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Everything posted by po!

  1. very ethereal.... this is GOOD new age sounds like it could be on a cd called "Nay Relaxation" or something... i like the steady trance-like eigth notes.. and the nay just glides over everything so smoothly
  2. hmm... i don't find the beat very interesting, it just doesn't flow.. it kinda gets annoying after awhile i think this track could benefit from some other elements, like a bass line.. or at least more variation of what's there already (drums and piano)
  3. i really like the idea... and the overall sound is great there are just some things.... - i think the drum panning would be better in the center, especially when it's so important in this track - bass could be turned up. dope beatz have dope bass lines to go with them.. otherwise it just ain't dope - i feel like there's too many snare hits... it takes away from the track's "bump" and "groove" factor ... anyways... good job on this remix. it's always good to see some hip hop stuffs
  4. that's just what i was thinking! that stinkin foot was soooo hard... i never beat that game either, but that might be cuz the last level is also freakin HARD oh yea.. there's one ore two bosses in FF5 that are really tough.. as well as FF Tactics
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