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Everything posted by po!

  1. i got the desk at IKEA.. just the smallest most basic wood desk. but i made the speaker stands myself, and they're sitting on a piece of wood that is wider than the desk. it's actually kinda ghetto, but it works i guess if you have dual monitors, you could just get a wider piece of wood to hold it all. i think mine is 4 ft
  2. aaah stupid image limit
  3. new camera, new pics
  4. maybe u missed my post at OUS... just connect the INs and OUTs to your controller as u would normally do.. then connect the THRU on the controller to IN on the motif
  5. i don't see the need for another term. we're all musicians, producers, composers, audio engineers, etc.. there's already terms to describe what we do. and everybody uses computers nowadays, so there's no point in distinguishing the fact that we use DAWs
  6. well.. i'm playin in the accompanying band for susanna kwan. the show is at Pala Casino i actually have no idea what kinda show it's gonna be.. could be a concert, or a private performance. either way, you probably wouldn't be able to get tix, nor would u want to.. unless you happen to be into old skool chinese pop/folk music i got a studio rehearsal friday night, then saturday gotta drive to the casino, set up, sound check, rehearse, bla bla bla all that good stuff. so no OCR meetup for me...
  7. that's very true. the good musicians think they suck. the suck musicians think they good i excel at violin the furthest, and it's not very far. i prolly wouldn't be accepted to be a performance major anywhere. i wouldn't even want to do that anyways, i'm way too fickle and i'd get tired of it. that's why i mainly play bass and guitar nowadays, and it's quickly catching up to my violin level. although maybe not, considering i'm still lacking decades of practice. but it just feels like i've made fast progress since violin is just sooo hard.. many many years spent not getting very far aside from playing, i still consider my production/arrangement/composition skill greater than my instrument skills. too bad there isn't some kind of production major or school, that would probably be a really interesting curriculum. it would basically have to encompass a bit from ALL aspects of music i guess thats prolly why i fit the producer role well.. i'm just a jack of several trades, master of NADA. i always wonder how i would be if i focused all my energy on one thing....
  8. ha i'll actually be in socal that weekend and i'd love to meet ya'll crazy OCR peeps.. but i'll be playin a gig that day in some casino in the middle of nowhere NO PUEDO ASISTIR
  9. omg u play the exact same instruments as me, except i dont play percussion...... yet. i also sing in baritone/bass range too. you must be my musical twin... except, i'm prolly just a sucky version of u
  10. maybe somethin like... not enough source material NO too short not developed enough NO bass has some weird distortion at the beginning NO i'm not sure i like that track anyways
  11. i have no intention of submitting that. it wouldn't pass the judges panel anyways. there's a lot of music out there that just isn't "OCR music" i would submit stuff that i think is appropriate for this site.. problem is i haven't done any recently
  12. the Roland RD series is PINNACLE.. but its expensive http://www.zzounds.com/item--ROLRD300SX maybe you might be able to find a used one.. either RD300sx or RD300 (older model) within your budget
  13. i would say that there is a distinct pop genre, although it isn't really that broad. for example Toxic.. i would call it distinctly pop. it's not r&b or rock or anything.. it's just pop. i don't think the definition of pop as anything that's popular works, since there's plenty of rock or rap or r&b that are really popular. tupac was really popular back in the day.. but you wouldn't call that pop
  14. i'm wit u on this. but don't ever argue with anybody like that.. it's a waste of time. actually i could say don't ever argue about art with anybody.. it's useless because nobody is gonna change their views based on an argument. everybody thinks they're right.. and everybody IS right, since art is subjective
  15. The Jazz Theory Book by Mark Levine http://www.amazon.com/Jazz-Theory-Book-Mark-Levine/dp/1883217040/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/104-8710198-7153507?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1180554357&sr=1-1 it's not basic or classical theory, but it's a great book for jazz
  16. ooh nice PHATTY analoq my studio sucks and hasn't changed in years.. so no pics
  17. if somebody wants to organize a Bay Area meetup i'd be down to go. how many bay area peeps are there here anyways?.. doesn't seem like that many
  18. i'm in the san jose area, but have no interest in going. orchestral video game music just isn't that appealing to me..
  19. ok i've made a clip so you can hear the crackles better http://wushuplaya.googlepages.com/clipp3.mp3 i have no idea where the crackles are coming from. i don't see any spikes in the waveform i'd guess its a problem in your program when rendering/exporting. try exporting the same clip a few times and see if the crackles are in the same places. maybe try some slight variations (like slightly move a timpani hit out of time) and see if the crackles are different
  20. ok i've removed the crackles http://wushuplaya.googlepages.com/clipp2.mp3 here's how i did it: 1) this is the crackle at the end of the clip. you can see a spike there, which causes crackle 2) selecting the spike, i put a fade out envelope over it 3) spike is smoothed out, no more crackle this was a special case tho.. usually crackles don't occur at the beginnings or ends, so in that case you can't use fade in/out. you have to manually edit the waveform to smooth out the spike EDIT: so the crackle is during the timpani roll.. hmm.. lemme go find it EDIT2: ok this is reaally hard to find.. sorry i don't think i have time right now to go looking for it
  21. yea i don't hear any crackles, aside from the beginning and end.. is that what you're talkin about? that's usually caused by abruptly putting in a sample/waveform without properly fading it in but if that wasn't the problem then you can do the fade in/outs after mixdown
  22. if you're talking about really short crackles, then it can be easily removed. you should see an abnormal spike in the waveform which you can manually smooth out by changing the actual sample values if you're not sure what i'm talkin about, you could post the 2 second audio sample i can show you how its done btw i would NOT recommend using EQ. you don't wanna ruin the balance of your mix just to fix a little crackle
  23. not exactly sure what sound u want.. but in general: steel strings = brighter edgy sound nickel or nickel plated steel = "normal" sound flatwounds = deeper smoother sound as for brands.. here's a good place to find info on all the millions of different strings http://www.talkbass.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=16
  24. dang.. shna rawked as a kid. hope he still doesnt keep his mouth gaping wide open when he plays...
  25. http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=baroopa this is my friend's cartoon, which i've been sorta involved with i did a short Blaster Master remix for the newest episode Baroopa Dreams. the trailer also uses my old Balloon Fight remix
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