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Everything posted by Lemonectric

  1. A minor thing--on the song charts, the "score" column is out of order. I think it's only looking at the first number and organizing it by that, so you get 6, 6, 6, 55, 4, 4, 30, 20. wut
  2. I think the less-harshly-panned version is better. If anyone disagrees, they can say so, but I'm calling that the final version for now. My AP tests are officially over, but I still have a lot of accumulated assignments to take care of for this week and some of next week. After that, I'll have a little bit of time to work on this project before a trip-riddled June, during which I'll be home for a total of about five seconds. My main project at the moment is the Tokay House theme, so that might get done before I leave. Maybe.
  3. This remix makes me happy. It's got a good balance of freshness and familiarity. And awesomeness.
  4. All right! You're on the list. Can't say I recognize anything besides Crescent Island, but I like the track. Want to claim it and keep developing it? (by the way, they added "Moon" on the soundtrack, but I've left it out because it's not there in the game)
  5. It's possible, though I don't know about the whole "some keys don't work" part... I'm not sure whether a harpsichord would work in it, but you're welcome to send me a sample recording whenever you find time, and I can decide whether it's worth the trouble. Yup, there haven't been any deadlines set yet. You can look through the track list and tell me what you're interested in claiming. And you're welcome any time to contribute album art for consideration.
  6. Well, that does tend to happen to people everyone hates. I swear I will try to work on revising my track in the near (or just regular) future. (by the way I'm just kidding about everyone hating you :3)
  7. A. More difficult than new games. I think the average difficulty level was about right in the days of the N64. But I could be biased, since that's the time period when I first started playing. Anyway, games have definitely gotten easier over time.
  8. That appears to be the generally accepted definition. Some maps also include Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, and/or Kentucky. I guess this map would call them "the South" or something. So the borders are a little vague.
  9. I guess I can forgive you. [link removed] has been updated with a short orchestral intro. Picture Link entering the bright gardens with the palace towering over everything. Then he finds the secret entrance and the drums kick in.
  10. Those things are awesome. It'd be fun to go to a meetup, but I already have four trips of varying distances planned in June. And I'm not big on travelling. Maybe in the future...
  11. Haha. I had considered making it an Oracles series project, but I decided that was too much to shoot for. Ages has always been my favorite, so I went for that. Well, I didn't think there'd be enough interest to warrant quality-control auditions, and I can't really demand near-OCR quality from the contributors if I'm not at that level myself.
  12. It's probably related to America being "The West." So the Midwest would be roughly the middle of The West. Kind of like the Middle East, which is like in the middle of the continent. At least, that's the only explanation that makes sense to me.
  13. Anyone want to update the topic at vgmix? I'm being blocked, even with proxies. http://www.vgmix.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1883
  14. Columbia, Missouri. I don't know why anyone would decide to live here, but hey, Video Games Live came here last year. So we're at least on the map to some degree.
  15. Sure! Go ahead and join the project forums, and post your WIP whenever it's ready. Thanks for the help!

  16. Alternatively, you could donate something more, such as a track. New track: [link removed] Source: Ambi's Palace Remixer: Hylian Lemon Last update: 04-16-09 Basically based on the events after Mermaid's Cave. Link searches the palace in search of Nayru, has a battle with NayruVeran, Veran switches over to Queen Ambi, and then Nayru warps herself and Link out of the palace before the guards kill them. Then they're all like "oh noes now the queen is Veran."
  17. Haha, I can see that, though it wasn't my first impression. Oh god now I can't make the beard version go away
  18. My first interpretation of the Subrosians in Oracle of Seasons: By now I'm completely incapable of looking at the sprites and seeing little hooded people.
  19. New track: [link removed] Source: Nayru's Song Remixer: Hylian Lemon Last update: 04-06-09
  20. Boss and miniboss have actually already been reclaimed (by Sockpuppet5). If you're interested enough, you can take them as well--we already have a couple tracks that are claimed by multiple people--but I'd rather have the other tracks filled first. And don't worry about the work I already did on it. I am more than happy to just let that project file rot.
  21. True; that was me being lazy and newgroundsy. But that can be fixed pretty easily. For anyone who might be interested in the boss or miniboss tracks, I'm withdrawing my claim on them for now; I have some work done on them, but I'm not the greatest at that kind of high-energy track. I'll finish them if necessary, but someone else could definitely do a better job on them.
  22. Sweet! And they even timed it for dramatic impact, rather than just using it as background. That is beyond awesome. Congrats!
  23. It was in Super Paper Mario, though (and this remix does remind me of SPM more than SMB3), so glasfen was close. I officially have nothing left to say about this besides "this is pretty awesome."
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