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Everything posted by ocre

  1. That might be quit a while. | : < Guess ol' Iwata decided to surprise Sakurai with the knowledge that he's working on Smash again.
  2. I've read that the Wii U is more powerful than the PS3 and 360. Those games they announced are coming out for those systems but Nintendo is telling people they have those games because there is nothing else ready to be shown yet. They take a few third party games and have them ported to Wii U because it can handle them but is BY NO MEANS at the limit of it's technical specs running them and there you go. The ports aren't done so they used 360/PS3 footage because the port will be a comparable product.
  3. Okay I've got another one. Though it is a little repetitive, it is catchy and like all Katamari Damacy music, has the power to make everyone instantly happy. :3
  4. On the topic of the state of the gaming union, which is related to the Wii U, I was looking around the PS Home E3 booth replica space and checking out the virtual NGPs they had there and it highlighted one of the features as being "Designed for FPSes". What the eff?
  5. I laffed. You're right, they said it would take them a long time to make it, but they've been wasting their time making something people don't want. They should just cancel FFXIII-2 and just give people what they want if they're going to take so long making it. Then again, I'd only want a remake of such a beloved game if the original team members were all assembled for it, which I don't think that's ever going to happen. Whateva.
  6. http://gonintendo.com/viewstory.php?id=160124 Lots of 3DS videos. Paper Mario! :3
  7. It's annoying to me that they showed off the Wii U controller playing a Wii game. Yes, it shows that the system is backward compatible, but I think it was damaging to the initial impression people got of the system. People will look at that video and think that the system is only as powerful as the Wii, when it has been stated to be at least as powerful as the PS3. They really didn't showcase the system's technical prowess other than through that weird Bird/Cherry Blossom/Fish tech demo. Who knows when we'll see a game built from the ground up on the system.
  8. I posed a picture of the Wii U console (might be a prototype) on the Wii U console thread (since we can't talk about the hardware and system in the same thread; props admins). As for playable characters in Smash Bros Me, I'd assume we're getting a Mii, given how they put one in Super Mario Bros. And maybe Sakurai will branch out and put an Animal Crossing character in?
  9. http://kotaku.com/5809482/the-is-the-first-picture-of-nintendos-new-console-the-wii-u Pic of the actual console.
  10. You know you can change those power saver settings right?
  11. Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life - Let's Have Some Tea This theme played at the cafe in town and inspired many a daily visit by me. The bass is very 'classic Harvest Moon town' and the guitar just has a sort of melancholy yet optimistic feel to it. I like it.
  12. Maybe if they're in jail? Apparently Lulzsec are attacking the FBI now? Frasier put it quite nicely in this clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLqehCJHEg0#t=3m54s
  13. I seen better this year. On a serious note, these hacker morons aren't gonna stop until the government puts some harsher laws in place and everyone suffers, aren't they?
  14. On the subject of this HD collection rendering the 3DS version of MGS3 unnecessary, I think it could go either way. People are going to be looking for titles to play on their 3DS, and I think MGS3 is a hell of a game to invest in, even if it's just to see the 3D effect add-ins. I know it's my favorite MGS game, so I'll probably be getting both the HD collection AND the 3DS one.
  15. No. If that happens, you can still get your games this way: You may have to push your way past some naggy errors but this worked for me.
  16. Considering there was no joint Konami/Silicon Knights/Nintendo remake of Silent Hill, I would say it's unlikely that MGS1 isn't included because Nintendo has the rights to Twin Snakes, thought they may indeed own portions of what Twin Snakes contains. Being PSX games is the big thing those two games have in common. In any event, as great as it is that they're rereleasing these old games as HD ports, I would've loved to have seen 'GCN Resident Evil calibur' remakes of MGS (with MGS4 or greater graphics) and Silent Hill (SH5 graphics) but yeah, it's far easier to just port stuff with better textures. Then again, we kind of DID get MGS1 in MGS4 graphics already.
  17. Because PS1 graphics would look too horrendous in HD? Maybe? Also, sad face at this thread for not mentioning the Silent Hill HD Collection. Silent Hill 2 and 3. No PSX Silent Hill. Hmm.
  18. This may even turn out to be a sound investment for the Wii2/Cafe's new controller. Then again, it might need more than just a couple of AA's/AA battery pack to power it. Good find though!
  19. Er, how long is this demo? You battled how many minibosses?
  20. In any event, the Welcome Back package has dropped on the PS Store. If you keep getting error messages, it's probably because the service is being inundated by the droves of people shoving into the doors all at once. I was able to get all four of my free games + the theme and movie rentals. For the games, if you get errors after selecting "Get Now," they'll be available in your Account Management -> Transaction Managmenet -> Service List (the top entry on that list). Happy gaming!
  21. Yeah, the lack of complimentary games sure has made this service useless for the entirety of it's existence.
  22. Yeah, exactly. I see these attacks as childish outbursts that have long since lost their direction (and the direction they had was bad to begin with).Give a brat a gun and he shoots anyone that doesn't let him have his way. The attacks started as a retaliation on 'Sony' for "violating the rights of its customers" by seizing property. Now all the attackers want to do is destroy "Sony," and they see nothing wrong with violating even more rights/laws; including ours, the innocent bystander. At the end of the day, Sony's legal battles with the people involved in the exploits had infinitely less impact on me than what the terrorist hackers are doing; so why should they gain my support? Maybe I shouldn't be surprised but I can't believe some people root on the attacks of these criminals. The most annoying thing out of all this is seeing the people who (irrationally) never liked Sony come out of the woodwork and fling accusations about GOD-AWFUL SECURITY and QUESTIONABLE BUSINESS PRACTICES as if they have access to detailed reports and inside information.
  23. Was wondering if you were gonna do a June is Boss Month thread!

  24. Change your email address password? Even if you change it, I'm sure they could hack into your email if they wanted to but I think reality is on your side; why would they want to?
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