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Everything posted by Lemonectric

  1. I don't really like the idea of having to choose from a gallery, but you can always use a signature if you want something unique.
  2. We've got a host with "unlimited" storage and bandwidth, but I guess a mirror is always good, right? I don't really know how popular this will end up being, but best to be on the safe side. Thank you for the offer. I can contact you once the project is nearing the final release. yes please
  3. Riding in a car at dusk tends to make me think of Oracle of Ages. Back in the days of the Game Boy Color, I was desperately trying to beat Mermaid's Cave on the way home in the dark. Vire kicked my ass because I couldn't see him. Dripping ceiling pipes always remind me of Kirby's Adventure. That was the first game I ever beat, and it was on my grandma's rocking chair in her basement. Every once in a while, the pipes would suddenly drip on my cousins and me. We refused to move, because it was the perfect distance from the tv. So we just played while getting dripped on.
  4. My file is just a few minutes short of 24 hours, but I probably spent a good several hours collecting beans and stuff after beating the game.
  5. I played it and then replayed through all three to get the full experience. The third one is probably my favorite, though they're all so good. -Art design is incredible. The animations are so smooth and vibrant. The ending to Luigi's level-up sequence makes me smile. -Music is really damn catchy, and I don't think there are any songs I dislike (no Joke's Ends here...). -Writing is hilarious as usual. Bowser is awesome. -Controls are great; a lot of the problems with the first two have been ironed out by now. Bowser's battle controls feel good (especially 'excellent' punches). One of my favorite parts in the game is when Luigi gets stuck in the unconscious sock-like monster and is hopping around talking to other sock-like monsters. So ridiculously awesome.
  6. Yeah, you upload it on thasauce. Put [bONUS] in the title and make sure it's clear in the description to make sure nobody votes for it.
  7. This round caught me in a Mario RPG mood...I've been replaying through the Mario & Luigi series. So anyway, I'm officially obligated to enter this round. I have enough work that it would be a waste not to.
  8. I have some ideas for this...we'll see if I can get around to doing anything past the 30 seconds I just did. I only just beat Smithy recently (this year), to be honest. The first time around, I didn't prepare very well, and then I didn't have any motivation to try again for...a while. So the next time, I maxed out my stats and got the lazy shells instead of stupidly selling the fertilizer. Whoo. Happies all around, except for Smithy. He died.
  9. I tend to get bored watching other people play games. But I remember back when Super Mario Sunshine came out and I was trying to get through the FLUDD-less levels with a couple friends. We kept dying and handing the controller around until someone beat the level. That was kind of fun. No, we were not very good.
  10. Found the site in 2003, joined soon after. Apparently it was purple back then? I don't think my conscious awareness had fully developed at that age.
  11. Hahahaha I preordered the game online (had a little gift certificate sort of thing), so I'll be getting it in the mail at some point...looking forward to it.
  12. Just a quick note: it should be "Alex Kidd," not "Alex the Kid."
  13. Oh god, I'm picturing people dancing to that...once you see it, you can't unsee it. I thought it was all pretty recognizable. Loved the regular boss theme. You get a nice work guy smiley, Cyril.
  14. yes But really, I agree that the pacing was a little slow at points. Despite that, I think it was a fantastic game and I'll definitely be getting this one.
  15. The little folder icon with the green arrow. Or this.
  16. You can turn off the achievement messages. I did. It's nice. Overall I've been impressed with the presentation. Some of the bosses have even been updated a bit (and Flaahgra has the extended PAL version of his theme, thank god). Also, wave beam homing + ability to aim anywhere on the screen = curving shots around walls. Joy ensues.
  17. Hey, I remember that remix. Made me happy. And yes, Metroid Fusion has pretty good music.
  18. This made me happy. That is all. Edit oh my god I just heard the 1up music :3
  19. Cliffside. And my request didn't get done last year. But I don't know why I chose it anyway.
  20. I'll just leave krow on the list for overworld until you guys figure out what to do with it. The Great Moblin's Keep might be a good option, though you should check out the track list like krow said. There are only a few other open tracks at this point.
  21. That was me. Last year's turnout wasn't as good as it could have been...with any luck, more people will pull through this year...
  22. Sometimes text smileys feel more appropriate. The image smileys here aren't bad as far as image smileys go, but it's nice having a choice.
  23. If I ever directed an official OCR album, it would be Paper Mario. It's well-known, it has awesome music, and it doesn't have many remixes. So it's basically the perfect game for a project. But until I reach that point of popularity and/or talent, we'll just have to wait for someone else to steal my idea (pleasepleaseplease).
  24. The source for The White Lagoon sounds familiar. Was it originally in the first Donkey Kong Country? Or maybe I just heard it somewhere... Anyway, sounds pretty cool. I really like the intro with the synthy electric piano-y thing when the drums come in.
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