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Everything posted by sgx

  1. Quality. My favorite part of this is the drums. It's got a trance beat that changes things up a little and isn't the stereotypical boring trance beat that I hear a lot.
  2. I know trance is supposed to sound dreamy, but this is a LOT of reverb. It sounds like the reverb is affecting pretty much everything. The beginning is especially muddy sounding. The rest of the mix is pretty decent sounding. Nothing blows me away, but nothing really sticks out as sucking (except the effect at 1:54...that just sounds silly and overused). I liked the sound that is present near the end of the mix that's on every and of the beat. Pretty good song structure too. This is a pretty good trance remix. But to me, a lot of the trance remixes sound quite similar and use a lot of the same ideas. To me, this mix can be summed up as " quality generic". If that's all GLL was going for, then he reached his goal, but I wanna hear something new and interesting in the trance genre!
  3. You have a good point. I don't like fadeout endings. It's my opinion, and I don't find them as enjoyable as something with a definite end most of the time. I suppose I shouldn't go "Fadeout ending ARRRGG!" or something. I guess I'll respect it, but still not like it.
  4. Damn. Loving this beat, man. Mebbe a bit to much of that tappy percussion. Cool little tune to chill out to and nod the head to. Like, "Uh-huh" Maybe a little basic, but very enjoyable. Fadeout ending...rarg.
  5. This is pretty cool. A good choice to mix. The bassline, drums, and small amount of guitar are done very well and are nice additions to the track. Other than that, I'm somewhat dissapointed in how this track is not a whole lot more than the original version plus those things I mentioned. Take away the drums, bassline, and little guitar, and you've pretty much got an imitation of the original. Nice sound quality, drums, bass, groove, but not much added to this. Very quick fade out ending too. Didn't like that.
  6. I got this from the WIP, but it was under a different mixer name. hmmm Well, I'm a huge fan of Alisia Dragoon and it's music. Great stuff both of them. This mix totally does the source material great justice. Great ambience, great instruments, cool bleepy drums, great stuff all around. I'm always waiting for a big bust-out with some badass drums and more energy, but that's my style. This is a great mix. Fade out ending actually worked decently well, so it's not as big as a gripe from me as usual. Good work.
  7. Very pretty. Very nice. Good job. Don't like the ending. Guitars are great.
  8. DAMN YOU!!! I was thinkin about an Einhander mix (because I like the be the first to mix from a game), but now being the first is spoiled! It IS about time for an Einhander mix, though. This is pretty cool. I'm pretty familiar with the OST, but I can't figure out what song it is a mix of. Hmmm. I like the guitars a lot and the energy is fast and furious in this baby. GAH! FADE OUT ENDING NOOOOOOOooooo! Why must people do that? Good job overall however.
  9. Clean, smooth, catchy, happy. Yup. Does what it was trying to do perfectly I think. Go chocobos! I like.
  10. Excellent stuff here. Everything is done really well. It's a great energetic song that changes up enough to keep me interested all the way through. Pianos are catchy. Nice!
  11. This has a really great professional feel. It sounds like it would fit perfectly in a movie. I like how the grace notes are handled (don't know if they were in the original or not), because they give the melody lines a much more organic feel than a straight melody would. Makes it sound less machine made. Really good. Sounds great. Pretty short though.
  12. AY! I caught this awesome song back on vgmix under a different name: "From Woodsword to Katana". Why the name change? Anyway, I think I reviewed this back at vgmix. I said something along the lines of how awesome the drums were, how the orchestral parts worked well, and how great the electronic sounds are. Everything in this is top notch. I think I griped about something about how it gets a bit too busy near the climax, but I've changed my mind. It's great. This possibly my favorite mix ever. This is the song I play for my electronic music lovin friends to show them how cool video game remixing can be. I hope I can ever kick close to how much ass this song does. Freakin awesome.
  13. I really dig just the overall feel/vibe/quality of this mix. I can hardly tell what the original tune was (and I don't know the original), but I really enjoy this as an atmospheric electronic piece. Nothing bad I can say about this. Everything is really smooth. Really nice job!
  14. !! Awesome!! This totally shows a lot of skill. A jazz mix is a GREAT change from what I've been hearing/doing myself. Wowzers! Awesome.
  15. Wow. I love this. The beginning is SOO quality. Just...dreamy. The guitars in this sound perfect, and the drums are nice and not in the way. This song is smoooth. Only thing: fadeout ending! I hate em! You're obviously talented, so you can make a real ending, can't you?
  16. Sweet stuff. All the sounds work really well together and bring a really cool atmosphere and attitude to life. I'm not a fan of the bass kick sample used, however. Great work.
  17. Smoothness in mah ears! Great. The second half is my favorite. While the first half is well done with great samples, drums, and synth effects, it feels a bid odd to me, and it changes often which kinda messes up the flow a bit. Maybe more steady drums with more pronounced beats 2 and 4 emphasis would help. But that's nitpicking, and I don't know how it could be done better other than that. The second half is beautiful and a bit more cohesive. This whole mix has exceptional audio quality with the perfect EQ, and awesome work in making stereo separation noticeable, but not annoying. This stuff really adds a lot to the mix. Top notch stuff.
  18. Much repetition...too much. This song didn't need to be this long. Other than that, sweet synths, clean sounds, cool effects like the beeps that add a lot to the mix, and competent drums. Pretty cool song. Where is the ending?
  19. Ahh. Nice groove. Catchy, melancholy, very interesting sounds. Great guitar. Really cool synth. As DJP said, not diggin the ending. There's not even a build beforehand to prep you at all. Just sounds like analoq got that far with his loops and then got lazy. Other than that, this is super nifty work. Nice.
  20. Dude! Totally wacky and inventive! I love hearing innovative stuff. Nice.
  21. Hey- Thumbs up on this sweet mix! The skill you have is quite evident! Which makes me glad that we are now going to try a collab on that Panzer Dragoon Orta tune! Keep up the good work (especially for me )!
  22. Lovin the samples used in this. They really add a lot. This is some great, high-energy, sugary sweet, electronic tunage. Put together skillfully and very enjoyable. I like. Maybe a bit repetitive, but I can deal with hearing the same theme over and over because it's good. Quite good. Fury of the Furries mix was awesome too. Good work Mr. Jeff.
  23. This is some tight electronic stuff. In-your-face sounds and absolutely NO subtlety. I like! The laughing sample was a bit weird...don't know if I like that. But everything else is sweet. Rar. And no, I've never heard of or played this game.
  24. This is one of the most professional mixes I've heard on this site. All the samples used are top notch as is the implementation. This is one of the most interesting and different things I've heard in a while and that earns points in my book. I'm always up for something different if it sounds good, and this does sound good. Neato.
  25. It's really hard to review music sometimes when DJP describes it so well already. This is a great song. Nice guitar work along with really nice supporting instruments. This mix does what it sets out to do very well. Beautiful. Kinda didn't like the somewhat sudden ending fade out. A real ending would be nice. Other than that, this mix is stellar.
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