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Jam Stunna

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Everything posted by Jam Stunna

  1. Holy crap, that Zelda outfit is amazing.
  2. I have a friend that got every sticker and every trophy. I'm not sure why anyone would put themselves through that. All I wanted was Wind Waker Ganon. I got him, and I'm all set.
  3. The problem with Street Fighter isn't the game, but the community. Outside of Evo, when have you even heard of a Street Fighter tournament? That's because the game is old. It doesn't matter how good the game is, if there's no one to play it with. Street Fighter is making a comeback, but it's not because there was a sudden Renaissance of Third Strike. It's because there's a new game coming. That's the problem facing Smash. Brawl is inferior, but you can get more people to play a new, inferior game than you can get to play an old, superior game. How can you talk the average gamer into playing a 7-year old game when a new version of it came out this year? And contrary to popular belief, tournament communities are mostly comprised of average gamers. Only one person can win a tournament, but you still need those other 30 or 40 people to even have one. Those average gamers are the ones that drive tournaments, not the winners. Winners just reap the benefits of a game's popularity. It might not seem like it, but asking someone to play an old game is actually asking for alot.
  4. Brawl has it's problems, I definitely agree. But let's face it: Unless we want Smash to go the way of Street Fighter, we have to play the new game. Melee is better, but it's still 7 years old.
  5. Lucario is great for several reasons: -Insane priority (Don't ever try to attack him from beneath) -He actually has a few "combos" (utilt and fair are great, his aura special can be chained, his grabs can be chained at low percentages) -His recovery isn't THAT easy to gimp (up-b to wall cling can save you on many stages if someone's edge-guarding) -He's the only character in the history of Smash to reward you for sucking, by getting stronger the more damage he takes -Aura Ball is GAY -All of his moves have deceptive hitboxes and little wind-down lag -His throws are ridiculous (not as good as some, but better than most) More information can be found here: http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=189767 Pay attention to post #19.
  6. I love Ike, and I completely agree with this statement.
  7. That is amazing. And I love using Ike in FFA's. If anyone gets more than 30%, their ass is mine. Ray Falling, I understand and sympathize with your dislike for Brawl. If you keep playing though, stick with Lucario and Diddy. Those two are incredible. And Kirby is really good as well.
  8. I'm always around, just IM me as well. This is a pretty cool combo video, until you remember that it's Brawl and that about 90% of those "combos" are escapable with better DI/dodging: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olL1UobnAnY
  9. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=447208&postcount=315 I know reading is hard, but you should try it sometime. Fine, I apologize for letting my massive disappointment in SC 4 lash out. I still think it's little more than fanservice, but it was wrong of me to state my opinion as irrefutable fact.
  10. Everyone around here knows I'm a huge Smash fan, and I'll be the first to admit that it took alot of engineering and a pretty big leap of faith to make it into a fighting game. If someone were to call it a party game, I couldn't get mad at them, because that's what it actually is if you take away all of the tourneyfag rules. The same is true for SC 4, except there is no engineering to be done. SC 3 was broken, and SC 4 has a character that cannot be grabbed, or even hit by some moves. They're not trying to make a tournament fighter, but everyone gets in a huff when you call it what it is: a button-mashing fanservice game. The guest characters and lack of apparent game testing seem to confirm that.
  11. It doesn't have anything to do with skill. I never proclaimed that I (or my opponent) was the best. And yes, I did get my ass kicked later by someone different after that fight, but SC is still a joke of a fighter.
  12. I've always said that SC is just a button-mashing T & A fest, and today I proved it. It was my first time playing SC 4, I went random and got Sophita (I think that's her name). Then I proceeded to mash buttons (specifically, the triangle button) until I beat the person who owned the game. There's no skill involved, just mash buttons, and you win in SC. And I appreciate T & A as much as the next guy, but it's just ridiculous now. Breaking armor leads to girls fighting in bras and panties? I'm no feminist, and I love big 3-D rendered boobs, but they're just trying to cover up shallow, repetitive gameplay with fan service, like another inexplicably popular 3-D fighting franchise. End rant, until I play that horrendous game again. Fuck Soul Calibur 4.
  13. I've really only seen people b-stick the PK Fire and his PSI Magnet, although I've b-sticked some of Toon Link's projectiles on accident as well.
  14. Lucas' b-stick is so amazing. Retreating PK Fire is like one of the best projectile attacks in the game.
  15. Depends on the situation, but shield-grabbing is an extremely useful technique. Especially for characters that have excellent grabs. Also, like Atma said, if you're running and then hit the shield button to perform a shield-grab, it will extend the range of your regular standing grab, without adding the lag associated with a dash grab. It's similar to how jump-canceled grabs worked in Melee.
  16. ^Evo could learn a thing or two about commentary from those guys.
  17. D3's back throw does 16%. That's fucking nuts for a throw. Not to mention his dthrow is a chaingrab on like 2/3 of the cast, it's a tech-chase chaingrab if you can pull it off, it's an infinite in some cases (Pokemon Stadium and Corneria, for example), and it always links to at least a ftilt. No matter how you look at it, if D3 grabs you, you're going to eat close to 20% of damage. D3 doesn't even need his Smashes, because his utilt, dtilt, and bair are so brutal. His fsmash is too slow to realistically hit anyone (although it does punish people who underestimate its retarded range), and his utilt is so much better than his usmash it's almost a joke, pretty much like Snake. Lastly, he has five jumps, super armor on the top half of his body during his recovery, has a sure-fire suicide attack if he needs it, and amazing aerials in general. Basically, if you can't win a match as D3, you probably can't win at all.
  18. Waddle Dees are definitely one of the best projectiles in the game. And D3 just needs to grab, and he wins. His grab range is like half of Smashville, it's ridiculous. I think that tier list looks pretty off as well (Pit higher than Zelda? No way), but it is their first one. It'll get refined as time goes on. Pretty much all that really matters is top tier and high tier, and with the exception of Pit and Wolf, those two tiers look pretty good.
  19. For those that are interested, here's SBR's official Brawl tier list:
  20. Pit's okay, but he has alot of weaknesses, the most glaring being his lack of range on his KO moves.
  21. In case no one saw this; http://www.cbs.com/primetime/survivor/bio/ken_17/bio.php?season=17 In the words of atma, "lol".
  22. As awesome as that sounds, I absolutely refuse to give Nintendo any more money on peripherals.
  23. I do agree that the Triforce hunt is the stupidest thing ever in a Zelda game. I don't need ten separate, huge dungeons, but that was just terrible. And it was way too easy, but only because of the damage ratio (quarter-heart damage? Come on!). But the puzzles were typical Zelda stuff, which made me happy.
  24. Wind Waker is definitely one of my top 3 Zelda games. There's something so amazing to me about the colors and the expressions of Link and the fact that you actually have an adventure game with a bright, almost-happy setting as opposed to the standard doom-and-gloom of story-driven games. There's a sense of joy to be had when playing Wind Waker, because I feel they did a wonderful job of portraying the youthful heroism of Link, and the people who help him on his journey. WW also has a sense of artistic direction, much like other cel-shaded games (Dark Cloud 2 immediately comes to mind for me as well). Whereas OoT immediately looks dated now, WW still holds its own because it represents an art style, as opposed to simply being the most graphically advanced thing possible at the time. Graphics get dated, style doesn't. Also, I may be the only person ever who actually enjoys sailing. WW had my favorite Link, and my favorite Ganondorf by far. OoT actually introduced Ganondorf as a character as opposed to a faceless endboss, and WW successfully expanded on that character in my opinion. He's a little wiser, and more reflective, but he still harbors the same greed and hate that make him such a compelling villain. They've just been tempered by age, until he unleashes it in a vengeful but ultimately futile attack. The Triforce is beyond his grasp, but he still hates, and Link and Zelda's lives are a consolation prize. To me, Twilight Princess represented a huge step backwards in terms of Ganondorf, to the days of Ganon/Aghanim, where Ganon is nothing more than a puppeteer of a much more interesting villain (in this case, Zant) and simply makes a cameo appearance at the end. I could continue singing the praises of WW forever, but I'll sum it up as such: I think Wind Waker (along with Majora's Mask), is one of the more ambitious and unique Zelda games, and I love it for the vision and risk-taking demonstrated. Fantastic gameplay is par for the course for a Zelda game; it's everything else that makes this one of my favorites.
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