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Everything posted by po!

  1. hey i'd be interested.. maybe a collab with someone. is there a deadline for claiming tracks?
  2. I've been working on doing chip vocal covers recently... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiCPZttRZtY
  3. nice arrangement.. love the chords. the mix is a bit off though.. lacks low end and the other stuff is clashing EQ-wise with the vocals. of course i'm listening on crappy headphones, so take that with a grain of salt. but good job.. i like it
  4. haha yes jazzy chords. the original chords were pretty jazzy to begin with, so I can't say I embellished them that much
  5. recorded this live: download here: http://posuyan.bandcamp.com/track/animal-crossing-theme-chip
  6. sorry for seeing this late, i haven't been to these forums much recently. i'm busy with too many things at the moment, so i don't think i'll be able to contribute anything to your project

  7. Why does our project marginalize BadAss? I definitely don't think it does. Maybe you think this project will be "better" and render their project marginal. Well, it's fine if you think that, but you have to realize when you think that, YOU are the one marginalizing BadAss. This statement could apply to all projects. Every project takes away people who could've helped with other projects. For example, I'm not doing the Wild Arms projects because I'm busy doing other projects. So why does our project specifically hurt BadAss in this regard and not other projects? There's no reason someone couldn't do both BadAss and Bad Dudes. Track overlap you say? There's PLENTY of tracks to choose from, seeing as the scope of both projects spans pretty much every video game ever made. This isn't some Super Dodge Ball or something with only a few tracks.
  8. If people have such a problem with 2 similar projects on OCR, then maybe we should remove Heroes vs Villains as on official OCR project? Personally, I would be against any kind of merging between the 2 projects. Our concept for this project came about through a bit of discussion which was totally independent of BadAss (in fact I only learned of BadAss today). We have our own vision of what we want to create.. so why not let BadAss be BadAss and let Bad Dudes be Bad Dudes.. which is how it was always intended to be.
  9. Ok JM and I are doing SAGAAAAAT We are calling out ZIRCON to do Ryu
  10. so it seems like a lot of people want to see Bad Dudes take the villains and OCR take the heroes. should we take a formal vote on this? or maybe the powers that be would like to just set the rules so we don't have people fighting over tracks
  11. it's a good idea and i'd like to see it happen, but it might be difficult if a baddude wanted to do a hero track and didn't have any ideas for a villain track. forcing or constraining tracks on people may not result in the best outcome, but i suppose there's already a decent constraint with the hero/villain pairs
  12. my goals are, in no particular order - make MORE music - MAKE more music - make more MUSIC
  13. i almost always do EQ (and compression) as the first thing i ever do to a track. i generally lay down effects in the order that they usually go in the signal chain, ie. compression -> EQ -> chorus -> reverb there's a good reason for this order, as it goes from most fundamental alterations (compression) to least fundamental (reverb is just icing on the cake). reverb is always the very last thing i do to the entire mix.. after everything is done i just go track by track and add reverb sends i like to EQ as early as possible since it makes things easier to listen to, and also so that my EQ settings can evolve over time. every day i listen to the mix i have a fresh set of ears and can tweak the EQ to where eventually it settles into the "proper" EQ. sometimes i do get frustrated over the mix and will redo the EQ of every track from scratch if it sounds totally wrong
  14. that happens to me ALL THE TIME. pretty much every thing i do hits this block at least once. usually i don't force anything.. coming back to it after some time off usually helps because by then i'll have different sounds and ideas in my head
  15. "HH Track 3" would make a really nice downtempo track.. slap some reverby female vocals on it and it would be MONEY. doesn't feel that much like hip hop though it's hard to explain what would make your tracks more hip hop. the only thing i can really say in general is that hip hop has to MAKE YOU WANNA NOD YOUR HEAD... unless we're talking about the more dancy commercial hip hop of the last decade. the bass, kick, snares and hats have to hit in a way that induces head movement
  16. if you're dealing with acapella vocals, the only way is to manually find the BPM. I usually do this by making a basic metronome beat (a hi-hat or something every quarter or eight note) and placing the vocals on top of it. Then I just adjust the tempo until they are in sync. Sometimes the vocals aren't at a consistent BPM, so in that case I cut the lyrics into sections and make sure each section is in tempo
  17. one of my fav producers that nobody mentioned is Da Beatminerz.. they got the raw and gritty style http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUi_kxHY5ys
  18. I wasn't really referring to aliasing/interpolation issues that arise when changing sampling rates, which is a totally different issue. I don't think the author is referring to that either, since he's comparing CD to MP3 and other "downloadable" formats, as if they are different types of data. I don't think he's referring to sampling rates, since like you mentioned they're capable of different sampling rates. Anyways, I'm really skeptical of the auto-normalization thang. I don't even think it accomplishes what it ideally should accomplish, which is change the VOLUME of the sound coming out of your speakers, and not the GAIN. Ideally if I'm listening to something really LOUD from the past decade and then listen to a track from the 70s, I'd turn the volume knob on my speakers to make them about the same volume. Things like Replay Gain only turn the volume on my computer, which is actually changing the GAIN (hence the name Replay Gain). So in order for auto-normalizing to work in the ideal way, it must be able to control VOLUME and not gain. That means it must have control of the hardware that's playing sounds (your speakers). Things like standalone mp3 players can do this since it's integrated software and hardware, but you would need USB-controlled speakers or something similar on your computer. I just don't see that becoming a standard... Even if Replay Gain became standard, it may not accomplish the correct goal. Yes, people wouldn't master as loud, but now you're effectively dividing the mastering. Replay Gain would do the final "master" and overcompress and you'd still be hearing overcompressed music coming out of your speakers since it's only able to control gain. Ok I have no idea why I'm rambling about this... back to work
  19. That's actually a pretty good article, until he gets to Ummmm... what? Digital audio is pretty much the same "format" regardless of the final file type. CD/WAV, MP3, FLAC represent the same information, just using different compression schemes. That statement shows a flawed understanding of digital audio, and the whole article goes downhill from there Personally I think auto-normalizers like Replay Gain kinda suck.. I definitely have it turned off on my players. The point he makes about people mastering for auto-normalizers is only valid IF it becomes the standard for listening to audio, which I doubt will happen. It probably would have happened by now, since like he states, it came out a long time ago.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PC20X0DKsqo
  21. wow that sucks.. i've dealt with reporters who just have no idea about the subject and don't have enough time/energy to do the proper research. the article never comes out quite the way it should.. like this one
  22. love this.. bass line is killer. good stuff as usual from bLiNd
  23. it's gonna depend on the actual sample, but the general idea is to paste part of the sample back to back (thus looping a portion of it and extending its length) with a bit of overlap and crossfade the overlapped region. obviously if it contains any kind of attack or release you want to loop the middle sustained portion of the sample
  24. i agree with the room treatment suggestion. bass traps are expensive, but there's things you can do to improve your acoustics without spending much money. 1) get your speakers on stands (NOT sitting on your desk) and put them at ear level. the desk surface will tend to trap and muddy bass. well any surface will do that, so.... 2) move your speakers away from any walls. bass traps are meant to help with this, by reducing the trapping effect of walls. but if you can't afford them, just moving your speakers away from walls will help a lot. most people place their desks and thus place their speakers pretty much against the wall. i noticed a huge difference in sound just by moving my desk away from the wall only 6 inches 3) you could get something like mopads to help prevent vibrations. haven't tried them myself, but plan to.. but i've heard they do help
  25. like i said, i don't think there's a problem here, that's why i'm not offering a solution. i don't think the judging process is bad, i was just trying to explain that i think it's a major factor in "The Evolution of OCR", whether we realize it or not why does it seem like every post that isn't heads-over-heel praise for the site is taken as an attack? *sigh*... i thought i was pretty clear that i'm not dissing the system. i'm not fond of judging/reviewing music in general, but i know that OCR needs the judging process to be what it is
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