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Everything posted by ocre

  1. There are some "Free games" that you can download and enjoy for only the entirety of your subscriptions activity. So when it runs out, they deactivate. The main draw of PS+ is the discounted prices for many items on the PS store and early access to betas and demos. There are also wallpapers and stuff.
  2. You seem to have overlooked key words like "MAY" and "COULD HAVE" while reading Kotaku's article (at the time I linked it anyway, Luke seems to be on an editing spree to cover up his horrible journalism). One of the commenters put it real well: Shame on you, Luke Plunkett. Recycling news stories. Tsk tsk.
  3. I don't see how giving Journey out for free to 70 million people is a win for ThatGameCompany! Did you pull that out of your ass or do they actually retroactively charge people for games they got for free on Plus when their subscription ends? I call bullshit. Though I wouldn't be surprised if those games 'deactivate'.
  4. ocre

    Portal 2

    I feel stupid for paying $59.99. Really stupid. |: < Oh well. I'll just consider the additional cost as a donation to Valve for making such a quality game (if not the actual money, then the gesture of paying that much.).
  5. Out of curiosity, what would you have liked? What would've seemed... big enough?
  6. Too old. :( :3

  7. Happy Birthday!

  8. Speaking of Kotaku, they (along with the rest of the Gawker network) were also the victims of a security breach releasing millions of peoples personal information. And, just like Sony, lots of people hated them before it happened too. http://www.dailytech.com/Gawker+Media+Suffers+Massive+Data+Breach+Courtesy+of+Gnosis/article20384.htm Interesting read. I highly suspect that the PSN hackers have similar reasons for doing what they did (Read the "Why did they do it?" section).
  9. http://www.angusgarden.com/?p=68 Oh really? But seriously, I'll state again, any company or government body can have their databases hacked. Do we know that Sony's security practices were nonstandard for the data they were handling? I'm assuming the investigating bodies will bring this to light. We can decide what pitchforks to wield then. Let me also say again that I hope the real culprit(s) of this situation are found and brought to swift justice. If you want to be mad at someone, be mad at them. They are why we can't have nice things.
  10. He's not saying they're 'better,' he's asking people to stop acting like they're worse. The people who only claimed to do it are selling the DB? Like Zirc said, just because a hundred people claim they've been hit with ID theft, doesn't make it the fault of the PSN breach. So far I've read that the security firm Sony was using said people had posted CLAIMS of PSN credit card info up on some underground black market forum. I say we wait 'til the officials (the FBI or Homeland, if Sony is so EVIL AND UNTRUSTWORTHY) officially confirm that the actual hackers have actually started divulging actual PSN user credit card info before we start saying they are.
  11. Ooh, Sir_Nuts is participating? This is gonna be good
  12. Gotta love Waylon's Theme, Isabella's Theme and Mr Bear. And of course Will's theme. And Gage's theme! Someone remix something! :3
  13. Yeah yeah yeah everybody's a comedian. As for your question: Normally you'd be able to access your billing info from the "Account Management" section of the PSN tab. Of course you'd need to be logged into the PSN to do this. And if you ever noticed, there was a way to remove your billing info after you purchased Wallet funds. I always did this religiously. Wonder if that made any difference. Myork.
  14. I don't know if I buy that they're trying to gain sympathy by telling people that their private information may have been compromised. I don't know what masses they're trying to win over with that. I would think admitting that kind of thing would be damaging and unfavorable to customers and shareholders alike.
  15. I'll agree that there's a big difference between putting Mario on your PSP and whatever it was that forced Sony into locking down it's entire network.
  16. People. Have you ever had your home broken into? Are you more mad with yourself for not having a laser grid security system or are you mad at the thieves who took your computer, tv, jewelery (hey, men can wear jewelery too), and your beer? These people aren't heroes. They're miscreants who parade around with a guise of justice but they're actually just bullies. In this case, they've brought Sony down to it's knees by "exposing their weak security" (what company or government body who use computers isn't susceptible to attack if nothing is unhackable) and the stolen information is just insult to injury. "WAH they took my OtherOS and slapped our hands when we tampered with their system! Let's make jerks of ourselves and MAKE THEM PAY!" How childish. With great power comes great responsibility. And so on.
  17. http://forums.sarcasticgamer.com/showpost.php?p=645846&postcount=734
  18. I hope they crucify whoever did this. We're trying to have a society here. Nope couldn't say it with a straight face.
  19. But they would never use it for personal gain (outside of your VOLUNTARY purchase), like the people who took it are feared to do. You trust(ed) that information with Sony and now some maniac may have it. I don't blame you for feeling anger. I just want people to stop treating the people who took the information like heroes.
  20. People see what they want to see. Particularly the people with green blood. ADHD. All of them. On the other hand, I kind of hope this IS all the work of hackers and that they DID find all our credit card numbers, if only for the small satisfaction that it would also affect the people who own a PS3 and still cheer on the hackers. Damned idiots. And another thing, if it were another company or government body that were targeted by hackers to the point where your information would be compromised, whose side would you be on? Would you hate them more than the hackers? IF this is the work of hackers, then one could say that their actions have become hypocritical. They attacked Sony for infringing on the rights of the few, when now everyone is suffering from the network outage. Sony wasn't targeting me when it was carrying on with it's lawsuit. And Sony may have pulled the plug on PSN but who forced their hand? Who can say but Sony themselves. And I do agree with those that are upset they haven't been communicating with their customers. Edit: ok so they sent a letter. That's some good communication right there.
  21. ocre

    Portal 2

    http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/1234/wheatleymikey.jpg Brilliant!
  22. ocre

    Portal 2

    Was that the 3-laser trial? I didn't find anything too grating, just trying to figure out which one you're talking about.
  23. ocre


    I wanted to talk about Cher and Dionne. As if!
  24. Ugh. The minigames lag like nobody's business for me. It takes me like 6 minutes to play the Wailord minigame and the Sky Race starts at such a snails pace that the game isn't winnable. No, me being retarded has NOTHNG to do with it, it's some kind of glitch in the site. :{ In any event, I got a Defiant Farfetch'd because none of the other pokemon I met yesterday were female. :{
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