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Everything posted by ocre

  1. Hopefully after I beat the game with one of the games, I can get the other and start trading over eggs I make with the 1-4th Gen pokemon I import and trade over from the beaten game, I'll be willing to trade the eggs from the oldies if anyone wants. Or ditto. EDIT: Can someone hook me up with an extra Shiny Raikou? I missed out on it. I'm willing to trade you for something.
  2. I think most people are happy about this because now they can play SNES games on their PS3s. *eyeroll*
  3. These new names are really bad. And no that's not "nostalgia" speaking. I never nickname my Pokemon. Guess I might be doing that this gen. Horrible.
  4. I think the could make for some interesting remixes, arrangements. It was arranged for the Bioware RPG, just to give you a taste of where you could go with it. I'd be happy even if you wanted to do a straight-up arrangement just to hear it with better samples. Thanks for your interest.
  5. Shiny Raikou is being given out for ALL Gen 4 Pokemon games at participating gamestops til the 9th.
  6. It was basically Shutter Island, which is a steaming pile of crap.
  7. American Beauty was a pretty good watch.. I enjoyed the director commentary too. I think Fargo is pretty good. Tarantino does a lot of cool stuff too, though I prefer his 'banter'/dialogue stuff of Pulp Fiction to the melodrama of the Kill Bills. Ingourious Basterds was entertaining. Going to 2nd 'Shawshank'. I have to mention 'The Crazies' as an exceptionally entertaining 'disaster' movie. You can tell a lot of love and effort went into it. It's not in the realm of 'masterpiece,' admittedly, but it's no 'House of Wax'. I had expected a half-brained "Rob Zombie" horror gorefest (not that I'm averse to horror movies/gore in movies) and was pleasanty surprised that this turned out to hold my interest and just plain entertain me. - Coming back to commentaries, I hate it when filmmakers endlessly list and thank people who worked on the film during a director commentary. I find it a lot more interesting if they talk about what considerations went into the way they lit or shot a certain scene. The American Beauty commentary did a pretty good job of that. Pretty enlightening. "Crash" was a piece of crap. Careful how you go about posting in this one, guys. I think it might be considered a borderline 'Favorites thread,' which are no-no's.
  8. These kind of people sort of bother me. I have a friend that refuses to watch "scary movies" purely because he thinks they're "dumb". I mean, do what you want but it's fun to explore the dark and deadly realms of reality/fantasy once in a while. Anyway, I like these themes because they made brushes with the dangerous denizens of some of my favorite horror games/game scenes more memorable. Leechman 1 from Resident Evil 0 - If you've played RE0 you know to dread this song. The mysterious leech man enemy had a habit of showing up at the most inopportune times. from Conker's Bad Fur Day. Good old fashioned unsettling music for the aptly-named 'Spooky' section of this N64 masterpiece, in which you deal with zombies in and around a vampire's castle. from Silent Hill 3. I distinctly remember making note of this music when I fought the Leonard monster in the sewer. There's something very unsettling about something dangerous swimming barely visible beneath sewer water and this theme managed to make it even more unsettling.
  9. I'm available to do this. Sounds pretty straightforward. I would be a valuable asset to the Impact Soundworks team!
  10. I'm just now getting around to listening to these and I'm really lovin' the tracks. Great work, everyone. Thanks Cyril. Your take on Freeze Man def has a great Christmas vibe. Nice job with the lyrics too.
  11. I hope you had a BALLER birthday yesterday.
  12. You know you can turn the 3D off with a slider, right?
  13. I want to know what colors they're gonna have. Or should I say color. Cheap bastards. In any event I WILL be purchasing one and it WILL be the cause of my poverty for the forseeable future.
  14. Merry Christmas to all my OCR peeps! :3
  15. I was wondering if you could make a list of which songs are original and which are arrangements/remixes. Thanks.
  16. Another Event pokemon announced: Ash's Pikachu. Given at Toys 'R' Us stores from Jan 30th to Feb 5th.
  17. I wish they would just do all event give-aways through the WFC so everyone can get them. (Why make us jump through another hoop of a physical location if there's already a timeframe). In any event, these will apparently be obtainable in EVERY 4th generation game. That's a LOT of shiny Legendary Beasts (if you own more than one gen 4 game; and, really, what are you doing in this thread if not)
  18. Haha. I love your nerdiness. :)

  19. A very Happy Birthday to one of my dearest OCR friends.
  20. We need some Spring Man or Burst Man love. For serious.
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