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Everything posted by Imagist

  1. Took the survey. Said I should be receiving order confirmation soon.
  2. While it is a great song to play, I was much more excited by "When You Were Young," "Reptilia," "Helicopter," and "Cherub Rock."
  3. Where was the survey? Did it just come up after you entered the 16-character code on MyNintendo?
  4. Most online places aren't going to be able to even ship GH3 bundles for any system other than PS2 for a few more weeks. I believe the general consensus is that most of their warehouses are receiving copies within 2 to 6 weeks.
  5. I'm still wondering how to get that after registering my copy of Phantom Hourglass.
  6. Did you not just answer your own question? Also, that song is really hard to play. Not quite as hard as the Lou boss battle or DragonForce, though.
  7. I = ctfreak42. And I use my thumb, but that hand doesn't get tired half as fast as my left hand does with all the solos. I swear, nearly every song in this game has a solo that pops up at about three times the speed of the rest of the song. My finger flexibility is going to be through the roof in some time. But as far as helping with your strum, be sure to use your index finger as well to strum both down and up on faster sections where the notes are closer together. A lot of people around here seem to do it almost all the time, but I find it much less practical for notes that are father apart because then you have to hold your downward strum until the next note when you can strum up again.
  8. Unless it's a difficulty-up or double-note (both of which I find to be almost useless), I tend to use them whenever the boss is on an item streak, so he can't get any items to blast me. One of the last times with Slash I noticed that using an item during his very last part tends to run his rock down very fast, but I was too tired and sick of the mode by that time to give it a serious try again. My fingers basically died (we played essentially seven hours with only one two-hour break in between yesterday).
  9. GH3 is freakin' awesome. I'm totally in love with about 3/5s of the tracklist. "When You Were Young" is especially fun to play, and both "Reptilia" and "Helicopter" are decent challenges. Plus, "The Seeker" and "Cherub Rock"? I really want to jump around and bang my head until I give myself whiplash when I play them. Note: playing with a Wiimote as the secondary controller on Co-op actually works fairly well. A friend and I were able to demolish Medium in short manner last night with me playing lead on the Wiitar and him covering rhythm/bass on the Wiimote. Spleen: I know what you mean about the graphics now, but the only thing about them that really pisses me off that much is the animation. It's bloody awful. The models aren't that bad but the animation is so spastic and in some cases entirely broken it looks like an early N64 title. It's like Activision or Neversoft or RedOctane or whoever's to blame didn't put any effort into the graphics because they figured they could just fall back on the old "oh, it's a Wii, graphics don't matter because it's all about the gameplay/controls" excuse. Yeah, if it weren't for the great tracklist I wouldn't really accept that and be happy when paying the same price as PS2 owners for what is essentially an empty shell of a controller. Don't fail so hard next time plzkthx. Also, is it just me, or are boss battles insanely more difficult than anything else? Playing on Medium, I haven't been able to beat any of them even once. My last try on Slash I just failed on purpose so I could wuss out and move on. How are those meant to be done successfully?
  10. iAudio X5 60GB, as long as you don't mind somewhat poor video playback (it was, after all, one of the first portable audio players to incorporate video). Also, you might want to install Rockbox, particularly if you have a lot of ogg vorbis or FLAC.
  11. WHAT ARE THEY SERIOUS yes they better be the only thing to make this more perfect would be the ability to use mp3s from the sd card but HOLY CRAP THIS IS AWESOME
  12. I was able to send a voucher to a friend who doesn't even have the game. It was gone from my stock and he couldn't do anything with it. Also, the main reason I'm not missing out on GH3 is I'm drooling over the thought of playing The Killers, The Who, Sonic Youth, The Smashing Pumpkins, Muse, Bloc Party, and The Strokes. I haven't been too crazy about many songs on the previous games (although they're still fun games), but this will be a musical fanboy dream for me. EDIT: Spleen, can you play co-op career mode online? Or is it only two players on one Wii?
  13. This is essentially what MP3 did. The only problem is you don't know if the other person has the game, so you could send friend vouchers to someone who couldn't use them or return the favor.
  14. Does the game automatically set that up when you create an online profile, or do you have to register for it through the site?
  15. Probably time to call the competition, especially considering the next one starts this week if we're continuing the bimonthly run. On that note, I have a proposition: I know the next competition should be poetry, and we just did freeform, but considering November is NaNoWriMo, would anyone else be interested in having another freeform competition? That way people who still want to write poetry can, but others who are committed to NaNoWriMo don't have to split their time and can submit a section or chapter or something from their novel instead. For the uninformed: NaNoWriMo = National Novel Writing Month, look it up if you so desire.
  16. 30 and 29, but I didn't pay attention to one halfway through on the second test.
  17. Looks awesome. As soon as I actually get my hands on the game I'll join up.
  18. Um... WMP works fine for me. WMP 10 though, any other version but Classic is awful and I find myself missing some functionality when I try to use Classic.
  19. Oh, crap. I didn't even realize it released today! For some reason I thought the 28th was Monday and it was a standard "street date is Wednesday" fair.
  20. Wait, what? How do you have it already? Also, who pays attention to graphics in Guitar Hero?
  21. Besides, there's nothing to say DLC couldn't be put out later on for the Wii. If it's really even worth it, which I don't think it is, because the only song I really care about playing from either of the past two games is "Take Me Out."
  22. GH3 Wii is listed as $89.99 rather than the $99.99 price on PS3 and 360, but most likely only because Wii games default to $49.99 while PS3/360 games default to $59.99. The guitar is no less expensive, from a consumer standpoint.
  23. Maybe she'll just have a tiny cameo in Fox's portion of Adventure Mode. Please let her just have a tiny cameo...
  24. I think I said a while back nothing could convince me more to buy this game than Diddy being playable. I was wrong.
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