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Everything posted by po!

  1. the thing is, 50mm isn't a "normal" lens on digital. a 35 or 30 or 28 would provide the equivalent view as 50 on full frame sensors. those lenses are quite a bit more expensive than the 50 anyways, i've pretty much made up my mind that my next lens will be the 85 f1.8, since i've got the normal range covered already. it wouldn't make sense for me to get a 50 or a 35
  2. why not a modern digital camera? i know its expensive, but not everybody enjoys developing film and scanning it. plus i'm sure you could find one of those old EOS 300 or Nikon D50 or something for really cheap
  3. wow this has become quite the thread. i only read a small part of it, and i was gonna say something but now i don't even know what to say. this has become an argument about nothing and everything xRisingForce, you seem pretty adamant about forcing your opinions on others, and wildly arguing with anybody who disagrees with you. I know you think you are correct, but so does everybody else, as evidenced by the fact that nobody has changed their opinion. and of course we are talking about art and opinions, so there is no "correct" anyways this kind of classic internet argument never gets anywhere. and if you all realize that, you could save a lot of time and typing posts when you find yourself repeating the same argument over and over in response to someone else's repeated argument so that's what i've learned on teh intarwebs... make your point ONCE, then let it go. it'll make your life a lot easier. with that, i'll make my point in response to the following quote, and you won't see me repeat this argument ad nauseam you're forgetting something very important, and that's rhythm... a lot of music is rhythm driven when the europeans went to africa, they discovered that the africans' music was pretty much all drums and rhythm. they thought it was "primitive" music and that they were so much more musically advanced since they had harmony fast forward to today, where this african concept of rhythm has become ubiquitous through black music having such a large influence in the modern music world. it's all about da rhythm... you don't see people dancing in the club cuz of pitch/harmony or lyrics jazz, hip hop, house, trance, 2-step, eurodance... all that stuff is rhythm based. it's DA PHAT BEATS... RHYTHM
  4. good stuff guys. here is my flickr page http://www.flickr.com/photos/wushuplaya/ i only have 1 lens right now.. Sigma 18-50 f2.8. i plan on getting flash next, then the Nikon 85 f1.8. but yea this stuff is pretty expensive
  5. only 3 professors?? see that's part of the problem right there.. 3 just isn't enough to provide a very broad curriculum. they could spend all their time teaching basic classes and never be able to teach more niche areas of CS such as graphics, HCI, etc
  6. you could try sourceforge.net or other sites like that. it's not a place to post job ads, but it can put you in contact with some software engineers
  7. V side is hot
  8. i use ones like the hearos (i'd bet there's an OEM manufacturer of those kind). they work really well, and block all frequencies fairly uniformly, although there still is a slight dropoff at the highest trebles i wouldn't bother with the vaters.. you can adjust the attenuation on the hearos depending on how far you stick them in your ear
  9. Bach should be pretty easy to learn by ear, especially something for solo violin where you can only play at max 4-6 notes at a time (not really at a time but really close together).. most of it is single note lines i think the only things i DIDN'T learn by ear were violin pieces which i hadn't heard before, just started sight reading and playing notes... and orchestra parts, which in a lot of cases are pretty complicated and you wouldn't be able to pick out even if you heard it by ear (with the full orchestra playing)
  10. hmmm... this would be a really cool transcription tool
  11. ahh.. nice list you have there some more games that i remembered that aren't necessarily the obvious most popular ones: Anticipation Baseball Simulator 1.000 1943 Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers Gyrus Golf RC Pro Am Blades of Steel RBI Baseball really.. we could probably list every NES game that wasn't really obscure and they could be considered classic. OLD SKOOL GAMING FO LIFE
  12. i don't believe anybody has mentioned GALAGA. true it's on other systems.. it's still great fun on NES tho
  13. actually just yesterday i loosened my strings to mess with my bridge, so guitar was in some random tuning. i found some weird sounds like that.. voicings and chords you would never get with a normally tuned guitar. but i don't think i would detune just to get those sounds... too much hassle and too many new chords to learn. maybe if its just for a recording...
  14. recording violin sucks... actually recording anything acoustic (except maybe vocals) is no fun. since you only hav $20, your best bet is to use someone else's gear to record, like you mentioned. if they don't trust you, maybe they'll just set up everything and record it for you haha
  15. EQ philosophy is like girls' makeup philosophy... ie. the end result should look like you're not wearing makeup. similarly, you should EQ such that it doesn't sound like you EQ'd anything, where every instrument sounds natural start with FLAT EQ. then CUT frequencies in tracks that are too muddy, while maintaining the tonal characteristcs of flat EQ. if you do an A/B comparison of that vs flat EQ, it should sound the same except cleaner and less muddy if you can get that, then from there you can start shaping things to get a specific sound
  16. drang.. i loved seaquest. RIP Roy.. or Captain Bridger as i know him
  17. i'm currently using a Behringer Eurorack. if you're mostly concerned with noise it's fine, but the sound quality isn't good. after all mine has 2 preamp channels and 4 mixer channels, plus aux sends + phantom power + EQ, all for about 70 bucks. yea, it's low noise and gets you the sound, so it meets the absolute MINIMUM requirements... basically it's the cheapest, lowest-end you can get with that feature set
  18. if you just want low noise levels, a inexpensive preamp should be able to give you that. but if you want good (like "prosumer" level) sound quality you do have to spend hundreds.. there's no way around that. for example http://www.musiciansfriend.com/product/ART-DMPA-Pro-2-Channel-Mic-Pre-with-Digital-Outs?sku=180629 http://www.musiciansfriend.com/product/Focusrite-Platinum-TwinTrak-Pro-Channel-Strip?sku=188218 thats what i'd consider good.. low-end class A preamps
  19. actually it's the opposite for me... playing zelda makes me feel like i'm 8 again. but i guess that only works on games i have memories of when i was a kid
  20. hmmm.. was Freshly Baked the thing way back in the day where i did Jurassic Park when somebody requested it? anyways.. this sounds fun, but i've got my hands full with music to work on already
  21. its definitely buzz coming from the amp. the front panel isn't really loose in the sense that it rattles if i hit it.. but more like i can bend/push it inwards.. and slowly over time it creeps back out i suppose i should fix it, but it doesnt really bother me much. if it starts buzzing i just push the panel.. and that keeps it happy for a couple months
  22. my amp has a buzz too. it goes away when i push the front panel in.. since my front panel isn't firmly locked in place. i'd guess it's a grounding issue and you could get rid of it by opening up your amp and looking for any loose connections
  23. one of my favorite bands, Los Amigos Invisibles.. it's like latin dance funk electronica pop rock
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