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Everything posted by Lemonectric

  1. That about sums up the way I feel. I started remixing in 2003 with Anvil Studio. Moved to Fruity Loops in 2005. I've undoubtedly improved since then, but I could have done more with all that time.
  2. This is pretty hot. Very interesting take on the theme. One thing, though; the strings sound fine with the other instruments, but I think they're a bit exposed and not-the-greatest-quality sounding at the very beginning. Otherwise, everything sounds great to me. Definitely seems OCR-worthy.
  3. I like more video game music than non-video game music, but I don't necessarily like video game music more than non-video game music.
  4. Lately I've been practically up to my neck in WIPs and collabs (and not only for this project). That means either we'll be having several updates in the near future or I will go insane and poke out my eyes. But for now, I have a new track (solo this time). The style is along the lines of Endless Eclipse, but a bit more brassy. It's... [link removed] Sources: Maze on the Sea of No Return, Ancient Tomb I definitely didn't want to have to deal with Ancient Tomb by itself, so I tried to figure out how to combine it with another track. Luckily, the track for the area above ground seemed like it could work. Anyway, criticize away!
  5. Connecting the two tracks is an interesting idea, but like Zorlaxseven said, it's a little too late to just link the two together. Anyway, I'd be wary of having two different tracks that flow into each other, because then you end up with two songs that aren't quite complete without each other (if I'm understanding you right). If anyone wants to do that sort of thing on this project, I won't stop them, but I'd prefer each track to stand on its own. That said, I don't have much to add besides what Zorlaxseven already mentioned (though I'm not exactly sure what he means about 2:48 ). The background of the track sounds more fleshed-out now, so that's good. Just be careful about hitting bad notes (like Zorlaxseven pointed out in the intro). If you don't want to bother making a few adjustments and then exporting for hours, I'd suggest letting the track sit for a while. That's what I tend to do; sometimes someone will bring up more ideas or you'll start to notice problems on your own during that time. When you're ready, you can go back with a larger collection of problems to solve, and then you feel like you've done more.
  6. All right, Chickenwarlord and I finally finished our latest collab: [link removed] Sources: House, Maku Road, harp songs The track is separated into three parts, representing different time periods. In the beginning, Link walks through the ruins of a city. He travels back in time into a rural village and helps out a citizen who turns out to be important to the village's future history. Upon traveling back to the future, Link arrives in a peaceful city. Yay! The title has multiple meanings: Link's physical leap through time and the village's ties between past and present. It also references a line from the Maku Tree, when she claims that Link's heart and hers are "bound across time." Let us know specifically what you think about the use of the portal sounds in between time periods. And, of course, anything about the track in general.
  7. At least he got it right in the video. The new design looks pretty awesome.
  8. I recently overheard a theory about that, actually: that the skeletons belonged to Kate and Jack, who had died in the past in the future. I have doubts about its validity, but it still made me go "whoaaaa." That's one of the reasons I love Lost. Mysteries that are left open-ended for a long time. It's the longest-running show I've ever bothered following.
  9. All right, I'm marking you down for Zelda's Rescue. Go ahead and get started. Whenever you're done, you can just post your WIP in the project topic (just make sure it's been several days since anyone else released a new track, so they have full attention for a while).

  10. Clipping is gone, hooray! But the problem chords still sound the same. And you've changed the best part! Something sounds off about the new 0:53-1:11 section; at first I thought it was because of incongruent notes, but it could just be a result of having no background string chords to tie everything together. I don't know. Try adding some in there; it should help fill in the background and make it sound a little nicer. Maybe. Several points in the track would benefit from more background. As for the ending, this style calls for some more climactic closure. It should probably go out with more of a bang. The main thing you need to focus on is the notes that don't fit together. You might try muting all but two instruments at a time to hear the problems more clearly. It might help, if you're having trouble singling them out. Fix those and you'd have a pretty good arrangement.
  11. I like the feel you're going for; sort of like some kind of triumphant procession through the village. The section that best conveys this mood is 0:56-1:14; there you've stuck mostly with the original chords but have changed the tone of the original. Other times, the chords don't fit well. Examples of this are the section from 0:38-0:55 and 2:30-3:06. [dumb criticism removed] And make sure your background strings are in agreement with the rest of your instruments. What I do is I hum the separate notes of a chord in my head before I start putting them down, and then I make sure they all match (I can't read music and I've never taken any classes on it, so I just work by ear). I don't know if that'll help, but it might. Production-wise, a lot of your instruments are clipping throughout the whole thing. You might try bringing the volumes down a little and applying some Fruity Soft Clipper; that can help. Also, you should try switching the lead instrument up once in a while. Otherwise it gets too repetitive. I think the orchestra sound is a good direction for Lynna City. You nailed the mood in the 0:56-1:14 section I mentioned earlier, and the rest of the remix would benefit if you shaped it to sound a little more like this, but with varying melodies and lead instruments. And don't forget about the production stuff. Anyway, I think you're on the right track. Thanks for contributing! Edit: Oh, and give it a title!
  12. Yeah, are we going to be able to use the tags eventually? They don't seem to be working at the moment.
  13. Yay, we can actually use text links to youtube videos now!
  14. Anybody know of a good acoustic piano soundfont with a soft attack? I've been looking for one for a while and all the ones I've found are too hard.
  15. It first shows up at 2:27. I might try to adjust some levels there. I'm actually using a layering of a couple different snares, one of which comes from the Ken Ardency set mentioned there. Is there any specific problem you could name (like, they sound too snappy or crunchy or muffled or something), so I have an idea of how to approach it? PM'd you about this. MAH now it bothers me too. I'll fix that in the next version. So I should reference it earlier in the remix? I can try that.
  16. Oh, the first post said it was open. Oh well. Who else is on it? Is their approach more in line with Sea or Water?
  17. Hello, I'm the new guy. Just thought I'd make my project-joining official (I've already talked to Rozovian). Yay, I'm on a project. I've claimed Innocent Water. I'm a sucker for watery tracks, really.
  18. Ok. Some updates have been made to Endless Eclipse: -Added some electric guitar here and there. If it sucks, let me know of any techniques to get it to sound better, or I can easily just take it back out. -Made the snare drum a bit less harsh. -Added the ending of the Black Tower source (at 2:55). -I also slightly adjusted the volume and panning in a few sections. [links removed] Yay or not yay?
  19. Yeah, I have to agree with you there. At several points in the song, I had thought an electric guitar would be cool, but it's so hard to pull off. I might go back and try it out if I can find a good sample. Thanks for the comments. And yes, it is a sitar.
  20. All right. As a little break from all the Shimmering Scales updates for a bit, I offer a new track! [link removed] (Black Tower Base, Black Tower, Black Tower Turret) It's built around the Black Tower theme, but the base makes an appearance at the beginning and the turret shows up in the middle. Critique, please! Sources: Black Tower Base Black Tower Black Tower Turret
  21. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/137722 - 'Kirby's Mystical Mirror' He claims he worked hard on that one. I think there's quite enough evidence that he's intentionally stealing. It's beyond me why he would plagiarize some tracks and then link people to OCR in other tracks. Edit: The song description is actually an unattributed quote from Nav's submission email, though a part about #ocrwip is cut from the middle. Weird. Guess he's also too lazy to come up with his own descriptions.
  22. Something's wrong with your url. Yeah, I'd probably send the uploader a nice message asking them to add credits to the song info. Sometimes people like this haven't even heard of OCR and don't know where the song is from, and they'll be happy to put that in there. ...sometimes not. But that's besides the point.
  23. Hey, that's the whole point of this board. XD I'll see what I can do the next time I feel like working on it. Thanks for the input. In other news, we now have over 10,000 views! Yay! I had intended to do an over nine thousand joke earlier but I guess I missed it.
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