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Xerol Oplan

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Everything posted by Xerol Oplan

  1. I thought this was supposed to be the same Ivalice as in FFT, and was supposed to "pre-tie" some of the loose ends in FFT before they happened (the storyline of FFXII taking place a thousand years or so before). This is what was floating around soon after the game was announced, but I don't know how much of that was retained in the final product.
  2. Frankly, I have no idea what I'm doing here. I just started throwing together some stuff with Cid's theme from FFT, and it came out like this. Obviously not done yet, just looking for some intermediate feedback. http://h.xerol.org/f.php?f=228 I'm terrible with percussion in general, and to top it off I have absolutely no idea what it _should_ sound like, so I'm just randomly putting stuff down until it sounds less bad.
  3. Ashe and Penelo, despite being 2 levels behind everyone else, still have more HP than everyone else. I keep neglecting Balthier, he's level 14 when everyone else is in the 20s. I'm just after getting the Dawn Shard now, heading south, and getting owned by those elemental things. (Owned as in "hey what's that oh I'm dead".) Basically I'm using Vaan, Bacsh, and Ashe for most of my story fighting, subbing in Fran and Balthier when I need to do some ranged attacks (damn flying creatures) and Penelo whenever someone dies. It's working out pretty well. When do you start to get more useful Gambits? Also, is there a complete list somewhere? GameFAQs doesn't have ANYTHING useful.
  4. Heavy Armor sets: ups defense and attack power Light armor sets: ups defense and evade Magick armor sets (robes and hats): ups defense and magick power It allows character customization since everyone's license grid is the same. Some items increase max HP or some other stats, and it doesn't tell you this in the shop.
  5. The main character really doesn't have much of a role in the story yet (I'm just past getting the first esper) and he just doesn't seem to fit in - every time the other characters are making speeches, he's just standing there, and doesn't really contribute much. This probably picks up later on but for now he doesn't even have a good reason to be tagging along.
  6. The PSF (68MB) has been out for ages, and I listened to it until I got tired of it. It's a whole different experience listening to it in-game though. To me, its main appeal and drawback is that the whole thing sounds _the same_. It's nice because it all meshes together real well (especially in-game) but there really isn't too much variation on the overall 'feel' of it, and while there's 120-some tracks, about 60 of them are variations on each other, so by about the halfway point it just starts to feel "same-y".
  7. Oh, I know that. I just meant that, considering that each FF game is a different world, it's pretty pointless to call one of the games 'semi-canon' just because it has 'Tactics' at the end of the name instead of a number. From what I understand, there's a loose chronology going on here - FFXII comes first, then several centuries later there's FFT, and then waaaaay after that is FFTA. I got the game last night and played 14 hours straight, although there's only 11 hours on the game timer due to some early misfortunes. I think the best thing about the gameplay is that it takes the grind out of grind-levelling, while still letting you have complete control when it counts. My biggest beef is the camera - when you're indoors, if you so much as touch a wall, it zooms in on your crotch/ass (depending on which way you're facing). Extremely annoying when trying to navigate tight spaces. Some sort of camera lock would be handy here (maybe use the same key as Target Lock in battle (it's either L1 or L2, but I don't remember because I never used it) since it's not being used in exploration mode). The other issue I have is with the graphics - while it's high-detail and polished, there's many tiny little bugs that most people probably wouldn't notice (some tearing here and there) and the lack of antialiasing is getting on my nerves at some points. I've also had the audio go glitchy on me a few times during heated battles (when many SFX are playing at once).
  8. I can make it but I'll probably need a ride. Anyone coming from around here (or farther south)?
  9. Just an update on my room: It's full. It was crowded with 3 people last year, and splitting it 5 ways is going to push it. Definites: Xerol, Aaron, Garian Possible: Bahamut, Suzumebachi, fivre I'm pretty sure two of those 3 possibles are going. If not, then I will have a slot open, but that'll come up at the end of the month.
  10. I've been using adsense on my sites for about a year now (zircon asked me about it a few days ago). It does go by page content, but more importantly, it goes by changes in page content - so once a new item gets posted up, most of the ads will be relevant to that. They do have measures in place to detect click-fraud, since it's a major concern to people that pay to have their ads displayed. That's the other thing - through the adwords program, advertisers bid on keywords that appear on websites, and are matched up with the 'best fit' for the words, rather than having to find websites to advertise on (although you can directly target a specific website). This also means that sites that get more traffic generally get better placements, and therefore more revenue, so just by visiting the site you're increasing the value of the ads.
  11. Hey, look, without it, we wouldn't have such hits as: Fuck introb "Look I'm John Cage"
  12. No thanks. I'm not going to risk getting flattened by haters for telling the truth about secular rap music. Different Aaron.
  13. There isn't much directly scheduled right now, especially since most things are still being planned.
  14. With my setup, it's not exactly possible to be within reach of the keyboard and the laptop at the same time. So I set up my largescreen as a second monitor, and use it for various things. Here's FL in use: It's good for sheet music and stuff too. Really, it's entirely situational.
  15. I was just looking for you. I really need to know this soon. Anyway, add us to the room list: Xerol, Aaron, Garian, and possibly Suzu. I'm all willing to squeeze a fourth/fifth if they bring a sleeping bag or something, since I'm barely able to afford going as it is, so splitting the room up an extra way will help more.
  16. I've added a randomizer to the front page, for two purposes - to give people exposure (so the requests get spread around a bit) and to demonstrate the best way to organise your 'skills' section. It should just be a simple listing of instruments; any details should be put into other fields. If anyone has any suggestions, I'll probably have time to work on it tomorrow.
  17. Noob goes where he wants to go. See: Way up on my bookshelf: Trying to get down Aaron's shirt: And of course: http://h.xerol.org/i.php?i=112
  18. The site is officially live lolgetit?, sans a style and a sophisticated search tool. However, it works for what it is right now, and over time I'll gradually add features as needed/wanted. Search is simple: just type what you want in the box and hit enter. It will match for the exact term you type in, but not case-sensitive. Eventually I'll get a nice boolean-enabled search in there.
  19. It's just something I found on GIS last year. I just cut off the bottom of the image (which had the "Pick'em 2005" text on it) and put on the 2006 text. And then I moronically deleted the 2005 image by accident. It doesn't have to be THAT picture, just the basic elements need to be the same.
  20. I need something for the Unmod NFL Pick'em League (link in current sig). Basically I need something like this: Except without looking like it was done in Paint.
  21. I didn't hear anything from him about leaving. I was trying to rework my OCRI Terranigma mix, back in May or so, he said he'd take a listen at it tomorrow, and I haven't seen him online since.
  22. Did he actually tell anyone he was leaving (recently), or is this just the "acceptance" of the disappearance?
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