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Everything posted by Lemonectric

  1. Not being official is the new black. Mokram, my spring break is coming up next week, so after my own deadline passes, I'll be able to devote ALL MY TIME or maybe some of it to my track for this project.
  2. I think I heard a sample of the intro when you were first starting it, and I've been waiting for the full thing ever since. COME ON GUYS GET DONE (I'd help out, but I'm already slacking off in some of the other projects )
  3. Aahh. You had to tease us with a new version that still isn't done? It's still sounding good, but the unexpected ending made me sad. As well as the missing vocals. WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY
  4. Extended deadline? Wat? Well, I needed it for a re-export, anyway. Dumb plugins failing on me.
  5. Hey, mav, nice work on Serious Monkey Business. Pretty cool stuff. :)

  6. nooo i didnt snd it 2 meh fredns in time n now its alredy hapning 2 me!! i droped a cookie on teh flor 2day!!1

  7. Congrats, man! I saw your name on the front page and had to check it out. Pretty awesome stuff.
  8. I think that's a chair scraping against the floor. But I don't know. Pretty sure part of my brain is melting every time I listen to this. Oh god I can't stop
  9. I made it all the way through Great Bay Temple in Majora's Mask only to have the game freeze during the boss intro. This happened twice. I was excited about getting the Zelda Collector's Edition gamecube disk so I could avoid all that freezing. No. It happened again.
  10. So...this is pretty awesome, but I already knew that from reading the topic title. I think it's actually my favorite halchthonic remix. Nothing constructive to add, but like my mom always told me, if you can't say something mean, don't say...anyth-- wait what noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  11. You are. Nice to hear you're as good at playing sax as you are at everything else. Just don't forget the pirate collab while you're wrapped up in your dirty little cartoon character fantasies. (also, heads will roll if this remix doesn't make it onto the site)
  12. You might want to link to instead; the other one is an 8-bit remake.
  13. Relayed. Nice round. No way I'd be able to compete in it. XD
  14. The vgmix topic finally turned up some results. Through someone else who reposted it on ANOTHER site. Haha. You got lucky, just64. http://www.renoise.com/board/index.php?showtopic=24145 I'll try to check on things pretty frequently this week to make sure everything goes smoothly.
  15. (happy birthday even though people here aren't supposed to know :

  16. I had the same feeling at first, and I was so glad that the show didn't go completely in that direction. I did enjoy seeing them meet each other differently, but yeah, the airport scenes were not particularly revealing or exciting besides "aahh split timeline." I'd forgotten about how he heard the numbers. A guy in the mental hospital who'd heard a transmission while in the Navy, right? Yeah, he must have won with different numbers.
  17. Agreed. Well, Shannon was definitely not on the plane. Some of the other changes were interesting, too--Hurley saying nothing bad ever happens to him, Jack's dad not being on the plane. I guess the numbers are no longer cursed? Not sure about the significance of Jack's and Shannon's situations. Originally, Boone went to Australia to get Shannon away from this boyfriend guy who was beating her up. Shannon made Boone leave, Boone tried bribing her boyfriend, I can't remember exactly what happened, but Shannon came to Boone's hotel room and they had some hot step-brother-on-step-sister action and she went on the plane with him. So something must have changed in this new timeline.
  18. Don't remember how I found this. Hopefully not through these forums. But it's kind of awesome.
  19. Awesome news. Any vague ideas about deadlines? I'd love to audition for this, but I'm stretched a little thin for the next few months.
  20. I took a quick break from my projecty obligations because I needed to make a late birthday present for a friend: Source: (Donkey Kong 64)She's asked me to remix it a few times in the past. It was pretty fun to work with. Also, I need to stop making jack-in-the-box jokes in my remix titles. Don't know when/if I'll be able to come back to it, but you're welcome to comment/criticize!
  21. The main problem with The Wind Waker was that Hyrule was a massive disappointment. What? We get to go to a couple of temples down here? Sweet-- No, the only way in is from the ocean. Oh. Shrink down the empty ocean, maybe get rid of some of the reefs and pointless islands, and expand Hyrule a bit. That would've been perfect. So anyway...if the next Zelda ends up a little disappointing, they'd better not even hint at something cool that isn't part of the game. Not that The Wind Waker was disappointing. (also I approve of all this Zelda Kart talk)
  22. A large amount of those WIPs are very close to being done and just need production tweaks here and there (some of them are probably done already, in fact...just unofficially). We're much farther along than the list makes it look, haha. Besides, it's more like two and a half months until the deadline. I'm not too worried about it. I've adjusted the list to show a more accurate representation of progress.
  23. I laughed my ass off. Digging the arrangement. This should sound awesome with live sax. As for the title, "Fill Me Up With Snacky Happiness" has more of a ring to it, I think. The other one's also funny but more of a mouthful. I feel dirty using that word in this thread, but that can't be helped. One of these days you're going to make something I don't completely love and I'll be like "aha, he's not perfect after all." Okay, that'll probably never happen.
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