love how you can do combos with him.
  7. Pretty ambient indeed... it wasn't bad, but it really could have used a lot more stuff going on. I'd listen to some remixes by COTMM (Children of the Monkey Machine) for further inspiration. If only the game hadn't "borrowed" the idea for that song from something else (among many other things). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wDwAf79byI Not bashing, but just showing you the true source for using that song in a space survival atmosphere.
  8. Honestly I don't know why people are getting down on this song... it's over NINE YEARS OLD. Look at the UPLOAD DATE. Hell Scott was what... 14 when he made this song? Freshman in High School? Appreciate this song for the era in which it was made and by the hands that made it during the time.
  9. You guy's haven't seen a real Mario Kart until you've seen this.
  10. You really need to be more detailed in what type of advice you're looking for. The melody starts at 35/36 seconds in, in both the source and your remix, also your remix is really... reaaaalllly, close to the original. You sped up some drums to make it somewhat dance like in one section, and a few of the instruments have different sounds... that's about it. As you stated though, this is your first mix ever. I did a similar thing back when I started in 2003 and thought it was pretty cool. So from an OCRemix standpoint this song is Craptastical. But from a beginner standpoint I'd say you're doing the right thing by putting yourself out there for critique. That said, you should read/listen to other songs in the WIP forums to understand more stuff about remixing. Basically what you've put out isn't even a remix so much as it is the original song with a few alterations and changes in where certain beats/melodies play. If you're really into "remixing" the melody from that song I'd suggest starting over. Based on what I heard though perhaps you want to make a dance tune out of this song? If so I'd build off of the dance/drum sections you had going on.
  11. I'm an immense fan of the original KOTOR and even KOTOR 2 (minus the ending that LA forced out of Obsidian). I was pissed as hell when I learned that the next KOTOR game was going to be an MMO over KOTOR 3, however Bioware is doing something that I myself hoped to have been a part of creating in the future, which is an MMO with an intense solo play focus. Basically based on what I've learned ToR is going to throw you and an eventual companion character into multiple instanced zones where it's almost like you're playing another KOTOR game. Then there will be zones such as a battle on a ship where you will have to work with other people who will be made up of different classes, maybe locked in a different cell location. You will then have to combine your unique abilities to escape or take over the ship etc. If I'm catching what ToR is truly going to be like it is indeed going to be a continuation of the amazing single player experience from KOTOR but with a massive multiplayer element as well. That's why many of the dev's have been stating that ToR is really KOTOR III, IV, V, VI, VII and so forth. Granted anyone can hype up their game (look at Warhammer Online)... but Bioware has a proven history and I am aware of multiple individuals who are working on the game that will ensure that it's at the utmost quality. So I'm excited about getting the game, so long as I don't have to play it every damn day to accomplish my goals like I did in college when I played WoW. Anyhow, this game is going to be the new WoW as I see WoW getting it's ass kicked not only due to this being a new and stellar looking game, but due to the fact that many people involved with PvE don't really care about seeing what will be made up after Arthas is dead and the Warcraft III storyline is complete. (that's why Blizz is currently working on a StarCraft MMO or a sequel to WoW tho I'd bet on the prior). I've rambled a bit but I hope I made sense !
  12. This isn't in the main OCR WIP thread because I have no intention of submitting it to the site since it follows far to close to the original source. I originally redid Highwind Takes to the Skies in 2004 and around January of this year a lot of people on my Newgrounds version of that song were complaining how outdated etc it was, so I decided to update it extensively both with a new intro and completely different instruments/vsti's etc. Since I uploaded this new version in February the response has been quite positive. Anyhow I figure a few of the people browsing the forum here might enjoy this song since this is a website filled with fans of video game music so here's a link to it. http://www.tindeck.com/download/78515de5a0269bd63efa3a21dd712556/kxyg/TenchuX%20-%20A%20Haven%20in%20the%20Sky%20II.mp3 or http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/212116 If you have any comments about future additions for me to add around 2014 (lol) or so go ahead and shoot them. If I ever make another version of this song or make an edit to this one so far my only big change is going to be changing the ending, as it seems to end too abrupt... most likely I will adding an ending which mirrors the intro with a piano or something trailing off with the main theme. Oh and here's the link to the 2004 version so anyone who want's to compaire and contrast can get a good laugh. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/15393 Anyhow, enjoy.
  13. Going on top of what Rama said. http://remix.thasauce.net/song/RTS0037/ was also given a no and and music wise it is a great listen. I recall it was given a no because it didn't use enough of the source. Many people also don't remember that even bLinD has been no'ed (remember his fan popular F-Zero MegaMix). Given a no because it was too similar to the original source, not because of it's great sound. http://remix.thasauce.net/song/RTS0040/ this song I did was no'ed like bLinD's mix due to being to close to the source, however since I loved the song the way it was I chose to never change it and thus never resubmitted. So yeah... I don't think a NO has to do with a person growing at all. I think a common misconception that people have is that proven OCR remixers get their work tossed up on the site with ease, and that's simply not the case if their song doesn't measure to the guidelines that this site has set for music ie. interpretation, source usage, quality etc. A song can sound great and that's awesome, but this site like stated earlier, has a unique mission when it comes to the music on it.
  14. Listening to Protricity's Brainsick Metal is what got me interested in making music and thus the creation of my forum account here. I'd say the site has evolved a good amount over the years. I feel getting your songs on this site has obviously become much harder than it was in 2003. That said, OCR has also earned the respect of numerous proven composers in that time as well. I still am awed that Jeremy Soule took the time to contribute to the site (if you've not heard his Final Fantasy III (US) remix, do so).
  15. Yeah the beginning is supposed to be pretty mellow and calm until that first built up at 1:06. I can see how that synth at the beginning can be a bit rhythmic. The soft one I kind of like only because... it kind of sits there and adds a little extra but doesn't really overtake anything. I'll mess around with it some though. As for the piano I can mess with it a bit. I can see how iteration is like wha? I want to try and avoid piano that is too complex at the start though, again the point is to start mellow and ambient and then get bigger and bigger... then a slight calm.... then BIG BIG then calm... end. As for losing the atmosphere at 1:36-end of what you heard, to be fair I did state that I had not worked on that section at all aside from a few small implementations. I intend to add more instruments working off of one another like typical heard in an orchestral arrangement however I do see the dilemma in what you said about "atmosphere." It feels empty in comparison to the parts of the song leading up to that point or in my opinion the heavy synth part that starts at 2:14. I've thought about continuing the monkey sounds/clinks into that part, however it sounded kind of weird when I did it... so I think just making a really well arranged epic sounding orchestrated section might fix that? Problem again though is I don't want it to overtake the section later in the song (3:06-4:06). I think I can do it though. We're trying to see about getting vet guitar player to fill in that section though with some heavily interpreted lead sounds to give it some MMMPH and more creativity. I'm curious as to opinions on the 1:06 part. Do you think starting the clink/clang/monkey thing earlier would be a better idea? Do you find when it does start that it is too abrupt? Also, this was done before I read this stuff as I was working heavily on the saw synth section - as such that's more of the focus in this post. Focus on 2:14-2:48 (though feel free to talk about anything about the song as well) I gave it a really mechanical feel with the drums and extra synth sounds... The way this song comes across to me is - slowly entering the cave - conquering some obstacles - heroic theme - bad guys mechanical theme (which is where the song below stops) - then prelude to epic finale - the climactic battle - then the end. As always, ALL COMMENTS ARE APPRECIATED! Thanks again Rozo! LINKS BELOW http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/uxdp/WinkyRemix2---26b Direct Link: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/fileshack/u/uxdp-WinkyRemix2%20-%2026b.mp3
  16. "A Slutten Whoreific Electrical Blasst!" ... o wait /facepalm Yeah, Sparky could atually work lol. Simple and to the point. Perhaps "The Teslastaic Retribution of the Lonely Man-Ape"? (Teslastatic being the combination of the words Tesla and Static), also Mandrill means Man-Ape, so that's another way of saying it.
  17. OBJECTION! This song would actually fit really well on http://olremix.org TAKE THAT TAKE THAT TAKE THAT TAKE THAT TAKE THAT! serious though, it sounds perfect for that site
  18. I suppose I can give you some advice. Not sure if advice on sound or composition is more important to you. I can say that normally one should avoid low-end VST guitar sounds. They tend to not sound very good, and in this case the FL Slayer? running through the phaser/flanger really doesn't do this song justice. If you had a real guitar or made an instrument switch it would help the song out. Not sure how you feel about the guitar, but it just hurts my ears hearing it so much. The drums are also way too low and not diverse enough... they don't really provide much definition in the song thus far. Sounds somewhat like standard FL Kicks with panning and FL Claps. Your other synths seem kind of muddled and aren't very refined. In terms of actual composition, you defiantly have a melody you're going for but you don't change stuff up enough. It feels almost like I'm just hearing the same thing from beginning to end. I would probably cut the song down in size and work on really switching up things on the 2nd half. A suggestion would be to use more instruments/sounds... you really seem to have the guitar/main synth and then bass synth. It's really hard to enjoy something that not only sounds the same for almost 5 minutes composition wise, but instrument/sound wise as well. I realize this is your first FL mix so don't really take offense to this; just use these comments to get better. I remember when I started music too and I made the same mistakes... and I'm still trying to get better. Keep at it and good luck.
  19. Regardless of whether this mix is ever finished, the latest version will always be in my play list unless an update comes along. I do wonder what an updated officially final version would sound like though. I think what is even more amazing is Robo's age. He's only 16, which means if he keeps going at music he's going to be something else by the time he's in his early 20's. I love seeing young people excel at music; just gives you more to look forward to in the future !
  20. Boo! So I’m the guy collabing with HoboKa. The song HoboKa made up to this point overall has been looking really good! I think most people who’ve been following this remix can agree it’s really come together well, so I’m really excited to be apart of this project. I’m going to explain changes and additions to the revamped first 1:50 or so of this song that is currently available for you all to hear. One of the more noticeable additions is the realistic ambient background. Its purpose is to create a more organic environment for the melody to live in and then take over. There is now a flute and piano “dueling” the dominating melody in the beginning to generate a little more going on. The drums that were a part of the entire song till around 4:06 have been removed until 1:36. The reasoning behind this is that while they were good, taking them out for that long makes them more special when you do hear them and diversifies the song. It also fits well to start when the intro buildup reaches its climax. When the spiccato strings and synth come in at 1:06 you’ll notice that there are some interesting sounds infiltrating your years… “Do I hear a monkey, water droplets, clinks, clangs, and the siren-esq sound of cellos?” you might ask yourself. Well you do. The section from 1:06-1:36 is homage to the unique sounds David Wise used, particularly in this case, during the intro of the original “Life in the Mines” song from which this remix is based. If you listen to the link HoboKa has from Youtube, you’ll connect it pretty quickly. I suppose it has a rather interesting sound/interpretation to it, but again the entire DKC track had a unique sound to it, as so do a number of songs on OCR. Another reason for the addition was to give depth to the song quicker and help the buildup to the drums. There are also a few other minor additions or tweaks here and there. As for plans for the rest of the song aside from some probable edits here and there to what you’re hearing… If you listen to the latest version HoboKa had posted, you can safely assume it is going to stay fairly true to what he has aside from the changes you’ve heard in this post. Perhaps some filter work on the saw synth part? Maybe there will be an extra instrument playing off another or something, not sure yet. The only truly major change that I can foresee taking place is the climax between 3:36-4:06 since medley wise it more or less matches with what you hear at 3:05-3:35. The idea right now is either to completely cut out 3:36-4:06 and make 3:35 have a really climactic sound with lots of instruments/noise to give you the sense that it’s the end, followed by the soothing sound of strings/choir/flute etc, fading away to the actual ending…. Or… Rework 3:36-4:06 to have an cool guitar solo or something to that nature that really tops the entire buildup of the song followed by a finale similar to what I explained happening above at 3:35 onward. Anyhow, hope you like what you hear. HoboKa and I are looking forward to your comments. SONG LINKS BELOW http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/rtqj/WinkyRemix2---20 Direct Link: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/fileshack/r/rtqj-WinkyRemix2%20-%2020.mp3
  21. This song is pure awesome for any OOT fan. Great creativity and the vocals/instruments go perfect with what you're trying to do. Great job!
  22. Edit: deleted what I had
  23. Kickasss, just like every other song you have made...good Christmas gift! Keep em comin!
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