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Everything posted by UnforgivingEdges

  1. HD is one of those things you notice even if an SD and HD set are not side by side. Everything is just so crisp and clean and sharp. I got a 32" Aquos a couple months ago; I don't think I can ever go back. By the way, the BioShock demo is so fucking hot.
  2. Listen to this man. And listen to me.
  3. I think someone needs to do some reading.
  4. Through many heating and cooling cycles, the GPU or CPU slowly begins to warp off the motherboard. By wrapping the system in a towel and letting it overheat to high temperature inside, the heat builds up and melts the chip connections back to the board. This is only a temporary fix, and it also fries most of the other components inside the system if you do it enough. EDIT- I should also point out that the new premium 360s (the units that are being sold post-August 8 price drop) should all have HDMI ports and 2nd heatsinks inside the casings. How can you tell? It will be on the box. Or you can just pop open the little cardboard flap and take a peek inside. No word yet on 65nm chips, but we'll find out within the week, I'm pretty sure. My guess is these new units have the 65nm in them, but don't quote me on that.
  5. Pretty much. MS is clearing the supply channel of 90nm models to start filling it with the non-breaking version just in time for Halo 3.
  6. University of South Central. Holla.
  7. Nope. The game has inexplicable spikes in difficulty at random times. You think the unicorns are hard, wait until you get to Titania with Cornelius or Oswald. Honestly, you're just better off sticking the game on easy and rushing through to see the story.
  8. Not this week. It ran into some problems in cert, so it was delayed a couple weeks. It was supposed to come out in July, but obviously didn't; it should be out next week or the week after.
  9. Sometime in fall. I'm gonna guess late September to October-ish.
  10. Next week should be Puzzle Fighter HD. Should. Capcom has been having a tough time trying to get it through cert, or so I hear.
  11. I forgot about Rockband. And also I should add Guitar Hero III, to a lesser extent (since it's multiplatform). Also, I will second your suggestion of Eternal Sonata before Blue Dragon. I played ES at E3, and it is sublimely beautiful both visually and the way the battle system works. It's a lot like Star Ocean. EDIT- I also forgot to mention Bioshock, which will be one of the contenders for Game of the Year. OXM gave it a 10/10 and PC Gamer have it a 95%.
  12. Let me give you a little help: Mass Effect Assassin's Creed Orange Box Halo 3 Eternal Sonata Blue Dragon Lost Odyssey Virtua Fighter 5 (with online)
  13. Price cut: Core will now be $280 Premium will now be $350 Elite will now be $450 Halo 3: Bungie confirmed 4 player online co-op through the campaign. Too tired to grab links, but you can find them when you get time.
  14. Easy to put on as long as you're careful. But even if you're not, they're removable and re-applicable if you mess up. In fact, you can take them off and put them back on several times. I got mine on no problem the first time, though. Yes and yes as I understand it. Also, you can play Picross here if you want to give it a test drive before buying.
  15. Hori brand screen protectors. Also, since I'm linking things, learn to play Picross just in time for the DS release this Wednesday.
  16. The Hori protectors don't leave a residue and are tough as nails. Use them and love them; they're sold at Fry's and some Wal Marts.
  17. GrimGrimoire is indeed awesome. This coming from someone who very rarely plays RTS'. If I had to recommend one of the games to someone who could only get one of them, I would recommend GrimGrimoire 10 times out of 10.
  18. Hey look, it's Atomic Skull here to dispense his own brand of superiority and elitism! Odin Sphere devolved from a beautiful game full of potential into a beautiful game full of repetition and tedium. Now, GrimGrimoire. That's the game Odin Sphere should have been. It's dynamic, it's fun, and it has a story that's far more interesting.
  19. Wing Commander isn't bad, per se, but it isn't incredibly deep. Also, for those curious, there are a bunch of new demos this week: Dynasty Warriors: GUNDAM, All Pro Football 2K8, NASCAR 08, and Moto GP 08. They also put up the E3 trailer of Orange Box, which is by far my most anticipated game of the year.
  20. Anyone excited for Picross on August 1? For that matter, has anyone in PAL land ever played the others in the series? The game looks super intriguing, but I'm still not sure I get how it works. Like some sort of hybrid between a crossword puzzle and sudoku?
  21. Malaki, I am always down for some Bomberman Live. Send me an invite; my gamertag is Justegarde.
  22. Crypsis. I had to blend in by faking it. Also, I forgot to mention the funniest thing I heard yesterday: the best way to make a time loop is by xeroxing a mirror.
  23. Hot fucking deets. Not only was the berry cider tasty, but their pizookies were amazing. I <3 BJs. The jacuzzi was physically located right below Hemophiliac in that picture with the slow kids. I don't think there are any pictures, though, because we were all in the water, and GT's camera is incredibly expensive.
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