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Everything posted by Ajax

  1. Besides anything that you learn in school will be outdated to some extent by the time you finish the course, so the only way to stay current is to get real world experience. I myself am 18, and built my own computer maybe three years ago. So to sum it up, whenever you buy a computer from anybody that isn't one of the major computing cooperations (Dell, HP, etc.), your buying it on goodwill. Computer technology is evolving too fast for a classroom approach to computer servicing, and real world experience is the only way to stay current.
  2. Well I'm quite certain that "Humoresque of a little Dog" can be found in Mother 2, though I've never played Mother 3, so I wouldnt know if the song is specifically from that game. EDIT:... wait a minute, I though if you were asking if the Brawl song was from Mother... Ah well Whatever, Atma answered your question.
  3. Just noticed that there was an almost complete track listing on smashboards in copy-and-paste batch file format. The only tracks missing are some of the originals/subspace emissary tracks. Anyway, I know what I'm going to do now... Mass mp3 conversion! Wooo!
  4. For outputting in Winamp, I would recommend using a plug-in like Jasper's File Writer output plug-in for Winamp 2/5, as it allows you to encode directly into MP3 using LAME, or even OGG. EDIT: Your also going to have to pick up lame_enc.dll or lame.exe from somewhere, to encode into MP3, encoding into OGG needs its own dll's as well.
  5. Yeah they have tours of the Conference Center
  6. Well, I live in Utah, but dont go to SLC much. As far a food is concerned, I recommend Crown Burgers, located at 377 E 200 S. Where you can get their trademark Crown Burger (sweet lovin' pastrami goodness) and maybe try out some traditional Fry Sauce. Oh man, just typing about it makes me hungry...
  7. Wow, after watching the gameplay video, i'm suddenly anticipating playing this game. The fact that it's being realeased for the DS just adds icing to the cake. I hope it's released soon...
  8. SoulBlazer, Lufia II. I love SoulBlazer. I wish I had a physical copy of the game
  9. It's the nostalgia factor. According to my memory, I actually enjoyed casting the same spells over and over for hours to level up my magic to make all the bosses a peice of cake. Funny how things are distorted through the lens of time like that...
  10. I'd say that Seiken Sensetsu 3 was better than Secret of Mana (Seiken Densetsu 2) In terms of more interesting gameplay and a better game engine. Though the massibe nostalgia factor of SoM is nearly enough to put it on top of the list. I'd also take a gander to say that Both of those game were better than Seiken Densetsu 1 (Didn't it make a US release on the GB under the title of Final Fantasy Adventure?) Well despite their various US release titles, they are sequels...
  11. Wow. This is pretty good, can't really say of what seeing as how i'm not very good at explaining, but I did come out of 2 or so years worth of inactivity just to tell you good job. You just can't do that everyday ya'know Keep on keepin on. This is good stuff!
  12. Im not sure if this has already been said yet but the hardest boss ive ever played was the Ruby Weapon from Final Fantasy VII. I mean Sephiroth is childsplay compared to this guy i mean it takes mabey 12+ rounds of the Nights of the Round summon. Not to mention all your party practicaly has too be equiped with master mime, counter, final attack, as well as all the other essentials materia but a while earlyer today i beat this monstrosity and it took me over half an hour. All my party was alive at the end as well (though i started with two of them dead) Now THAT is one tuff boss to chew on.
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