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Mr. Bottle Rocket

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Everything posted by Mr. Bottle Rocket

  2. haha, i've been waiting such a long time to wear this av.
  3. Pretty dang funkay, still needs to break free of the original arrangement a bit more around the middle i'd say.
  4. all things considered...i think the one you originally picked is the best of the lot. irony!
  5. i don't know, i was thinking his after level act pose would be best suited for this.
  6. Daaaaaaaamn, that's good cover art...only thing i don't like about all of it is the tails image...beyond that, you got mad album art skills.
  7. Weee, compliments on the album art.
  8. The hi-hats are too present now methinks, like giant pin pricks to the ears.
  9. There be boffin' in them dar hills.
  11. Me, i wasn't demanding anything, i was doing the funny "I can't wait for this to be released" act, somehow people keep taking me seriously on those, maybe i'm not clear enough in the wordings.
  12. been awhile since i stepped in this project to see how it was(n't) progressing, but having just beat kirby superstar (100% yay) i just had to... WORK PEOPLE WORK, MUSH MUSH!
  13. Waiting on 3 tracks to be done...the waiting is consuming my innards like cancer.
  14. Oh hell yeah, i'd use that one.
  15. Hurrah for eunuc boy and throat girl. I needs me my podcast
  16. as yonder fat cartman says: "sweet".
  17. Yes, i neglected to weigh in the fact that these will be differentely styled mixes oh well good luck y'all.
  18. why not just keep the level order? insures no gripes from the public there.
  19. if ya'll need someone to come up with alternative cover artwork, i'm there. i used to be pretty good at mixing...in dance ejay...4 years ago...i don't think i'd fit in this project
  20. god yes, i've been waiting for this to be released ever since i saw it in the wip forum like 7 months ago...it's gotten N times better since then, kudos. Não digas asneiras puuuuuto
  21. i am extremely happy with the outcome of this project, kudos everyone. there are some things i don't agree with in some mixes but i'll leave a review for later
  22. a laughtastic hatemail at that.
  23. Edit2: damn too tired to even read straight
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