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Geoffrey Taucer

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Everything posted by Geoffrey Taucer

  1. Sick huge Symphony of Science fan here.
  2. Merry Christmahanukkwanzahumanyulenaliastice to all! My haul thus far: "A Brief History of Time" by Stephen Hawking "The Universe in a Nutshell" by Stephen Hawking "The Chronicles of Harris Burdick," a collection of short stories inspired by one of my favorite books as a child, "The Mysteries of Harris Burdick." I asked my parents to, rather than getting me anything, take all the money they would have spend and donate it to charity, which they did (specifically, they donated to the SPCA).
  3. THIS Trying to gain strength/muscle mass super quick is a near-guaranteed way to get injured -- which, in addition to majorly sucking in and of itself, will prevent you from training for awhile, and set you way back, accomplishing exactly the opposite of what you want. Slow and steady is always the way to go. Push your body to its limits, sure, but don't try to push PAST those limits. Anyway, as for my own status, since I haven't updated in forever: I'm officially retired as a competitive gymnast, but I'm still doing enough rings training to stay in pretty good shape. Still got my iron cross, my planche, my nakayama (pull from back lever to cross), my maltese on a good day, and my azarian (backward roll to cross) on a great day. My diet is what really needs work -- it's been inconsistent and unhealthy, and I'm absolutely positive I could be in much better shape if I ate better.
  4. Just got to the Earth Temple, and honestly, I'm kinda disappointed so far. Music and visuals are great, but I'm finding the gameplay to be quite boring and the controls to be clumsy and finicky. I also can't stand the way it leads me by the hand through every step of the game, explaining everything, even the most obvious points, three or four times. I'd love it if there was some way to switch between an "easy" mode and a "yes, I've played a zelda game before" mode. That said, the accompanying CD is absolutely fantastic.
  5. It's the pachelbel's cannon chord progression. It's used all over the place. Including pretty much every song Joe Hisaishi's ever written.
  6. Every time you post about this, you're helping PETA. Give them eactly as much attention as they deserve; that is, zero.
  7. I believe Mustin owes NickTheNewbie a blowjob
  8. Wasn't wild about the voice acting (especially on the marines), but otherwise, pretty impressive.
  9. New episode.... wow, it honestly sounds like this may be the most reprehensible game I've ever heard of.
  10. Works for me. Luke, Jay and I are talking about riding up together -- wanna join us?
  11. Anybody got a hotel room with room for one more?
  12. Also, thanks, glad you liked my guitar work :)

  13. Yeah, I used to hang around starmen.net and do a bit of EB hacking. In fact, starmen.net is how I found OCR.

  14. Out of curiosity, is this the same GuyInSummers who did the text compressor on starmen.net?

  15. First day at MLG: Went up against a full-time pro (vvvCry) in the first round, got beaten 2-0 (though I came REALLY close to winning game 2, albeit with a 6 rax SCV all-in). Got my shirt signed by jinro, bomber, nada, tester, DongRaeGu, Noblesse, idra, huk, incontrol, and tastosis.
  16. Oh, in all likelihood I'm not even going to make it past the open bracket. I'm at rank 30 in gold league right now, and I suspect there will be plenty of platinum, diamond, and masters players there. But it should be fun either way.
  17. How are the VA-ers doing? Everybody ok? My house shook a bit, but no actual damage to report here.
  18. Playing in MLG this weekend. Wish me luck!
  19. I fucking hate drone/probe harassment more than any other tactic. Yes, even cannon rushing.
  20. I have a different openning hotkey setup -- CC on 1, SCV building my first depot/rax on 4, scouting scv on 3.
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