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Geoffrey Taucer

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Everything posted by Geoffrey Taucer

  1. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10039173/dire%20on%20the%20rocks.mp3 Andy McKee - inspired arrangement of Dire Dire Docks. Again, done in collaboration with ffmusicdj.
  2. I'm in San Jose. Might be able to swing up to SF on a sunday if there are goings-on.
  3. Finished (I think) https://db.tt/d9cfXgtS Huge thanks to ffmusicdj for doing the whistling, the production, and making me sound like a much better guitarist than I actually am.
  4. Updated: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10039173/MeAndMarioDownByTheSchoolYard.mp3
  5. Finished and submitted. Here's the final version: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10039173/Toe%20Jam%20-%20Killer%20Toe%20Funk(Geoffrey%20Taucer%20%26%20FFmusic%20DJ).mp3
  6. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10039173/MeAndMarioDownByTheSchoolYard.mp3 Just a spliced-together sketch right now; everything will be re-recorded once the arrangement is finished. Collaborating with ffmusicdj on production.
  7. Updated: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10039173/Toejam%20Jammin(Geoffrey%20Taucer%20%26%20FFmusic%20DJ).mp3
  8. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10039173/Toejam%20Jammin(Geoffrey%20Taucer%20%26%20FFmusic%20DJ).mp3 Updated with guitar duel
  9. Hopefully. Having a fellow remixer as a roommate definitely makes it more likely.
  10. Updated: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10039173/Toejam%20Jammin(Geoffrey%20Taucer%20%26%20FFmusic%20DJ).mp3
  11. Haha, thanks, appreciate it. And no worries; I absolutely love a good debate with an intelligent opponent, which you are.

  12. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10039173/gtr.mp3 In collab with ffmusicdj. Nowhere near done, but should give you an idea of what we're going for. Critique is welcome.
  13. Awesome! The guitar in the second part is pretty much the same as the first half, but minus the melody and plus the bass line (ie the guitar copies the bottom note on the piano). In this recording, I didn't play both the melody and the bass at the same time, but it's certainly doable.
  14. I can't make it either. This is the busy season, and I'm already taking time off to see the family right before this. I can't get away from work.
  15. Sony makes many different things. If they aren't making money off their games, it's really not that big a deal for them. Nintendo makes games. If they aren't making money off their games, they're in a bit more trouble.
  16. My new years resolution is to get out east to hang with the NoVa OCR crew at least once this year, because it's been way too damn long since I've seen you guys
  17. Turbo mode gets more absurd (and more awesome) the more I play it.
  18. Been playing the new patch all day with my brother, and loving it. Kirby handles perfectly, and the special character skins are a great touch.
  19. This reminds me heavily of the .hack/sign soundtrack, and that's definitely a good thing.
  20. Fantastic mix! Love the resonance on the music box, love the waltzy rythm, love the choice of synths. Absolutely fantastic mix.
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