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Everything posted by Imagist

  1. With an extended deadline, I for one am more likely to procastinate more than I have been and wind up forgetting about finishing my story in time.
  2. You realize we were probably going to get like 2-3 more entries tomorrow, right? (Mine included.)
  3. I think one of the biggest things to note here, besides the lack of DRM, is that Amazon isn't going cheapo or terribly greedy on this deal. Not only is the song price not fixed at a minimum of $.99 (or $9.99 for an album) like iTunes, but that $.99 (or $.89 as the case seems to be with quite a sizeable portion of the library, or much much less, down to $7-8 or God knows how little for an album) will net you the sort of higher-quality files you'd have to pay an extra $.30 for on iTunes. It's really a steal, and since there is apparently much more freedom for the artists and labels to set their own prices, they could feasibly go even cheaper. Or, conversely, artists who know everyone downloads only that one good single from their album could simply up the price on it a few cents, possibly lower the prices of the "filler" songs on the album, and thus wind up making the sort of money for their better songs that they ought to be making in the first place with sales of single CDs rather than making nothing near as much as they should from those masterpieces because Apple refuses to allow flexible prices. If there's a digital market out ther already that's doing as much for both creators and consumers as Amazon's system potentially could, I don't know about it.
  4. While this is certainly true, the official mod name appear to be "The Dawn of Chaos"--"WarCraft" only appears in the logo Vess showed here (although admittedly, the fact that the logo is based on the trademark WarCraft logo just makes things worse).
  5. Given how long Project Revolution has been going, I don't think Blizzard sucks quite that much. Besides, they've always encouraged the modding community.
  6. send me friend vouchers I could use some totally omg Ill add you if you add me
  7. I've been tossing around an idea. I just have to find time to sit down and let it go.
  8. are people really not reading here sounds like "well prolly have sum moar stuff l8r guys like mayb sum rank'd play n stuff who noes" to me
  9. Last I heard release was pushed to the 25th. It was originally slated for two weeks ago (the 4th).
  10. two people probably liked you before now it's zero
  11. Again this morning (or late last night, I bet). No one else? I turned slot illumination and standby off for now.
  12. Did anyone else get a hiccup with the system update notification thing? This morning my system was glowing and I had a message board post from Nintendo claiming there was an update, but when I went to grab it I was told my firmware was up-to-date. When I came back from classes it was glowing again and there was not only a notification that the Metroid Prime 3 Preview Channel was now available, but duplicates of both messages. I tried to update again and nothing. Uhhh... what.
  13. I'm not sure whether to not take that seriously and laugh or not take that seriously and tell you it's a short story competition.
  14. GIRL on the INTERNETS?? no wai!!!
  15. just beat Rundas and the only bad thing about this game so far is that missiles look retarded
  16. I'm going to guess: Submissions 9/1-9/28 Voting 9/29-10/12 Let's get it started?
  17. p.s. metroids were created by the chozo to eradicate the X parasites also on some levels that first meta ridley fight was really awesome and on some levels it kind of disappointed me but I had fun anyway edit what the crap why is the default text color not black
  18. that alone ruined fusion for me sa-x was awesome though also everyone else needs to stop playing prime 3 now until I catch up, srsly guys
  19. Could be worse. Could've happened after my bro leaves town next week so that I would have to bum a ride off someone else or take a bus. (And, now that I say this, I won't be able to get a new copy today and it will be next week so I have to find another way to Target.)
  20. Right, I would probably come for at least a day if going home for Christmas still meant going to Virginia. But it doesn't.
  21. No the disc is just bunk. Doesn't work on a friend's console either, and he had the same problem with his first copy of Twilight Princess.
  22. So I just bought MP3, put it in, had it do a proper system update and then I get "The Game Disc could not be read. Bloody BS. Not a single scratch on the disc and I've got to trek back to Target to exchange it, assuming they still have copies available.
  23. some days you are a terrible poster today is not one of those days
  24. The other thing about Gamestop new releases: each store rarely gets many more copies than it has reserved.
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