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Everything posted by Lemonectric

  1. To each his own, I guess. I looked at some of the lines of code that the other guy wrote and my head about exploded.
  2. Mapping is great fun. I once tried to make a Zelda fan game with another guy. He did the hard stuff (programming) and I did the fun stuff (music, mapping, etc.). Basically, I would never attempt coding a game. I'm way too lazy to learn all that.
  3. That's ok; they're valid suggestions. I don't think I want to make it any longer, but I did come up with a different ending while I was tinkering with it today. I thought you might like it better. Changes start at 3:10. [links removed] Any thoughts?
  4. Can't you just click "Extra Large images" in the little dropdown menu after searching?
  5. Thanks for the critique! I've made some changes: [links removed] I tried to make the first Zora Village transition a little better, and I added more instruments to the section you mentioned near the end. I also tried switching the ending back to minor, but I didn't like it quite as much, so I left it the way it was. I think it's a personal preference thing (though I might change my mind if a bunch of other people mentioned it as well). It's been a while since I released a new track, but there are several things in the works. Among the closest to completion: -A Jabu-Jabu's Belly collaboration between the prophet of mephisto and me -A House/Maku Road collaboration between Chickenwarlord and me (I'm slacking off on this...) -A Black Tower Base/Black Tower/Black Tower Turret track by me (this is getting most of my attention at the moment; it's about half done) Just to let you all know that I'm not just sitting around doing nothing.
  6. This made me laugh. The only thing I can remember about reenacting video games when I was younger was when I made a cardboard sword with a duct tape blade at a summer camp. I was doing spin attacks to impress everyone when the hilt bent, and the sword was always floppy from then on. It also got splattered with bleach when someone was spraying it all over the cabin, so the black construction paper on the hilt is all blotchy. I think I still have it somewhere, but who knows.
  7. Used to play it at my grandparents' house constantly. I remember my cousins and sister and me crowded around the tv when I finally reached the final boss. It took me so many tries to beat it, haha.
  8. My first full Zelda experience was Oracle of Ages. I'd played the original Legend of Zelda and Ocarina of Time, but for whatever reason they hadn't interested me at the time. I discovered Oracle of Ages on a friend's Game Boy Color and was completely absorbed. He sold the GBC to me, along with the game, and I started playing it whenever possible. Of course, my parents had a strict one-hour time limit for video games and television and computer and all that stuff back then, so I burrowed into my closet to play. I cleared it out, unrolled a sleeping bag in it, and set up a lamp so I could see the screen. That lamp made it really hot in there. Anyway, I remember saving the game practically every other second, because if someone came in my room I'd have to switch it off and pick up a random book by the time they opened the closet. That was the first game I was obsessed with beating. It may have been the first game I completed...
  9. So, a small update: Essence of Lime and Ricochet have been tweaked. Basically I messed with the square leads in each, and I also made the Essence of Lime background strings more synthy like Rozovian suggested. And then I messed with some levels and frequencies to try to make Ricochet sound nicer. Especially the little latin-sounding fragment that was way cluttered. Not big changes, but comments are still welcome. [links removed] Also, if you have any Ripples of Time critique, post it within the next week or so. Otherwise I'll be closing it.
  10. I'm liking the new section! Wish I could be this awesome with drums. Though I feel like it might be better to go directly from the transition back to the source without fading everything out around 3:30. We've already had enough of a break with the transition section, and the fadeout just loses all of the song's energy. It sounds like the song's over, and then we're dragged back in, which is a bit awkward. I don't know if other people feel differently, but that's my thought. Either way, this is definitely going on my iPod when it's done.
  11. Glad to know you're more aware of your surroundings than I thought. I thought I'd be helpful just in case. XD
  12. So, this is pretty awesome. I love the part one minute in. No complaints productionwise, but in terms of arrangement, the last minute is really empty and sourceless. I assume you're not done yet (you'd better not be), because the percussion just stops and the song fades out. Just make sure to bring back the source before the end so that the sourceless section serves as a transition between dubstep and house rather than an ending (I think the transition works pretty well, personally). But yeah, I enjoyed it. Metroid Fusion could use more attention.
  13. I can do the getting excited thing. I would send in an audition, but I already have too much on my plate. Good luck, though!
  14. This is nice! Production is a little muffly, but you said you were going to rework that anyway. Basically I'm going to have to agree with the stuff progressive mentioned. The cursed section could use more intensity (I think louder percussion would help there), and the following section would be a little more open without the heavy-sounding beat. And yeah, the ending is a bit abrupt. I feel like it would work better with a smooth fadeout of the last chord or something. Definitely different enough from progressive's remix. Has a nice flavor. I'll be watching for the next version.
  15. Thanks, I appreciate the offer. A sax would actually work pretty well in something I just started; I'll let you know when that's done so you can decide if you want to play for it. How do you typically do your sax collabs?
  16. Ok then...I have an updated Ripples of Time. Better or worse? [links removed] (differences start around 2:30)
  17. Cameos as far as I can tell... Adventure of Link title screen A Link to the Past flute song Link's Awakening Ballad of the Windfish Majora's Mask Oath to Order (nice!) Ocarina of Time Serenade of Water I couldn't pick out anything else. It took me a couple listens to notice the ballad of the windfish. XD In terms of critique, I can't really offer much besides agreeing with Rozovian. Of course, if you decide not to keep the 8-bit, it won't really matter. However, I think it works pretty well. I enjoyed it.
  18. Probably C. If the ratings for a familiar game seem kind of low, I just remind myself that reviewers complain a lot more than I do. But if I'm going into unfamiliar territory, I like to make sure the game has great reviews. It's one of the biggest reasons I decided to buy Okami.
  19. All right, I can try it without the new drums. As for Nayru and Ralph, I'll obviously be doing those at some point, but I'm afraid it won't be soon...sorry. But I do have some good news... There's a new track! Whooooo [link removed] (Sea Bottom, Zora Village) Basically I went for a sort of mysterious, sparkly, peaceful mood. The Zora Village sections are pretty similar to the source, but the Sea Bottom had to go through some bigger changes. You might recognize the first minute or so; I had posted an earlier WIP a long time ago. Sources: Sea Bottom/Beneath the Waves/whatever Zora Village
  20. Yeah, at this point everything's open to critique. Don't feel like you need to be some kind of "official" remixer to comment; I'm happy to hear anyone's thoughts. So go ahead and post any other critique you have. And thanks for the compliments. I can't guarantee Ambi's Tower will show up any time soon, but if I need something new to work on, I'll look into that (are you talking about Ambi's Palace or the Black Tower?).
  21. Well, the project is open to contributions from anyone. Whenever you have a song choice in mind, send me a private message (and if I don't respond within a week, I probably didn't get it, so send it again). I'm glad multiple people are interested, because Ages definitely deserves some more love! In other news, I finally got around to working with Ripples of Time. [link removed] -Bass is more broken up at the beginning -Ending is [hopefully] more epic? I might be able to crank out another track (or another update) over Christmas break. We'll see.
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