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Everything posted by Nase

  1. tritone chord changes rock in general. you can make entire tunes with just that. just repeating I - bV can be fun. as the chords share no common notes but all notes of bV are a half/whole step away from I, you can play with different voicings nicely. repeating II - bVI ad nauseum is cool as well. it's a neverending change of unresolved tension, and once the listener's ear gets used to it and almost doesn't even recognise it as a function of the tonic anymore, you can move back to it (or something else).
  2. downloaded the freebies on the xln site and fooled around with them. that "evil" feature on nectar is so much fucking fun!!
  3. hey thanks. though what i really cared about was the revalver download..
  4. I borrowed a mic from my dad...he had this midlife crisis inspired idea of making ambient field recordings, and now it's just lying around it's a pretty damn good one, so i should be happy he gets these ideas. did a little cover of "no business" for testers. crummy guitar playing, flat notes and all, but so what, kind of like the vibe.
  5. that's completely clear dude. and again, i think it's necessary to make it work as intended. my point was you either need none of the two (likes&rating) or BOTH. i guess i could live with the featured mixes having likes, they're featured after all so exposure is already there. a little idea that i expect to not be very popular with you, but i'll post it anyway: one thing that was fun about Overlooked Remix was the personal top 11 every user could make to feature his most beloved mixes. the fact that it was an ordered list isn't important at all; if you view it as a way for everyone to do a little feature list of especially noteworthy mixes of a limited number, in no particular order, i could see it being a nice enhancement. it might even be a valid alternative to extending the 'likes' system to featured mixes. think of it as a mixtape that every user can compile in his profile, and you can click on it and stream through his picks like an actual album. note how i went to great lengths to not use the word "favorite" lol
  6. nothing too wrong about a little circlejerk as long as people don't get too focused on comparing sizes. it's understandable that people feel enthusiastic about and proud of stuff they've learned recently. if you're not putting down other's thoughts, jerk/geek away i say. even if you're gonna make a big mess.
  7. Emotionally, I'm leaning towards that as well (as i said, ratings can be useful but are evil)....but the disadvantages of having just a purely "Likes" based system have to be considered: It'd be way more prone to hype of individual mixes (and individual games). Once a mix reaches a critical amount of likes it'll just keep on generating more exponentially cause of improved exposure. So popularity gaps are increased. Having a separate, more informative measure for voicing (dis)approval lends itself better to people discovering hidden gems that only have few likes, reviews and ratings, though very enthusiastic ones. I believe the best possible system requires the inclusion of this controversial feature, the challenge is making it neutral enough, minimizing the negative impact on the community. Compromises are in order. Another thought: i think it might be best if the (still optional) ratings were coupled with a mandatory review. Nothing too detailed necessarily, but with a moderately low word minimum. Just to pull back on the newgrounds "blam this piece of crap!" factor, yknow.
  8. Harsh reality is, that is exactly the point of a ratings system. That IS how quality control would work. Judging art by numeric values, in a democratic fashion no less, is stupid by design. It's also immensely practical for some purposes.
  9. Lol, wasn't aware of how loaded the vgmix topic is for you. If neat integration of these features into the main site proves successful, i'm all for it. I was thinking along the lines that if there's a second site, it should not be an ocr franchise thing. IF one decided to make something separate, it would definitely be better to give it its own identity. If you can work the core features of vgmix into ocr without succumbing to chaos and bloat, then GREAT! Godspeed.
  10. the idea with vgmix was that the people do QC via a rating system. i don't particularily like rating systems but it's the only way i know of to introduce user governed QC. if you don't have that you'll just end up with another set of judges and a kind of B-site inside the main site, pretty much like OP suggested. you could try to come up with a rating system as neutral and minimal as possible. maybe just a favorite option. or a "this needs more/less attention" rating to go with that. i dunno. genre specific charts of some kind would probably help with ease of access.
  11. I think that while ocr and vgm had a fair amount of people overlap, the community and atmosphere of either was still distinct; that helps with drawing in more people. It's hard to explain why...it might have a bit to do with self-identification by brand. People get their fuzzy warm feelings in different places. It's all about finding the perfect balance between centralization (practicality, critical mass) and bifurcation (variety, personality). In the case of vg remixes, i feel there's room for two distinct big sites with slightly different philisophies, and overall feel. It's just a feeling however, based on gut and memories of vgmix. I love hearing about your plans though. It could be quite successful if done right...if the presentation/way of access goes beyond a subforum feel, if the feedback and database systems are compelling and accessible, and if the word gets out (newgrounds for example is a good cue)
  12. I dunno if it's needed, but if it's a midi track then doing a version transposed by a tritone might not be that much work.
  13. any flat out restrictions on that wouldn't be fun at all. any sounds you can make with your mouth should be fair game, and the number of recording instances shouldn't matter. don't wanna sound like i run this lol but it seems common sense. if you do just whistling or just beatboxing, that's a bit of a different story.
  14. We just need a second big site in the style of VGMix...it'd be so healthy for the remix scene! If anything, in case djp found himself with a lot of spare time, he could tackle a site design in that vein and find reliable people to maintain it. Further developing OCR is probably a full time hobby in itself though. But he could do some networking for such a project on the side, and with any luck find some talent to take most of the workload off him. So, not talking a full blown sister side, but some organisational nudging and oversight to get the right people out of the woodwork. Giving such a site the OCR brand wouldn't be advisable anyway, it needs its own identity. probably not saying anything new here...i expect that djp was very interested in the revival of VGMix. Pursuing the netlabel route and all is a logical step. I just wanna note that devoting some energy to this idea would be the biggest service to the VG remixing scene possible, imo. Even if it's just on the back burner, if you keep an eye open, things might fall into place in a year or two... Also twigy, i think you play too much starcraft, or LoL, or something with metal themed tiers anyway
  15. Sounds like descending chromaticism for the most part. When notes in chords move in a discernable pattern like that, it's generally easier to make dissonance sound cool. I think it falls under the subject of voice leading....? Semantic nitpick: theory is the abstraction. Hearing is the real thing.
  16. Exactly. "Atonal" is a relative term to some degree. It's funny that it's called atonal music anyway, wouldn't "aharmonic" be a more accurate term? 12 tone music is as disharmonic as it gets, but it has plenty of tones
  17. What are your thoughts on rearranging the karaoke track a bit if it fits the idea? I'm thinking it could only improve the fun factor to hear it a little chopped up in some entries. Just read brothadom's post, and this goes for rap more than anything else.
  18. Finally started something! Though it'll be a relatively lazy one. Loops are fun. edit: ok, less lazy than originally intended.
  19. It expands on this "everything is music" cliche doesn't it. In a meaningful way. Rock, Metal, Electro, it all used to be noise at some point. Until human perception started to embrace its patterns. Gives me that nice image of an infinity of other musical sounds and styles we can pull out of the noise over time. Being in the now, there's always this tendency to consider most of the map explored, and to view most of what's left unexplored as not worth exploring ("cuz it sounds shite!" ) That's why things like that article are very refreshing to me. As perception shifts, everything else follows.
  20. How about switching to legacy blocks with that reg edit and only use a few of those? I think they might work best if you wanna work in just a few patterns (browsing through one pattern songs gets a bit tedious doesn't it)
  21. That's sweet. I don't really dig this genre all that much but got some chills too in combo with the video. Thought the extremely stop/motion animation made the 3d look less cheesy.
  22. Haha no sweat, but sweet that you care about details of that kind.
  23. http://aeon.co/magazine/altered-states/why-we-love-repetition-in-music/ Could've also posted it in gen disc or even philosophy, but the content instantly inspired some thoughts about music making so in here it goes. If tldr, at least be sure to listen to the two soundcloud examples (in correct order), they illustrate the gist of it very effectively.
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