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Everything posted by UnforgivingEdges

  1. What the fuck
  2. If you guys want the old TechTV style of programming, I suggest you tune in to the G4 Classic stuff as often as possible. One of the reasons the network is doing this is because of all the feedback from viewers stating they want the old format of material. Ratings are king to the powers that run the channel, so you should make your presence felt if you really care that much; it could make a difference.
  3. R-Type Command comes out this week. I have it pre-ordered. I think it's cool to have a sci-fi space setting for a turn-based strategy game; not enough of those.
  4. My friend's list earlier tonight was like this: GTA IV GTA IV GTA IV Away GTA IV GTA IV GTA IV GTA IV GTA IV Xbox 360 dashboard
  5. The Schnelzer Stamp of Approval!
  6. Everyone needs a hobby....I guess.
  7. Thanks Yeah, I had many other questions for him, but the entire interview was getting on by the time I ended it, so I figured I could save them for some other time. There are also a few snippets I left out because they didn't really have much to do with anything. He's very passionate about what he does, and I probably could have let him talk for a couple hours with only three or four questions. It was also a real privilege for me to talk to him; Secret of Evermore is one of my favorite soundtracks ever, and I've been planning this interview in my head for a long time.
  8. I don't usually like to plug my own stuff, but thought the OCR community at large might be interested in this interview I did with Jeremy Soule last week. He talks about his career, what drives him in his work, submitting to OCR, and many other things (including games he's worked/working on). Anyway, hope you enjoy. http://www.g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/684326/Jeremy_Soule_Talks_Music_And_Games_With_XPlay.html#readmore
  9. I use them on my 32" LCD. Games look good and playing on a big screen is nice, but be warned that because the PSP only can output in 240p, you're going to get a letter boxed picture for game playback (photos and videos can go all the way to 1080 if I'm not mistaken).
  10. Maverick Hunter X Mega Man Powered Up Final fantasy Tactics Jeanne d'Arc God of War Start with those. More than enough gaming goodness.
  11. I would buy Xbox Live The Board Game and play it with friends.
  12. Or you could, you know, save some money an buy a system that has your favorite franchises on it.
  13. The important part about this is that they don't care. Their biggest marketing push this year will be or Wii Fit. Nintendo is perfectly happy to rake in billions of dollars on the backs of soccer moms and casual gamers around the world, knowing that their loyal followers will chase after their coattails like loyal puppies. Nintendo will be the next, more elaborate PopCap.
  14. Get Jeanne d'Arc
  15. Kim Swift at Valve who was lead developer on Portal Kellee Santiago from thatgamecompany who was lead designer on flOw Jade Raymond, Assassin's Creed, Ubisoft Montreal The producer of the Phoenix Wright series is a woman The CEO of Blueside, korean developers of the Kingdom Under Fire series, is also a woman
  16. The difference between 720p and 1080p at 32/37 inches isn't noticeable unless you're playing with your nose against the screen.
  17. The demo doesn't do a good job because it tosses you into a mission without context or help. The full game does a much better job of acclimating you to the controls and bringing you up to speed slowly.
  18. It makes me smile seeing all the Sylpheed love. I felt like I was the only one who bought it when it came out LAST SUMMER, and nobody else was raving about it besides me. It's a great game. Also, once you beat the game, you can go back and replay it with all of your upgraded weapons unlocked. This is how you can achieve some of the tough bonus objectives on the early levels and get medals for those missions (which unlocks achievements).
  19. Go with the pro for the HDD if you can. Unless you think you'll be downloading lots of movies or buying lots of Xbox Originals games from the XBL marketplace, 20 GB should be enough for gaming. I usually hover somewhere between 11 and 7 GB available at any time depending on how many demos I have downloaded. It's also always cheaper to buy the Pro than to buy the Arcade and buy a separate HDD. Necrotic, your dad sounds like he rocks.
  20. I would like to assume that people's game systems are within 3 feet of their television. The component cables that come with the 360 are about that long.
  21. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Unless your TV and 360 are hooked together across different rooms of the house, 1080p through component or HDMI is virtually indistinguishable., especially if your TV isn't larger than 50 inches.
  22. Excellent. You'll thank me when all is said and done. One of the best games on the system, IMO.
  23. But a lot of Xbox 360 games don't support 1080p, and unless you have a monstrous TV, then is the minute difference in picture quality really worth mentioning?
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