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Everything posted by Lemonectric

  1. I have a kind of old medley I made for someone's birthday: Chozen One Nothing really good, but I did cover some of those songs.
  2. I like the dark ones, too, with the exception of the dark underwater level. The first time through, I didn't even bother with the coins because I was too busy panicking. Swimming around in complete darkness, unable to see the bloopers until they're lunging straight into your face...once the fire flowers and mushrooms get beaten out of you, it's a nightmare.
  3. what what what holy crap Looking forward to seeing all that artwork. Are they all going to have the watercolory goodness of Calebyte's cover, or will they show moody somewhat melancholy peaceful reflective nostalgia in different ways? That cover's pretty great. I had a similar idea for Essence of Lime, but didn't think anyone would be willing to do that much work. Then again, this project has fewer tracks.
  4. The fortress theme is a remix (and a pretty good one) of the DS tower theme. The castle theme references the Super Mario World castle theme, and it's kind of similar to the DS one, but I'm pretty sure it's mostly new. I actually like the fortress music better this time around. I've heard some scattered references to the DS version music elsewhere, but they're usually a pretty small part of a new song. Like the tropical overworld theme.
  5. Probably because they did it on the DS, too. It was even a little more interactive then, with the jumping stacks of blocks that could give you a boost. I love that the stage selection maps are more unique now. It makes the progression through each world more satisfying somehow. Also, I just went on a dying spree on one of the hidden levels. Parts of the game are pretty tricky. I approve.
  6. All tracks have been claimed! I've finally reached all the people who hadn't been in contact since claiming their tracks. Most of them are sticking with the project, and no tracks have been reopened. I've decided that a final deadline of December 31 may be unrealistic at this point, and vague sort-of deadlines aren't enough motivation. Therefore, December 31 is now the WIP deadline. The final deadline should be soon after, if we have everything. This time, if you fail to meet the deadline, your track will be reopened. No exceptions. The track will then go to whoever gets me a minute-long WIP first (which may or may not be you). I'm hoping that winter break will give everyone an opportunity to get done or close to done, so don't let me down! Basically, this is me giving leeway and being more strict at the same time.
  7. Strike911 made a pretty good remix of it: Twin Witch Trance
  8. Assuming the choices have the same or equally good controls, I usually go for male, though I could go either way. Visuals aren't an issue since designers put more effort in making female characters attractive. But that's what I get for being gay.
  9. Minish Woods was covered in People's Remix Competition a while back. This should be the link, but it's not working. Anyway, here's the winning entry, by Dragonlord: Woods of Mass Obstruction I agree, The Minish Cap had some pretty good music.
  10. LEGO ISLAND <3 I had no idea they made the second one for the gameboy until I looked just now. I had the PC version. Looks like they had the same main theme, anyway: Reminds me of Banjo-Kazooie. Anyway, in regards to the first game, I remember liking this song:
  11. I appreciate the effort. That's one less email I have to send. And I think "somewhat not crappy" would be a more appropriate descriptor. The percussion and the arrangement are great. Some of the synths could maybe use some improvement (the first thing you hear sounds kind of out of tune), but I'm not having any strong reactions against them. Protodome might be able to give suggestions or approval; he's good at chippy fusion stuff. You might post this on the project forum and see if you can get his attention. Whenever you're ready to start revising, anyway.
  12. Sarcasm does not undermine the inherent perfection of this idea. It's part of the Lemon-Lime Coexistence Movement. I'm so ahead of my time, it doesn't even exist yet. But it will. Oh, it will.
  13. A while back I came to the same decision as GTAHater...figured it would be cool if I didn't release every single track before the project was done. So I restricted forum access and took down the site. I'm still allowing people to post WIPs here or wherever, but I've stopped doing it myself since people pretty much stopped giving critique after the first few pages. And we'll see about Fairies' Woods. I do like Hitori's idea about a past and present version, given the fact that there isn't much new music in between the first and second dungeons. We'll let Hitori finish and then decide whether anyone wants to do a massive collab happy present version, letting the darker version represent the past. For now, everyone focus on your own tracks.
  14. We're making progress, slowly but surely. Or just slowly. But it's still progress! People, if you're on the project and have been lying dormant for a while, let me know you're still alive by joining the project forums and posting a WIP in the spirit of Halloween, eh? Your costumes can wait. And we're still looking for a few more tracks to be claimed (list).
  15. Happy birthday! Thanks for all the help!
  16. Given that you made your entry so quickly, I did like how the bass and percussion worked together. Interested in seeing what the special round is all about. Also, I just realized that I used multiple sources in all four of my bonus entries over the years. And a couple of legitimate entries, too. I'm practically incapable of sticking to the source if I'm familiar with the game.
  17. This has been on my iPod since I heard it in the WIP board. The Wind Waker and halc? You can't go wrong.
  18. Yeah, I was struggling with the frequencies, trying to get them to not sound so shrill without making them muffled. I'll tinker with it some more when I find the time. Thanks for the comments!
  19. Sword of Sand (8-5-14) Originally a People's Remix Compo bonus entry from 2009. Planning to submit a revised version to the site to offset the fact that I just contributed a Link's Awakening arrangement. Includes: Phantom Hourglass: Ocean King's theme, Oshus' theme Wind Waker: Great Sea I'd post links to YouTube videos, but I keep getting an internal server error when I add them to the post. Look for them yourself if you care.
  20. Working on a bonus entry. Might be short, but it'll exist.
  21. I've actually set some restrictions on joining/viewing the forums, just to get a little bit more privacy in case some contributors want their tracks to be a surprise. Any criticism by outsiders can be done in this topic, though!
  22. Pretty impressive that she was able to create detailed scenes so quickly and effortlessly. Swoosh. Instant perfect outline of a face.
  23. Essence of Lime is special Thanks for mentioning it, Emunator. And for making this thread, Bahamut. Pretty useful idea.
  24. Aahh. Cool. I really enjoyed all of the remixes; if I were an outsider and had the option of [actually] voting, I don't know what my vote would've been. Pretty good round for only having three participants (and only two "real" participants). I'll get that source to you later today, Bundeslang. P.S. Krow, it's in Pure Phatt. With reverb and phasing and a couple other things. I use it for like everything.
  25. E-Mu Pure Phatt soundfont, I think from http://www.sf2midi.com, but I can't find it there anymore. Didn't see it at hammersound, either. I don't know, you might try searching for it.
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