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Everything posted by quoda

  1. Man, how have I not posted about this mix yet... This is absolutely brilliant. I could roll down the street singing along with this all day. It's a brilliantly funny tribute to a brilliantly funny game. There are so many awesome lines in this... Flik's part at the end is uproariously, crazily funny. It so feels like the overanalysis some nerdy gamer would make after playing Earthbound. Seriously. Excellent mix all around.
  2. I didn't think I liked this song until I gave it another listen. It's really good. I like the beat, I like the use of the original song (I've long thought the Veldt would be a nice theme for a rap remix anyway), and the rapping is actually pretty good. Anyway, I like it. Very nice.
  3. Thank you so much for providing quite possibly the awesomest contributions to my music collection. I'm still finding gems hiding out in my iPod when it goes on shuffle all. I'm amazed at the collection of talent in this place!
  4. Congratulations! That's awesome!
  5. The concert was so awesome. I wish I'd been able to get VIP tickets. By the time I bought them they were sold out. Still, it was worth every penny for the trip to Chicago and all. I had fantastic seats, too. And I loved the cosplayers!
  6. 2 I like to recognize what I'm hearing. However, I've found gems outside the 2 category from the torrents and my iPod on shuffle all.
  7. This further complicates my problem of not having enough storage on my iPod for all my music. Considering this is all pretty sweet music, I suppose I will have to forgive you. I have a deep respect for awesome chiptune music.
  8. By making me appreciate video game music even more than I initially did. By making me drool like a fangirl over the all the awesome artists here... that's hot. And by adding at least a few gig of music to my already video game music heavy song collection.
  9. Misery. Oh, my bad. Missouri.
  10. Alright, I'm going to name some odd ones: Uninvited Shadowgate Deja Vu did not impress me so much. But those two are fun. A little annoying with a controller because you're always "clicking" on options, but whatever... I still like them. Of course my classics would be Mario 1-3, Zelda 1-2, Metroid, Castlevania, and Final Fantasy.
  11. No, I just lack confidence that my fingers will actually listen to my brain and do what it says. Which is a total cop-out, considering I use these same supposedly useless fingers to type very quickly. So what I'm saying is... I'm really lame and don't practice enough.
  12. So bizarre to hear this song... it's such a dark remix of such a chipper song. Awesome, though.
  13. I could practice every day and never be so awesome. Thank you. These are amazing.
  14. This project touches me in a special place. I've already called the authorities, don't worry! Nice job guys.
  15. Yeah, Mazedude, I have to say that you did a great job with the site. It's a really cool layout. So far I haven't met a song on there I didn't like... I'll keep listening to more.
  16. This is just an utterly breathtaking piece. It is a bit slow going in the beginning but that's okay because it really builds and builds as it goes along. I love that it builds up, comes back down, builds up again. Secret of Evermore had an amazing soundtrack and this song does it true justice.
  17. Okay, so, I like this remix. It's very original, very different. I like you use such a simple little melody in about a billion different ways. It's really trippy and a lot of fun. However, this isn't my favorite... something about it I can't quite put my finger on... I am not terribly fond of the ending, for one thing. I suppose it would be hard to end the wild crazy ride anyway, but I'm not digging that ending.
  18. This is so awesome. The organ is fantastic and I like the use of the game sound effects at the beginning. Really smooth, groovy, and fun!
  19. A decent remix. I like how dark it is. Would have enjoyed a bit more variation and definitely more interesting percussion, but it's a really good song and a really cool idea, changes the whole feel of the song when compared to the original.
  20. I'm kinda a sucker for Secret of Evermore remixes, but even with that in mind I have to say that this is amazing. It keeps the same "feel" of the original but is really different and lovely in its own right as well... really nice job.
  21. Oh yes I was waiting for this to appear in here... This is such a marvelously groovy remix of the fanfare from FFVII. Love the groove, love the organ, love it all! Way to take the fanfare theme and expand on it in a fabulous way. You know what this is delicious with? Fighting (7/8 Jazz Spiritual). Mmm. It's like a fight of grooviness with a victory of grooviness.
  22. So... much... good... music... Now I need a bigger MP3 player. I'd like to listen to each song about 80 times.
  23. Very awesome. I'm already listening to and downloading songs.
  24. This is really pretty! Epic and lovely like a movie score. I do have problems with things around the 2 min. mark and onward... can't put my finger on it. It's like I want something more. The beginning seems to be building, but then it's like a plateau when I'm looking for a climax... if that makes even a shred of sense. But it it lovely lovely lovely! I'd like to see it go further.
  25. Um... that looks amazing. I don't really play FPS games but I love Portal. A portal shooter in an FPS game would make any of them significantly more awesome, like the video shows. Yay!
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