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Everything posted by ocre

  1. Apparently that new bat is psychic/flying.
  2. You forgot to post the best new pokemon, Munna's evolution. Looks like a female counterpart to drowzee.
  3. He might hate Nintendo for whatever reason but he sure is a funny guy.
  4. Okay. I was not aware of his remix title, as it isn't listed anywhere I've read (and he probably named it that after reading my original post anyway, am I right?) In any case, this is going to be a great project and I will continue to anticipate it eagerly.
  5. The name of halc's source tune 'Northern Kremisphere' is the name of the area DKC3 takes place in. The song plays on the map screen.
  6. I don't want anything to change.
  7. My first game memory was Super Mario Bros. I remember my mom being amazed that I was able to beat Koopa's castle.
  8. Hey, you know what? I was the first person to wish you a happy birthday in #ocremix so FUC- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
  9. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=27628 There was a thread on here for Advance Wars before and nobody seemed interested.
  10. And you might want to think about changing that title.
  11. Remakes of remakes? Now that's just ridiculous. Some might feel that remaking these games once has been ridiculous, but I personally like going back and seeing the old regions with the latest game engine/mechanics and newer pokemon. Playing HeartGold and SoulSilver may not have been as groundbreaking as it was back when the games are new, but, as lukewarm as I was toward the Ruby/Sapphire games, playing those remakes made me want to revisit Hoenn. And it's not like they remake them every year. There were almost 10 years between Pokemon Red/Blue and FireRed and LeafGreen. And about 10 years between Gold/Silver and HeartGold/SoulSilver. A Ruby/Sapphire remake in 2012/2013 wouldn't be so unreasonable. And why wouldn't they be on the 3DS? The DS is on it's way out (Black and White have been in development for a long time and will release in September for Japan, so it's not like GameFreak didn't want to make them on the 3DS, the 3DS just hasn't been ready to develop for.) Again, I think the third version of BW will be on 3DS as an 'enhanced' title, while the Ruby/Sapphire remakes will either use that same engine or be built from the ground-up for 3DS.
  12. I have a sneaking suspicion that the '3rd version'(and the inevitable Ruby/Sapphire remake) will be a 3DS-enhancement of the DS Black and White games, which (in my humble opinion) more than justifies waiting, though I don't have the will to wait that long myself.
  13. Happy birthday!!
  14. Found your youtube VGM remasters. Pretty cool stuff.

  15. For those of you who didn't watch, you didn't miss anything. 20 seconds of gameplay and then Jimmy FaIlon's ADD kicks into high gear and he ended up derailing the demo into Reggie showing him the 3DS, which of course they can't show effectively on tv. I hate anyone who watches that show regularly.
  16. Slight bump here to remind everyone that this game will be making an appearance tonight on Jimmy Fallon's show for his 'Week of Games' feature. It will apparently be demoed by none other than Reggie himself. Tune in. And, on a disappointing note, there are apparently no underwater levels in the game because Retro feels the water stages in the original games were 'too slow'. http://kotaku.com/5572645/their-orders-are-to-make-a-better-donkey-kong-country The way I see it, people who haven't read this revelation are EXPECTING aquatic levels, and I think they'll be inclined to criticize negatively when they find out they were dropped. The 'slow' pacing of the aquatic levels was part of what made the original trilogy great; they created a nice balance. Not to mention THE MUSIC. Another thing: Slow? I guess they don't remember outswimming croctopi.
  17. This is great. The whole thing is reminiscent of an indie short film. In fact, now I want to see it turned into one. Really enjoyed. The Scrap Brain Zone and the Medley were especially satifying. And I was bobbing my head to Eggerman. "Maintaining communication is the key to effective psychoanalysis."
  18. Actually it sounds even worse.
  19. Saw it earlier. Absolutely magical. I teared up. -SPOILER- That incinerator scene, where they all hold hands and face their doom. -/SPOILER- :'( Everyone go see it. Highest recommendation.
  20. I would hope it's generally thought that the series found it's high point in the DKC series. Sure, maybe Rare created DKC as a 'response' to one of Nintendo's competitors, but it's obvious a lot of love went into the creation of the three games as well. Gearing the series into a platformer, driven by a plot, and having created a non-Mario enemy in the Kremlings, they elevated the series out of becoming rehash after rehash of the original arcade series. Then, after Rare's departure, the series was pulled in so many directions. Namco's Donkey Konga. The other bongo game by Nintendo of Japan, Jungle Beat. PAON's Jungle Climber and Barrel Blast games. And sprinkles of Mario vs DK in there. If you pay attention, these games all portray DK differently, because people have different interpretations of what DK is supposed to be. There are those that believe that the DKC/R Donkey Kong is the same Donkey Kong that kidnapped Pauline in the original Donkey Kong games. And then there are people who believe that Donkey Kong is either the son(DK Jr) of the original ape (who is now Cranky Kong). I am inclined to agree with the latter and I think DKCR is a long-overdue return to form that was only kept barely alive with the PAON games. Maybe this is a bad example, but imagine if the original "Mario Bros" (not Super) was the only Mario game that had been developed by Nintendo. And then here comes another company that ends up creating Peach, Bowser, Super Mushrooms, Goombas, et cetera. After three 'Super Mario Bros' games, 3 different developers each handle their own Mario projects; maybe one of them has Mario hitting bricks to pop music (complete with a weird drum peripheral that makes Mario jump), maybe two of them just have Mario and Luigi in a sewer, punching out crabs. No jumping on enemies. No mention of Peach or Bowser or Toad. Hey, maybe some people would like those games. I think that's sort of how the DK series is fragmented.
  21. Haha. Awkwardness you can slice with a knife.
  22. Kenji Yamamoto is doing the music. (He did the Prime series music.) And yeah, Retro has stated that they're about 90% done with the game so far and that even though they're already working on the last level, they will be making small tweaks until the release date (Winter 2010) so that the game is pitch perfect. And yeah they're keeping very many details about the game close to the chest, which says to me, 'yes, there will be other Kongs returning(I doubt they will be nor do I want them to be playable)' and absolutely 'yes, there will be Animal Buddies' and I'm pretty sure the Kremlings will make at least a tiny appearance. Either way, this is going to be one hell of a game.
  23. I want almost every Nintendo game announced for this already. NOW.
  24. I'd rather have a brand NEW Fire Emblem. :/
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