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Everything posted by ocre

  1. So then your contention is that they are real? :3
  2. If you wanna talk about stingy, the Japanese hog a lot of events. And this is damn.. game data that they could easily provide us here in the US (Oh and Canada too I guess ) http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Nintendo_event_Pok%C3%A9mon_in_2010
  3. My Celebi is from the Pokemon Rocks America event that Nintendo held years ago that my friend gave me and I transferred it into Pearl. ^^
  4. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v416/ocre3/1283735695350.jpg "As you can see, the faker used the anime spreadsheet but didn't clean his canvas well enough. the line next to smugleaf2's head fits wotter2's head perfectly. BUSTED!" Yay. I've been hoping these pieces of crap were fake. And they are. (of course, the anime spreadsheet makes the 2nd forms of Mijumaru and Tsutaja real but their designs are probably a bit different than those of the faker's versions; mijumaru2's coloring, for example)
  5. Well, they could've avoided any kind of design problem by making the ball release upon ground contact like always. I don't see why they would make the normal release animation exclusive to just Diglet/Dugtrio and everything else releases in mid-air.
  6. There's a little thing that's been bothering me about B/W. I hate how the pokemon is released in mid-air and then fals down to the ground. Aside from it looking pretty stupid, it's going to be dumb seeing a Diglett fall from mid-air with his pile of rubble around him. Pretty annoying.
  7. If anyone wants to pass the message along, I think the OneUps could pull off an amazing live version of the aforementioned 'Cheap Shop' track. =) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDY5eJa9NxE&fmt=18
  8. Pretty stellar tracks, in general. Glad Suze ended up doing my request.
  9. Also very catchy are the tracks 'Maki Ya' and 'Cheap Shop' and the world map theme. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDCBQ8ZzDnQ&fmt=18 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDY5eJa9NxE&fmt=18 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtwsMnSN_80&fmt=18
  10. Yo, AP. Hope you're doing well.

  11. They're also cheating those of us who have waited anxiously/patiently for the deadline to come while they chose to do other things instead of the thing they made an obligation to do. Voluntary or not, hard job or not, half-assed WIP or not. Either way, enjoy your extension, all.
  12. Thank you for your friendship and your countless contributions to this community. Hopefully we will continue to produce high quality ReMix albums (Serious Monkey Business as an exemplary one). You will be missed.
  13. Fresh meat!
  14. I'm currently playing a whole lotta Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones!
  15. Fufufufu~ Have fun in Vegas guys : - )
  16. If you guys were thinking of buying the game, I have a promo code (I know it works for the PSN version, not sure of the XBLA one) for a dollar off the price. Use the code 10THANKS at checkout. You also get a PS Home shirt for ordering in advance (The game and Home shirt REDEMPTION codes you actually get from buying can't actually be used until August 10th and 13th respectively, but hey it's 1 dollar off the price) http://shop.ubi.com/store/ubina/en_US/pd/ThemeID.8605600/productID.202892200
  17. Well, it's not like the game is out yet. We don't know what storyline innovations they have in store. I mean, sure there's a rival, and an antagonist and Gyms and Badges and a champion, but do you really want them to get rid of those?
  18. You're my hero! I too enlighten people of this seemingly trivial but very important fact on almost a daily basis. No, I don't work at McDonalds.
  19. Nice sig, mechafone. I always liked the S&K logo.

  20. *as Smash Bros Announcer* Congratulations!
  21. People have been clamoring for change to the Pokemon games, moreso recently, and apparently The Pokemon Company are trying new things with the Gen 5 games, so we'll see if what changes they've made to their exemplarily 'formulaic'(for better, I think, formulaic than worse) series any more or less stellar and addictive than it has been.
  22. Very odd teaser trailer. Interesting that Mega Man turned 8-bit when he 'died'. Is this going to be Mega Man using powers of other Capcom charaacters or other Capcom charaters playing through Mega Man stages? And what visual style do you think you'll go for? Apparently this is a PSN/XBLA title, so who knows.
  23. Very very cool. I'm glad we have the continued support of such a high profile artist.
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