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Everything posted by Imagist

  1. Target, for one, won't have it until Wednesday.
  2. You currently cannot buy spare guitars for Wii or PS3. They're still being mum about when extras will be available, too.
  3. fyi guys lulz = serious naow also groove no longer = larry
  4. So the queue is down to zero and we're adding more judges? At this rate, songs will be judged before they're ever submitted! Oh wait, that already happens sometimes... when they're in the groove... ;P
  5. I second the recommendation of Trolley Square and Rodizio, and also add that Area 51 is an open club, but you have to be careful because every night is different and you really don't want to wind up there on goth or gay night. 80's night is a good time if you can swing that. And just FYI, Provorem really is not as bad as Calpis makes it out to be. It's just that there's nothing terribly worth coming out to see. If you were already in the area you might see if there's anything going on at the Marriott Center or take a stroll through BYU campus, but other than that, it's like everywhere else in Utah minus the points of interest.
  6. A few minutes late with this, but... whatever. OCR Writing Competition - November (Freeform) Round Welcome to November! This month's competition is freeform and will be run according to the freeform guidelines in the first post. The dates for the competition are as follows: Submission Stage: 12:00a PST 10 November, 2007 - 11:59p PST 30 November, 2007 Voting Stage: 12:00a PST 1 December, 2007 - 11:59p PST 13 December, 2007 Judging Stage: 12:00a PST 14 December, 2007 - 11:59p PST 16 December, 2007 Submissions should be posted directly to this thread. Once the voting stage begins, votes may be sent to me via PM. Following the voting stage, the results will be delivered as soon as possible, no later than the end of the judging stage. Also note that those who are participating in National Novel Writing Month should feel free to submit a portion of their novel (within the word limit of the freeform competition, of course) if they so desire. For this reason, any progress made since the beginning of November should be considered valid for submission. Finally, I'm in the process of trying to get an advertisement banner made, so anyone who wants to can help spread the word by linking to the competition thread in their signatures. I know November (especially post-Thanksgiving) is crunch time for a lot of people, but anything goes under freeform, so let's try to have as much participation as possible to increase the competition factor! EDIT: Here is the ad banner, hyperlinked to this post (quote my post and copy if you'd like to use it as-is):
  7. I go to school in Provo, so I don't know as much about SLC as someone who actually lives there, but I will say that whatever you do, you should walk around Temple Square for a bit, simply because it really is a pretty place, and you shouldn't go to Lagoon, because even though it's one of the only well-known amusement parks in the area, it's still so boring that it's not worth the money. Also, if you want to check out the clubs, you might try Area 51 for starters.
  8. Contrary to what I said before, the strike may last quite a while, but only because the worst possible combinations of events has occurred. WGA essentially said "we'll strike it out until we get what we want" and AMPTP (against whom WGA is striking) said "we're not going to do anything until the strike stops." Idiots, both of them.
  9. Holy crap. A 97 at Metacritic? That's almost unheard of in the games section. It'll probably come down as more reviews flood in (the scores generally do... later reviews have a habit of handing out lower scores), but still. The highest score I could find in a quick search was 96.
  10. I'm just a little confused how you felt the need to clump Heroes and House (two scripted dramas) with reality shows (unscripted crapfests), especially given that the former two are affected by the strike and the latter will keep on truckin.
  11. I read somewhere (when I get home I'll see if I can dig out the link) that the movie industry is stocked with enough scripts to last all the way through 2008, and then some. I think the strike would have to last a ridiculously long time for movies to start taking a hit.
  12. Because the only other system to buy it on is PS3.
  13. So wait. I just have one question. Are you guys calling this a "sweet beat" serious, or is this whole thread meant to be taken with a healthy dose of roffle?
  14. They do. So does Target. I would be all over that deal at Toys R Us, but the nearest store isn't exactly near and I never shop there so I don't want to make two long trips to buy the game and spend another $25 when I can just walk over to Target and save $5 with my discount.
  15. A) That was 1988. I don't recall many more recent strikes (this decade), other than the NHL fiasco, that have lasted more than a month, simply because the economy is continually growing more and more efficient at handling them. People make demands, prove a point for a couple days or weeks, they get paid. It works. I find that the fact the WGA has led a strike over similar issues before and it was a big deal back then makes it all the more likely this one will be settled quickly. When you've been slapped silly for something once, you typically don't wait for to be slapped a second time when someone tells you you're doing it again. Also, notice strike series like the NYC transit authority; first one lasts a couple weeks, second one lasts a couple days. C) Anyone worrying about Lost, don't. If the strike were to actually continue, it wouldn't matter beyond the fourth season being split in two and the finale coming a bit later than expected. All 48 remaining episodes are still on order and there's no going back.
  16. It's only been two days and everyone is freaking out about when their favorite shows are going to stop running new episodes. It's not like these shows are all going to collapse. In all likelihood a deal will be cut long before there is any danger of that, even for Desperate Housewives; if the strike lasts through this month I will be very surprised. The saddest thing to me is that this is a guild-enforced thing. There are not few writers out there who really wouldn't go through with the strike if it were up to them. I've noticed this particularly with the writers of Lost; it seems from what comments and quotes I've read that most of them just want it over with as soon as possible so they can get back to doing what they do best.
  17. You know you might not be hearing some of this stuff if they hadn't pushed it back, right?
  18. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/7082627.stm From the sound of this, it seems like the average price for people who actually paid something was about $6, but that doesn't take into account the vast number of people who grabbed it for free. Also, 1.2 million people visited the site, not necessarily downloaded the album, so the above report may be (probably is) somewhat erroneous.
  19. How are the singing parts? Did you see the microphone in action?
  20. After talking to G_D, I have agreed to take over the writing competitions for the time being. Unless there are any objections, I'm thinking that the next competition should be freeform, to allow (as I mentioned before) for people who want to write poetry, people who want to submit portions of novels from NaNoWriMo, and people who want to submit whatever the crap they can manage to churn out while cramming for finals. If someone wants to argue for another type of competition, feel free; either way, the next competition will begin Saturday.
  21. Medium-level high-five!
  22. Sweet. Thanks Douli.
  23. Not my word. I just think it's a really bad song.
  24. Wait a second. If the fourth button on the screen for screen caps/custom stages is "Submit," and the screen looked pretty much the same for replay videos, does anyone else get the feeling Nintendo will be doing a similar "submit one/receive one daily" thing with the replay videos? That would definitely make sense of the three-minute-per-video limitation.
  25. Also, we should be running a competition right about now... G_D, if you're too swamped, I'd be willing to take over this time around.
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