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Everything posted by sgx

  1. Hey folks, this isn't remixing related, but this is probably the best place to find people who would be able to give me feedback on this type of music for games business stuff. I already PMed Another Soundscape a bit about his experiences with Artoon (thanks man!), though the deal I'm trying to finagle with the developers of the game I'm working on is a bit more intricate because I'm attempting to retain full ownership of what I make and may plan on selling an album containing the exact music or versions of the music. I believe the way I will be getting paid for the music will be a certain percentage of the profits once the game is available. The guy from the team and I have just briefly discussed this, but his initial idea is that the rest of the team is entitled to a percentage of my profits from any sales from the music. He suggested 50% which I think is a pretty huge chunk. I definitely would be benefiting from the exposure the game would bring to the music, and perhaps that is worth a piece of my profits. However I reach a decent amount of people myself with my music, and that would provide some exposure back to the game as well. It's probably not equal, but the relationship is mutually beneficial. What do you think? I'd be using art assets from the game for any cover art/packaging if I do a physical item. I definitely agree I'd owe a little something at least to the concept artist on the team. The guy made the argument that everybody on the team puts in work, be it on coding, art, animation, etc, but they don't get a second pay day. My feeling on that is somewhat of the "tough nuts" attitude. The format of my contribution to the game happens to be viable for a separate release, and theirs is not. That's just how the ball bounces. Also, I have built my own channel for release (protagonistrecords.net) and the listenership to make it worth my time to try and sell all on my own, without any help from the dev team. I really don't want to have to calculate how much I owe and cut a check every month, especially years down the road where I'm making maybe $4 a month from slow iTunes sales. I also want to have the full ability to remix, let others remix, possibly sell those remixes, quit selling and distribute the album free if I feel like it that day without worrying, "Is this ok with the team," "how much will I owe them", etc. It just makes stuff complicated. I definitely see how any potential release I do with the music I make for the game will have benefited from exposure due to the rest of the team's work on the game, and perhaps they should be compensated, especially if they give me a splash screen in the beginning saying, "Music by SGX available at sgxmusic.com, itunes, and amazon mp3". What do you think? Should I agree to toss them a percentage if I end up selling an OST? How much? Maybe in the name of keeping things simple, I could take a slightly lower cut of the profits on the game and call that my payment for the rights completely own what I do with the music. Thanks for any input. Our game is gonna be rad if it gets completed! Oh, that reminds me of one last thing! In the event that the game DOESN'T get completed, or I happen to quit or get fired, I want to make sure that I retain all the rights to any completed or in progress works they obtained from me. Are there licensing document templates for things like this I can look at?
  2. It's still a mostly DnB style drum pattern, but they aren't really doing the amount of drum sampling and loop manipulation that is the norm for DnB. Their drummer plays it all live at the show (must be worn out at the end!) I saw them last month in a Venue that holds like 300 people and it was the shit! Really intense and everyone was huge into it.
  3. He's talking about the Xbox1, not the 360. The way to fix a RRoD is to send it into Microsoft and they will fix it/replace it free.
  4. Sony MDR 7506 are good. Go for around $80 I think. I dig em.
  5. Glad you guys dig it !
  6. I got the 40 inch version of that a couple months ago. Yummy!
  7. http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3171190 They talk about a level made by "HappyBivouac". That name sounds familiar - is he from around these parts?
  8. I played this user level which you get into a little car and gas it over jumps and obstacles. It was tough and frustrating but somehow I spent like 45 minutes playing it.
  9. I think I'll just continue using my PC music software synthesizers. Thx.
  10. KOMPLETED! SGX - Lux Aeterna - Requiem for a Dream [sGX's Transient Mix] Download it or stream it: http://www.protagonistrecords.net/?q=node/80 Bass in yo face!
  11. I was interested in this game, but then I watched some videos online and the combat just looks super janky when you're not in VATS. Back when my bro got Oblivion, I was super excited then I saw the idiotic looking sword-swinging combat and it totally turned me off. Fallout3 seems to have a similar problem. I also saw Dogmeat running around and he seemed retarded compared to the dog in Fable2 which I just spent 20 hours with.
  12. I don't care one bit about the characters, but this game looks sweet. I set the demo for download last night. Gonna play when I get home (along with On the Rain-slick Precipice of Darkness Episode 2!!)
  13. I think I'll go pick up a new RB2 drumset. Rocking double kick pedals will be sweet and the cymbal expansion set that comes out in a month or so will be interesting. I'll pick up the GHWT disc in like six months for $30 or so.
  14. sgx

    Fable 2

    I beat the game today. It was generally pretty sweet. I'm probably going to play through again if LittleBigPlanet doesn't take up all my time. I loved the combat. It is super fun. The gunplay is great. I had this Steel flintlock pistol for like 3/4 the game. It shot so fast. I'd just zoom, hold L, flick up on the left stick and wail on people getting headhots. It was very visceral. Also, I would do a time slow, then charge up to high level lightning. Very nice ! I was playing as a chick and I was trying to make her hot, but that's tough when you get stronger because it makes you, big, thick, and musclely. The dog is awesome - wish I could put kickass dog armor on him! He's pretty impressive in terms of AI, animation, and pathfinding. It's awesome how he'll usually run up ahead of you, just like my dog does when I walk him through the woods without a leash on. The game was pretty funny at times, it generally looked pretty good, sound was good, and I really liked working towards getting more money, getting new skills. I played it till 7 am on sat night without knowing. Some things bugged me though: The climax sucked. There's like this slight blur filter on everything that basically just makes it look like my LCD TV has a shitty response time and annoys the hell out of me. Loading was semi slow, and the amount of traveling you do makes you see the loading screen a lot. There aren't really that many locations or environments. I don't really feel like I traveled around the world questing...more like I traveled around one country. Environments were like, hills, marshes, fields, towns....and that's about it. What about snowy mountains, jungles, deserts, etc. Back to making my chick hot, I really didn't find much stuff to wear, and not much cool stuff. There weren't a ton of weapons and guns either. The menus are slow and cumbersome. The hotkeys on the D-pad were retarded most of the time. Sometimes it would let me use a potion or sometimes it would let me eat some food, never had the choice and sometimes it wouldn't let me do either. I wish there was a good map. The sparkly trail is nice, but a GTA style map would have done the trick much better. I really have no idea how the world is put together because I was never able to really see a good map of where things were. Well, I really hope there is a Fable 3 in a couple years on xbox360. If they can make it bigger, give us back the map, and maybe modify the engine so it can stream environments, the game would be freakin' awesome.
  15. Anybody play GHWT with RB drums? Apparently it will merge two of the lanes into one so that the game can be played with one less pad to hit. Does that suck? Anybody play RB with GHWT drums? Is that good? My RB1 drums died recently and I'm trying to figure out if I should buy RB2 drums or GHWT drums. I'm leaning towards getting RB2 drums because I have a kickass RB1 kick pedal that I modded with a metal foot plate and the RB2 set apparently has inputs for two kicks which I will then have.
  16. I don't think it is worth it if you already own the Orange Box. BTW, Fable 2 is awesome. You can buy properties and make rent money every 5 minutes even if the game is off. $$$$!!! Oh, and it is fun to play too. Combat is actually pretty kickass for an action RPG.
  17. So what are you actually doing at this company?
  18. PG county is poo. My wheels were stolen off my car overnight at my house. I just moved to Ann Arundel. Much nicer.
  19. New version www.sgxmusic.com/requiemnew.mp3 First half is a bit messed up since i've just begun putting in my own orchestration sloppily to replace the recording and I'm fooling with the drums (i've got three distinct kits/patterns i need to work on their own and all three together in places so mixing and sample pickin' is tough). This track will probably end up about 7 min long. it's gotta build back up after the groovy breakdown and bust out with the main melodies again.
  20. Just a quick tip - Rock Band is a pretty fun way to practice. It will help you get used to controlling the pitch of your voice and what type of range you can sing.
  21. Eshmasesh, reply to you're PMs, dood! Don't know how else to contact you!
  22. Making a bunch of really badass Little Big Planet levels probably won't hurt your portfolio either.
  23. I'll send you a new one if you would like. Send me an email about it. THanks.
  24. About 10. I maay print maybe another 10 because we're selling a bit better than expected and I have my stuff all ready to go at the moment.
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