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  1. Just want to throw out there what I think. I don't know the whole story to this, though, I gave good effort on reading up on it. But I could prob do better lol. I also do not know the inner workings of ocremix. So keep that in mind if I say something stupid as you may accuse me of trolling. I think if I were to be 100% real here... Seriously. There is some out of turn entitlement here. All this labor in transparency -in my nutto opinion- is above and beyond, it is not something that I feel should be expected. Perhaps a *few* have a valid case-but I’m just saying that because of my lack of confidence in these happenings. Obviously I am not a lawyer, and it is my understanding that when we submit a remix, we still can do whatever we legally can with it. And with this in mind… I feel that it is none of anyone’s business (save for the owner or owners) what numbers are coming in, how profitable (or unprofitable) ocremix is, how much people are getting paid, etc… 1: You submit a remix to a site… A website in which you have no obligation or right to its expenses, upkeep and future upkeep/continuity… 2: People take time out of their lives to not only judge it, but handle it, organize it, present it, appear to be fair, etc... Last time I checked no one paid anything to download or submit. 3: If the remix gets in, you get free exposure from a base that you didn’t build, and no cost of hosting. Not to mention the structure, moderation and support of the community. Am I missing something? Perhaps this is all a publicity thing to combat bad publicity. I don’t know. I’m just a low tier remixer. An old rusty g string. But this feels weird. Like come on. If ocremix makes a gajilion dollars with billion gajilion dollar exposure, pretty sure you home studio remixer dudes will benefit. I really can’t put my finger on it, like the entitlement to money/fame ratio is messed up here. I can’t put my finger on it, just don’t like the spirit of it. Like we got quincy jones, and Michael jacksons, and timbalands posted here, where their presence is bigger than ocremix. As for the topic of youtube ads… I’ll try and not to rant on that as well… Ads is what pays youtubes bills and content creators… All these expectations for free quality stuff… I say throw ads on it. Throw a bunch of ads on it. Or don’t if it ends up indirectly costing more. There’re other outlets on the site that you can get the music free of ads. A lot of people don’t give a shit or respect the maintenance and labor of whatever they are grabbing for free. And for those who complain about ads, get that ad free youtube subscription thing.
  2. This can be difficult I just realize... as so many other great content I am not mentioning... but for the sake of not writing a book and listing everyone lol...The works of: DJPretzel, Darkesword, mp, AmIEvil, Beatdrop, BenCousins, bLiNd, Dale North, McVaffe, Disco Dan, DHS, Injury, Jivemaster, Joe Redifer, Protricity, Rellik, SirNutz, StarBlast, TheWingless. The pieces contributed by the mentioned OCR artists, have a lot of nostalgia to me. Sometimes more positive nostalgia than the games they have remixed. I went by computermage or computersage at that time. It's almost like each ocremixer brings back a memory of high school-as I would listen to certain artists individually, I would download first based on the remixer-then the game. I first initially discovered ocremix and used to download by game via peer2peer apps. I remember listening to Jivemaster, StarBlast, Prot, Darkesword, and DJP remixes as I took the school bus or walked home from school... I have a specific dorky memory of me jumping on my bed dancing like no ones watching to McVaffes happy remix of nights. I remember being so blown away hearing a female vocals -If I'm not mistaken-Injury on Protomans theme. A track I just stumbled on downloading music from peer2peer apps. During that time, I was also a big newbie flash animator and participant of Newgrounds… I would use TheWingless tracks a lot for my crappy animations. I remember trancing out to SirNutz early stuff... I could probably say that SirNutz was probably my first favorite "trance" or whatever genre it is-artist that I liked. I was primarily into metal at that time, and ocremix really exposed me to electronic music. And yeah, I have been flamed hard in this community-and to be fair-perhaps rightly so. But the negative experiences I've had in this community are infinitely less against the positive experience and help I have received from this community. And I am very thankful that such a community was born. I was on newgrounds a lot, but never really felt that genuine connection to the community. I definitely feel you on that. I've had negative social interactions with some of the remixers I have mentioned, but it doesn't change the fact that their works have had that affect. I remember Prot and StarBlast at one time busting my cringey chops. Looking back, it was fine- and perhaps my older self would have said the same things. It was a shame that as I grew older, my political and philosophical differences would start to show in the community-as others as well, and looking back, I believe it was a source of unfortunate unnecessary conflict. For a music community-to be divided on ideas that really didn't matter and affect our day to day lives-it was a shame imo…
  3. Merry meet my dudes. Thanksgiving is near. I've been a fan of ocremix since early 2000s and been on and off participating in the community since probably around 2003. Good times and bad lol. And since then I have witnessed many beginners and amateurs grow into quite capable artists, musicians, sound designers, producers, composers etc... even in the within the professional gaming industry. The ocremix community has been a big part of my amateur musical training and learning, and I'm sure it has been a big part in many others. I'd (and hopefully others) like to know who were the OCRemixers/OCR Staff that you found inspiring when you were a newbie here. I'd like to know the details of your memories, experience and feelings about being a newbie here too. It is my intention that I would like this thread to be an outlet for fans and matured remixers to express their thankfulness, experiences and love to the talented people who have contributed their works and support to the community. In other words ego food for the deserving contributors in the spirit of Thanksgiving.
  4. @AngelCityOutlaw You keep bringing in legalities and law into your arguments. If I'm not mistaken, the topic transcends law. The interpretation alone can make drastic changes-let alone new legislation. Instead of repeating my arguments in hopes you can specifically challenge it... I'd like to ask you a question. Would you consider The Animals - The House of the Rising Sun , as The Animals "own" ? Disneys Snow White as their own? Johnny Cash - Hurt, as his own? "Own" in the context of your words in the original post you made: Because this can be interpreted a couple ways: 1. I'd simply rather spend the time and energy on awesome art that comes from and through me. or 1. I'd simply rather spend the time and energy on awesome art that I can monetize directly from me to the extent of what is legal.
  5. yup, I like this. If I were to try and stay open minded, the violin thing is ok, but not my cup of tea in the context of the rest of what i'm hearing. But as soon as I hit play, definitely sounds great.
  6. I think you got the logic progression all wrong. I'm not saying a remixer can artistically claim, or is entitled to the original composers work. I'm challenging these points you have made: Depending on how creative you are, a remix/rearrangement CAN be your own. The House of the Rising Sun, by The Animals... Based on your logic that I understand... That song as we know and experience it, is not theirs. Did I follow your logic correctly? If The Animals had your kind of limited mind set, we wouldn't have such a great piece of music. Because of this, I find your reasons unconvincing or having little weight so far. Because I believe that song is The Animals claim. It is their song. Same thing with the book/broadway/musical Wicked. By your standard, the writers and poets can not "claim" it "their own." Which I believe they can. If you disagree with this, and discussing the thread which you started still entertains you, then let me know what point I'm missing.
  7. Yes, there is as much "piggybacking" in originals (which can also be derivative work) as say an artists doing "fan fiction." For example, the successful novel "Wicked" literally "piggyback" rid the Wizard of Oz novel series. Creatively wise, I consider it having no less artistic merit than, what you would consider an "original" The Lord of the Rings. Lord of the rings, maybe be "Original" … but is it really strictly speaking "Original?" Another example, The House of the Rising Sun. Many renditions/covers etc... The Animals have made it their own. Even though Bob Dylans version was earlier and similar. Hear a bunch of versions and takes of The House of the Rising Sun, and you should appreciate how artistically well their creations are. In fact, one could say the Animals house of the rising sun is the definitive The House of the Rising Sun. And as for your spiderman scenario... Drawing fan art of spider man with your spin on it, can be exactly the same as trying to make your own "original" super hero that's in the genre of spider man. The capacity of imagination can be needed in these tribute art as much as "originals." And by the way, the level of originality in most "original art" can easily be challenged-be it music, film, etc.. Making what you would consider original, literally look like a fan art, but instead it would be considered a "rip off." Disney has rightly claimed "creative ownership" on its remixed artistic endeavors. Astro Boy, Mega Man, Mighty Number 9, Mega Man X, Mega Man Zero.... What really are we taking about here? Now, obviously, if we are taking about making money, and the legality of it, then that's a different story. I believe that if you are talented enough, and hard working, you can work with the current system and monetize any art-be it "remix" or "original." And if it is all about money in regards of "claiming"... you maybe in the wrong business, as there are many other money making options that will guarantee better return and pay.
  8. Yes, I think I can consider myself as still Remixing/rearrange... I try to make time for it-as it is very educational when dissecting pieces from established composers. I've done remixes/rearrangements and originals for a while... and in my experience, I have learned much more doing arrangements and remixes than originals. Especially submitting remixes to the judges or to the community. Which would be my #1 drive to make remixes. The feedback that the judges give is so valuable-and it is FREE. Judges who have a good idea of what they are doing, spending their time critiquing what they are hearing... As for what you said here: Haha, you make fan art/fan fiction sound like low tier creative endeavors. Originals can be exactly the same-maybe not monetary-wise, but creative-wise definitely. There are rearrangements of videogame music that I consider significantly higher tier than original music that is super duper cliché to a genre. In fact, I hardly see a creative difference between "fan art" and someone who makes skrillex-like-dubstep that is "original." There are plenty of originals that are actually "fan art" types. And there are plenty of "fan art" types that over time became "originals."
  9. Hey silly goose. Omg you have no visitor messages. Weirdo. *releases the pigs*

    Didn't see your message on irc cause you gotta say bestrader to highlight if that's my name yaknow

    But yeah, basically, you can claim something and we're pretty much already at final wav stage. Hopefully you can make something super good and finished, yeh? :-)

  10. I feel the motivation
  11. Updated the remix and it is 100% final and downloadable. Already sub this. :3
  12. I think Twiggy is trying to explain a good idea in a ridiculous way. I think it would be a great idea for new remixers to have an idea *where they are* in quality by means of "ranking." Instead of a *NO! go back to the mutants* or *YES! Welcome to the elite*. It adds more fun to making remixes with a tier system-which should bring more liveliness to the scene(idk to me it seems very boring than what it used to be, even though there are more community elements now-or maybe I'm just getting old). And more of a stepping stone to high quality. And as far as the "more work to do" problem: if the new site is designed in a way where it is self regulated by *a passionate community*, there shouldn't be that much work for Ocremix staff other that the seed/start up resources-which even that I bet *a passionate community* would help.
  13. It's been YEARS since I've made a remix. It was hard finding the drive to finish this, but my day dreaming of a possible Advance Wars game for the 3DS gave that needed passion. This is a remix of my favorite characters theme. As for the arrangement and most of the track, I think it's pretty final. I'm open to collabs to add to this or your critique. Hopefully enough of you has played the early Advance Wars game long enough to recognize the theme. https://soundcloud.com/majeles/unearthly-invasion
  14. We need people working at Goodwill
  15. A person may have a personality where he is a Christian but loves the sounds of anti-God Metal and would feel self conflicting. A person may have the exact same scenario, but think nothing of it. In General, I believe music plays no uniform part in personality; however, I do believe there is a "personality type" that one would change personality according to the music he/she listens too-for whatever reason.
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