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Jam Stunna

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Everything posted by Jam Stunna

  1. You bring up alot of good points Triad, but the main problems I had with PoR were aesthetic. The 3-D models were mediocre, the battle animations were boring (I actually turned them off on my first play-through, before I'd seen them all, which I never do). And the story had no impact on me whatsoever, which is strange because I REALLY like Ike as a character, but the rest of it didn't move me in the slightest. It was neat to see that alot of the heroes are racists, but that was the only interesting thing I encountered. When Mist talked about her mother's pendant and it started glowing, I think I audibly groaned. I only got through about half of PoR, then I let my friend borrow it and he never gave it back. I really didn't mind. I beat FE 6, 7 and 8, and out of those 7 was definitely my favorite. I really liked 6 too, and I feel that Fire Emblem lost alot of its intangible charm in the transition back to 3-D.
  2. Allright, this is too cool not to post.
  3. I'll definitely be picking this up, and I'm glad it's 2-D. Going to 3-D seemed like a huge step backwards for the franchise.
  4. Risk is amazing, but it definitely takes too long. I've owned the game since 2004 and I've only played 3 complete games since then. And sometimes you end up with a draw. I was playing with four friends. We eliminated one guy, but then the rest of us were too strong for the other to take out. So I ended with near-global domination, my best friend had fortress Asia and his girlfriend was left with Australia. Not a bad power-sharing agreement.
  5. Will do, sir. Okay. I just read your story, and I'm not really sure what to say. It was well-written, and nothing really stood out, but I suppose that's the problem. There was no sense of mystery or discovery to this story; we knew from the beginning that they were hunting a UFO, and then they found it. The moment that your main character encountered the UFO was almost anti-climactic, and I was left feeling, "That's it?" You only used 1/3 of the word limit, and it feels like 1/3 of a story honestly. There's so much room left to take this in some direction, any direction. What do the people do about this conspiracy? What did the aliens do with this information? How did your main character react a few days later? This is just the beginning of what could be a good story, and I hope you choose to expand on it.
  6. Hey guys! I apologize for not being as active back here as I should be, but I hope to change that. Poetry is by no means my strong suit, but when short stories come up again, I'd like to help critique pieces.
  7. Usually I think everything IGN says is a huge lie, but I'm inclined to believe them about Tales of Symphonia. The original game's story made no sense to me either, and it really was just a standard JRPG except for the amazing battle system. Sigh, now that MK Wii is acting funny, my Wii might as well be a big white paperweight.
  8. Has anyone else been having problems finding opponents online for Mario Kart Wii?
  9. Wavedashing is too good. It's the only reason I play Luigi. Speaking of which! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fEdf7YWHkk <3 platforms.
  10. Yeah, I tend to abuse the shine => grab. And whiff it.
  11. I've been able to waveshine for a while. I just don't play Fox that much. Anyway, instead of cluttering up the thread with videos, I'm going to post the link to my Smashboards thread. Check the rest out, they're pretty funny at times. http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=5806969#post5806969
  12. Oh God, Mustin's remix reminds me of how much I LOVE Sagat. I might start playing Brawl again just to reclaim my throne. EDIT- My wife and I recorded a few Melee matches last night. I'll eventually post all of them, but this was the best one from the set. I'm Fox, she's Peach: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYd8XQ0lWJ4
  13. If by fun you mean NON-COMPETITIVE:-x:-x
  14. I don't see how you can desync the Pikmin; they're more like a sword than another character. It could only work if you could get individual Pikmin to perform different actions, which I'm pretty sure is impossible. And the problem with tiers is that it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. Once people start doing better with a character, it moves up the tier list, and vice-versa. For example, here's all of the tier lists released for Melee: http://super-smash-bros.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_previous_tier_lists If you win with a low-tier, that character's not going to be low-tier for long.
  15. Luigi definitely has potential to do well. His fsmash and up-b are fucking ridiculous, and's he's one of the few characters that comes close to having true combos. Plus they fixed his horrible recovery. It's like impossible to gimp him. That said, he doesn't have anything that can be easily abused, like Falco's chaingrab,Snake's tilts or MK in general. Unless you really like him (like Arek), you'll probably get more mileage out of a high or top tier character.
  16. I thought that was the goal.
  17. I like this idea.
  18. Your friend is pretty much a jerk. Anytime he says something to you just make an equally jerky remark about him sucking. It'll get him angrier, but at least it'll be funny.
  19. Haha, I actually love Luigi. I mained him for a time in Melee, but his recovery was just so bad.
  20. I stand by my statement.
  21. Luigi dittos are gay. Always have been, always will be.
  22. Grab release combos and the fact that his usmash is SO SLOW. If you get hit by hit, you deserve it.
  23. His usmash is still godly, at least.
  24. Quiet you! Tier lists do a pretty accurate job of determining who's a good character and who's not, by virtue of the fact that you're probably not going to win a tournament with a bad character. Granted, there's a lot of wiggle room within each section of the tier list, but you really can't argue the assertion that Captain Falcon is a much, much worse character than Metaknight. Tier lists don't only rely on tournament placings (although they primarily do), but also on metagame developments and to a small extent, potential. For example, compare Ankoku's tournament results list (he ranks the characters by assigning points values to where you place, then adds up the totals and lists the characters from most points to least) to the actual tier list: Ankoku's List SBR Tier List * Rank Top Metaknight Metaknight Snake S Rank King Dedede Snake Mr. Game and Watch King Dedede Falco Wario ROB A Rank High Mr. Game and Watch Marth Marth Wario Olimar Lucario ROB Donkey Kong Falco Diddy Kong Lucario Pikachu Diddy Kong Ice Climbers Kirby Kirby Donkey Kong Pit Peach Wolf B Rank Middle Pikachu Toon Link Ice Climbers Olimar Wolf Fox Sonic Zelda Zelda/Sheik Zero Suit Samus Zero Suit Samus Bowser Pit Luigi Toon Link Peach Ike C Rank Sheik Luigi Bowser Low Fox Lucas Ike Ness Mario Mario Pokemon Trainer D Rank Samus Yoshi Yoshi Captain Falcon Sonic Lucas Jigglypuff Link Ganondorf Link E Rank Captain Falcon Pokemon Trainer Ness Jigglypuff Samus Ganondorf With a few exceptions (LOL Sonic), they're pretty similar, but the differences are explained by the perceptions of the characters, which is a very big part of making a tier list. Ankoku also updates his list regularly, unlike the tier list which gets revised once a year or so.
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