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Everything posted by Imagist

  1. I'm not saying Nintendo's anywhere near on-par with their online functionality, but it's really just tiring now when people freak out about supposed atrocities based on limited, preliminary information that hardly even warrants such behavior. Give it a rest. We don't even know exactly how good or bad it will be yet, and everyone seems to want it to take a turn for the worse just so they can complain more.
  2. Correction: with the Internet Channel. No other compatibility has been confirmed.
  3. I have to agree on a basic level, and this has always been the case with Nintendo. Their website is nowhere near as useful as other game companies' websites (you mentioned battle.net, which is a great example), and the information, especially about specific games not yet released, is often limited and out-of-date. Why is everyone so convinced this is the case? Sakurai's words: "You can record about three minutes worth of replay data." For one thing, the word "about" kind of leads me to believe this isn't some kind of absolute cap due to memory limitations. For another, it doesn't say "you can only record..." or "you can store..." which leads me to think if anything this is more of a limitation per file, with as many files as desired being recorded. Notice the "SD Card" option on the last screenshot? I'm thinking that just like with the Snapshots feature, you can record as many ~3-minute replays as you can store on the system memory and SD Cards, which can be accessed and sent and whatever that third feature he's not showing us is at any time. This sort of makes sense from Nintendo's "baby the consumer" philosophy, too, because with such limited memory on the Wii they probably don't want to fill it up by automatically recording or allowing players to unwittingly record more than they have the space to store. Sure it's no Halo, but then Wii is no 360 just as 360 is no Wii. EDIT: Also, what sense would it make that each person could only store three minutes when there's a send feature? If people are thinking the Wii can't handle more than three minutes, then logically you couldn't even receive a friend's video data without having less/none of your own data. That's just stupid, and not even Nintendo is that dumb.
  4. I may not get it right away (GH3 is a higher priority for me + my roommates, and PW3 is a higher priority for me) but I do expect to get it eventually.
  5. Crap! I just realized both BWii and GH3 are coming out next week! CRAP!
  6. Anyone else getting it for Wii? It's the only option I have, sure, but I'm also interested to see the way the guitar plugs into and uses the features of the Wiimote. Plus, saving $10 is good.
  7. unless you can go lower than $2 I'm not buying because I got my router for $2 after rebates, seriously folks just buy a router
  8. I invited your friend Companion Cube but he couldn't come because you murdered him. I invited all your other friends but they couldn't come because you don't have any other friends.
  9. Uhhh... wow. Good observation? Maybe?
  10. To suzu: I think Orange Box is the only physical retail option. Although it doesn't make the limitation any less annoying, there's an option to transfer the HL2 and E1 rights to someone else via Steam, so you could get your money back by finding a friend to pay you for them. Otherwise, it costs an exorbitant stand-alone amount on Steam.
  11. This is a double post because Portal is worthy of it. I have to say, I have no regrets that I did nothing but play Valve games and eat for the last fourteen hours.
  12. Speaking of Orange Box, Episode Two is just as awesome as Half-Life 2, if not more so. While Half-Life 2 was a little on the easy side and Episode One was so frustrating and had so rewarding elements it felt like a chore, Episode Two is both decently challenging and full of insanely fun new gameplay mechanics. Also, holy crap the story is going somewhere cool now. The ending snuck up on me entirely.
  13. Wait, it's ridiculous to state that their music covers a broad range of styles (which is quite objectively true) and that, as far as I'm aware, I have yet to meet a person who doesn't like at least one of their songs (which is also true; even my grandpa likes a couple of songs from Pablo Honey)? Right. You and others don't like a thing Radiohead's ever played and I'm the irrelevant one.
  14. I would say that The Bends holds that title, but my first impressions of In Rainbows (the portion we have so far, anyway) are that it's the sort of return to the days of OK Computer, blending high production values and experimental composition with an appropriate level of accessibility, that Hail to the Thief, from Yorke's and others' statements about their intentions with that album, should have been.
  15. Just as a note, the download is out (for some; I got the link already, my roommate didn't) and the album is awesome.
  16. So, after the news about the 40GB PS3 came out, this followed: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=173281 Sony ditching backwards compatibility pretty much destroys any chance that I would ever buy a PS3.
  17. Just in case anyone wasn't aware, we are currently in the voting stage. If you have submitted to this competition or any past competition and would like to vote, the last day to do so is October 20th.
  18. Just finish it as quick as possible. I'm sure if it's posted by morning, it'll be fine. There's still 16 minutes to midnight here, anyway.
  19. Not much more I can do. Frozen “What do you mean you don’t know what the problem is?” “I’m sorry, sir. Everything looks fine from our end.” “Well”—it’s nipping cold out here and you’re not helping because I don’t get reception in that hole of a room and that’s why I’m trying to set up this backward primeval landline in the first place seeing as how you claim to offer free service with this all-exclusive package deal I’m paying way too much for—“what could be the problem?” “It could be any number of things, really. Frozen or shorted wires are out because you claim to have received telemarketing calls. The simplest explanation would be if your phone wasn’t compatible, sir.” Not compatible. “Thanks anyway.” I’ll show you just how compatible my foot is with your— Peter clapped the phone shut and stuffed his hands into the pocket of his sweatshirt. The exhale came long and drawn, a stream of pale smoke as if from some ancient car on the last mile of its life. It was only then he realized how rooted his legs felt on the snow-coated concrete. He was mildly surprised to find no jagged and menacing formation of inch-thick ice had developed during his half-hour on hold. The previous week had recalled one night several months prior. A fire drill, rotating through every dorm, was announced to occur “shortly after 7:45 P.M.” An hour of dawdling, no one daring to be absent from an opportunity for candy points, and finally the alarms—weak and dreadful things that couldn’t portend to wake even the lightest sleepers when hidden behind their soundly muting room doors. A fire drill, of all things! It was out and back in; everyone fell prey. Maybe the heat of a real blaze would have helped them, but no. Not yet winter and still a cold front no weatherman had predicted stalked its way in. The whole process became truly counterintuitive, with the boys who meant to evacuate returning to grab coats, jackets, blankets. The last one of them slipped out fifteen minutes later. Now winter was three months gone, the unseasonal weather was just as bleak and Peter was wearing the very same sweatshirt, which he paid $20 for at some long-forgotten concert. At the time, sure, it was the singular experience of his life, but before a month he moved on. The garb was only the only remnant. Remnants. That was essentially all he had: experience and moving on. Claiming the club frisbee championship and moving on. Dark horse victory as valedictorian and moving on. Only now, where had he moved? Expansive winters catching the witless unawares. Frozen wires and fire drills. He turned and ambled back inside.
  20. What I have isn't much, so I'm going to be striving right up to the deadline to refine it perfectly.
  21. Just as a note, possibly up to ten minutes, but I wasn't really paying attention as I did other stuff in the meantime and came back to it about that much time later.
  22. Just as a note, I paid nothing for the download (not even credit card fees because I chose to pay exactly 0 pounds so I was never asked for credit card info), but I fully expect to be so wowed by it that I will later shell out the cash for the discbox and consequently begin (potentially end atthe same time) my vinyl collection. Just as a note, or those still looking for the catch, you might consider the face that the download is technically an incomplete version of the album (as shown in Wafflecake's quote above) to be that catch. But then again, you do have the option to pay nothing for half of a probably awesome album, which is better than paying nothing for nothing. Just as a note, it's really sort of ridiculous to say you don't like Radiohead's music (period) seeing as how the range of styles they've played over the course of their career is so broad that I really have yet to meet a person who doesn't like at least one of their songs. Just as a note, we should all make fun of Bahamut by overusing "just as a note." Because no one really cares.
  23. I got a router for $2 after rebates. Not saying $2 is common, but you can usually find routers that will do the job pretty cheap (cheaper than a USB thing that's not nearly as versatile anyway) if you look closely.
  24. I didn't suggest it would be immediate, but an attitude like that isn't going to lead anywhere else. Of course, now you won't ban him just to spite me. :darkesword:
  25. You just guaranteed yourself a ban.
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